Saturday, July 2, 2016
Week: 46
Songs to Remember: Razor Sharp - Pegboard Nerds & Tristan
I just want to go to sleep and die. My legs, my waist, all are tired from walking, standing, specifically standing, and walking.
So, first things first, schedule's out the window. I went with what worked best, which was social media. Most notably, Twitter and Instagram. I'll explain why in this next tale. I was not able to get a picture with LilyPichu and HotShotGG, although they were there, taking picures, pictures, but uh, security guard was like "Sorry, line's closed." Yep, could've gotten that picture had I gotten there a bit earlier.
And also, Dyrus was at the convention as well. You know, the retired top-laner for TSM? My cousins and I were at this fashion show at the convention, the hosts being comedians, and uh, I was pretty low on battery, literally, was holding onto like 5%. I even ran out of my 1 Gig of 4G internet, so Twitter notifications were slow as shit. I was pretty bummed about not getting a picture with LilyPichu and HotShotGG, I was like "Man, I got nothing to post for Instagram." In the midst of about 6:20 PM, I got a Writer notification, it was a tweet from Dyrus, stating that he was going to be at the League Cosplay Gathering until 7:00 PM.
I took things into my own hands and went over there by myself, yes, I walked all the way from the back of the convention, across the Staples Center and to the site, which was near the front entrance of the convention center itself. I stood there, hot, sweaty, tired, legs, waist, back straining, looking around for Dyrus. The gathering site was also near the bus-stop, so, there were lines of people of whom I thought were in line to take a picture with Dyrus. I spoted C9 LemonNation, I didn't really care too much since I already got a picture with him.
As I was looking in his direction, I spot C9 Hai. There's me, walking up to him, he's talking to a friend or manager or something, I wait for them to finish their conversation and bam. "Excuse me, can I take a picture with you?" What was surprising was that there wasn't any people around LemonNation or Hai, they were just, there, in the midst of the League of Legends cosplay gathering, which was surprising. I was still determined to find Dyrus, I looked to the right, back, looked into the actual gathering spot to see if he was in the group, whether he was still in his Sans cosplay or what.
I overhear someone say "Dyrus is over there" and I soon turned to looking to the left side of the site. I finally found his tall-ass, he was talking to some buddies of his, like, friends, talking about tomorrow's scheduling and breakfast and shit. I was standing there, got a bit closer, I looked like a fucking child waiting, heh, just like the Freddy plush I got. I didn't want to be rude and interrupt his conversation, so I waited. Again, I was surprised there was nobody crossing around him. But, once I was there, others noticed too and soon a mini-crowd formed. Dyrus' friend took initiative and announced "If anyone wants a picture with Dyrus, come here now, uhhh, the line starts here" and BAM, selects my spot to be the start of the line.
I was the first for it. All my hard work of walking and searching in a fucking turtleneck, looking like Spongegar or caveman Spongebob, to finally find Dyrus and get that second picture for my Instagram. Holy shit. Jesus. I was just, I was just done after that. Went back to the fashion show, went out to eat Korean BBQ, and that ends Day 2. But before all this, there was the Persona cosplay gathering (which was pretty boring and consisted of only Persona cosplayers, and they started doing single-person pictures, so, I left), getting my cousin to meet this "Gigguk" YouTube guy (which apparently a lot of people came to meet because there was a crowd), uhh, expensive lunch, walking, and exhibit hall looking. My cousin got a RWBY scythe, I got that Five Nights At Freddy's Freddy plush, and a Kiznaiver shirt (which would cost more online, and is also sold out online as well).
Things didn't really turn out the way I expected it to, didn't mean it was bad, just, different. Tomorrow, I'ma be camping out the CLG booth for my fucking photo because godamn, I want a picture for my efforts in keeping up with updates on people's Twitter feeds and Instagram. Then, it'll be just exhibit hall shopping, aaand artist alley. Thank goodness the meetup at the CLG booth is at 12 PM. Anyways, see ya. Oh and by the way, it's 12:35 AM.