Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 "Treading Through Barbed Wire."

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Week: 37
Songs to Remember:

        Alright so, I kinda feel like shit, not really confident in any of my abilities right. I've been slacking off, not motivated to actually do shit or try my best.

        I got an essay on Friday I gotta prepare for, I got an AP Bio final on Saturday morning at 8:00 AM for 4 hours which will determine whether I pass or fail the class, a KDT performance on Saturday for essentially the entire day, an AP Psych AP exam on Monday, more essays I got to prepare for in English next week, the new SAT that I'll be doing early in the morning on Saturday of next week, and following that week, I also got the AP Bio AP exam on that Monday.

        Not to mention I still have the English final and math final to worry about. Also, KDT performance on May 15th. Also, KDT social events following that, going to the graduation thing, writing letters to all the seniors, saying my good-byes to all the seniors I know, and topping that all off, I'm going to Fanime only because KDT's performing there and I'd thought it be cool to tag along.

        So with all this, there's obvious reasons why I ain't motivated right now, because of all the shit ahead of me, my mom giving me shit because she doesn't know how my schedule's planned out (see above), and, that's it. That's essentially the rest of the year, all planned out. Is it going to go the way I expect it to? Probably not.

        One good thing to come out of this is that I hope to never experience any of this next year since I'll only be taking 2 AP's, the rest are kinda meh. And after that, uh, not sure what I'll be planning but it'll definitely be better than what's going on right now. It's 11:39 PM, I got the SBAC tomorrow for the last time, it's the science section so I'll probably breeze through it in like 20 minutes, umm,
"Hello Bitches" is probably the hardest dance to perfect for me right now, the performance is Saturday, not a lot of time. I'm thinking to just stay up the night before.

        Never attempted it, but I will because my Biology grade depends on it, like, urgent. Luckily, I do have coffee at home. Oh and by the way, worst of all, I can't find any new music. Maybe one track every couple weeks, but that's it. Anyways, see ya.

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