Saturday, July 23, 2016

Saturday, July 23, 2016 "Finish."

Saturday, July 23, 2016
Week: 49
Songs to Remember: Fantasy - Fei

        So today's Saturday, I knew I didn't update my song list in a while so I did. I also finished, for the most part, the painting for the majority of my cosplay armor. And out of curiosity, I checked the amount of posts and apparently we're approaching 900 posts.

        That's pretty crazy, that's 900 of, this. 'Course, half of it is just sorta consists of, this. Saying, the usual stuff, heh. Then there's the other half where's there's a lot of action, drama, plot development, and that's what I look forward to. But anyways, watched the 3rd episode of Qualidea Code, where it just got good, 2 hours of driving, and played some more Pokemon Go. I really am tired of it, there's nothing new to do, just the same old bugs that are still prevalent. On the bright side, haven't had much server issues, probably because I don't the app as often anymore, heh.

        No Skype today, my cousin's out driving to, maybe San Francisco or something. Either ways, he's busy. As for learning EXO's "Monster" dance, still haven't started yet, but I will. Same goes for that fucking math packet. It says not to cheat on the answers, that I'm only "hurting myself," and I hate that because it also says to use the internet for problems I don't know how to do. Like, really? Does that shit really need to be stated nowadays? "Use the internet?" I mean how else am I gonna access my textbook without lugging around 5 pounds of paper everywhere.

        That is pretty much it, it's 10:22 PM (was 10:22 PM, now it's 11:34 PM since I didn't finish the post), see ya.

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