Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thursday, July 21, 2016 "Half Over."

Thursday, July 21, 2016
Week: 49
Songs to Remember: To the Beautiful You - Wonder Girls

        It's July 21st, which means that it's less than 10 days 'till August, which means, summer's basically over.

        It's over once it hits August because that reminds me of all the fucking commercials that I saw on TV years and years ago of back-to-school shit. Also I'm not sure if I've said this but my senior portrait photoshoot is scheduled for Thursday, August 4th, at 10:45 AM, at the school library. They're offering some crazy-ass prices for them, like, $40+ for a "standard" photoshoot. It includes 1 yearbook photo and 1 "other outfit." So you can uh, if your school provides it, have a picture of you and some hobby you like in the yearbook.

        But my school doesn't offer that, for us it's just that yearbook photo (the usual one) and for seniors, the senior portrait with the tuxedo/drape attire along with the senior quote thing. And uh, I really don't want any pictures of me in my senior immortalized, especially with a $40+ cost, so, yeah. As for digital pictures, you know the ones you take with your phone, that's an exception.

        I've seen a lot of people have Facebook albums with hundreds and hundreds of pictures of them having great times, I barely post any pictures, or take any for that matter. Maybe I'll do one this year I don't know, like I said, I ain't one of those people who take a lot of pictures, so getting into the habit of that is gonna be something.

        In other news besides the upcoming season, okay well maybe besides this: the opening for Precisely Refined. Currently it's Hobby's "Dollar" in the lead for it, nothing else seems to suit it currently, that, and there's not much of a selection either. Until, I finish listening to the newest Top 100 K-Pop Songs chart by DJ Digital of cours, but you get what I mean.

        Like I was saying, in other news, nothing much today but Skype, driving, and plastidipping. Did 2 coats on the outter surface of the armor, 2 coats on the inner surface of the armor, only because I actually needed to prime some of the sides which sorta stem into the inner areas, and to cover up some of the glue residue. Anyways, that's it for today, I think I've said that a bit too many times in a row for these posts but see ya.

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