Friday, April 1, 2016
Week: 33
Songs to Remember: 3 (The October - December 2013 K-Pop Mashup) - SHIMMIXES
It's not March anymore, it's April now, and, technically it's not the "music room," it's apparently called the color guard room, but theres no alliteration in that so it doesn't sound as good of a title as "Music Room Mischief."
Anyways, April Fool's wasn't what you'd expect. Psychology was just work on like, doing this assignment where you play psychiatrist and try to diagnose a case, etc. Due Monday. Also, mock AP exam, probably gonna try to do at least half of that tomorrow since I got the whole day. English, was pretty fucking cruel. There was a test today, and uh, I don't like how the teacher doesn't let us know a couple days in advance. I saw the assignment which he posted the afternoon before the day of the test. I was at the VSA show, I checked on Schoolloop, he didn't post an assignment yet, so I checked at night.
Boom, test on 3 chapters of Gatsby, an bootleg documentary on Fitzgerald, a bootleg essay to study, and some other stuff. When I went into the classroom, I was hoping there wouldn't be Chromebooks, but there were. I was hoping, we were all hoping actually, for it to be ab April Fool's type of shit. Nope, it's a real test, heh. And no, I didn't study, I have my reasons (mostly consisting of how the teacher doesn't let us know ahead of time and just improvises the schedule). Biology on the other hand, was pretty fucking chill. We just got a practice worksheet, which I didn't do. By that I mean procrastinate on studying it.
Math was math, and also a triple-threat drill. It wasn't called that, it was called a triangle drill or some shit. It's supposed to consist of an earthquake drill, plus somebody has to fake an injury, plus we gotta evacuate outside to the baseball field, and then to the Football field. So yeah, I would preferred a different type of triple threat drill, maybe a tornado drill combined with an earthquake, combined with an intruder drill. Now that'd be triple times the danger.
Anyways, lunch was the usual as well. US History was just work time on the cross-word (which I'm almost finished with). And finally, I was getting the chills like I always do, thinking 'bout how I gotta bring up lrom to a convo with Wl and say the fucking words. So, I sorta mistimed it because she was pretty far up ahead of me on the route to Chinese class. I had to speed-walk on over. I said "Hey, Wl." And she was like "Hey" with an expression like "Oh, me?" I asked her for her opinion on something. I showed her a these two two tuxedo pictures (you know, it's very hard to find different looking tuxedos at the $120 price range. They all fucking looked the exact same, not even kidding) and asked her which one looked better.
She was actually interested in it, she was like "Hmmm. They're both the same." I had to point out the minute shit for her to see and she just picked one, I don't remember which, I don't care, and uh, I stuck prom into this shit. "Are you going to prom?" Of course, she said no. I asked "Realky?" and she said that her friends aren't going and that she'll know nobody there. I told her that she could meet new people there, but she countered that with why can't she just meet new people at school.
And so I said the words. You already know. Except, I didn't wanna be toooo direct, I said "Do you wanna go to prom?" and didnt include the "with me" in it. She said she'd rather stay home, that her friends aren't going, she ain't gonna know anybody there. I think there was a problem with how I said it. Maybe it was a bit too casual, that she interpreted it as a "Do you wish to go to prom, do you want to, do you yearn to go" instead of "do you wanna go as a pair to prom."
If she did interpret it that way, then this shit's my fault, heh. If she didn't, if she did know what I was hinting (well more like, figurative rather than literal), then that was a fucking good-ass hell way to let it off casually and without surprise. Chinese class was just whatever again, the teacher said we could turn in our assignments late since we're in the VSA show. Afterschool, as I was walking to the theater, I ran into Am and she asked me if I had asked that "backup" person I was talking about (I never said backup, but she refers to what I said as a backup). I told her I did, and explained the whole thing, the convo, she said "You gotta do it directly, with a poster." "But I barely know her!"
Yeah, I don't think I'll be going too ham this year. As in, all out. By that I mean, a poster-level sorta shit. I just don't wanna make a big deal out of it, on the off-chance (by that I mean large percentage chance) that the person would say no. And besides, she pays more attention to others than me anyways. If she enjoyed my company, shed make the least bit effort to. So far, I haven't seen it, and the effort that's been put from her is because she sits next to me and is in our team.
Also, on a side-note, I did see Yn during day show. I was walking back to the theater from break, I see her walking, smile and wave. That was a nice cameo. Anyways, afterschool was more shit, gossip, rumors, about VSA and how they're handling shit. A KDT member and that Chinese Club cabinet member/ color-guard club president are planning to grab the mic during the VSA performance and thank VSA for a "great show." Sarcastically and out of spite of course. He says if they push him just a bit further, he'd do something like that. And frankly, I'd feel the same too.
We had a KDT meeting during uhh, waiting time while other acts were doing their performance during the run through (which there were 2 today, 2 practice run throughs, supposedly lasting from 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Jesus), the club president said that we all could leave at around 5:00 PM since we pretty much already got our act down, it's the exact same as day-show so, yeah. We've done it 6 times on-stage, in front of people, so, we've had enough practice.
Instead of watching acts upon acts of, to be honest, "unappealing" performances to us, such as singing, hat dances, etc, the color guard president let us in the color guard room, aka backstage, and just chill there instead of being in the theater seats or outside. People did homework, played cards, lots of dancing to past Lunar Show songs, color guard performances, etc. All in the midst from 3:45 PM to 5:30 PM, 'cause that's the time I left with Cc and Ln. Fortunately, we got to go on-stage for the runtrhough before 5:30 PM, it was like 5:25 PM, and uh, we just trolled the performance. I realized during that time that I didn't feel nervous, either because I know it ain't serious, or, I've done it so many times before, or the audience isn't a real audience, just, other performers or VSA people. Anyways, I left after that, got home, crashed on the couch, the shitty tenants leave in a couple weeks which is good, and uh, played Minecraft with Ec 'till 12.
Anyways, tomorrow I gotta get to school at 1:00 PM to work on new additions to the "Dope" dance. The show lasts from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM apparently, which is too fucking long, heh, and uh, we're going to iHop afterwards. I was "Yes, I'ma order a shit ton of pancakes." I looked at their menu for the first time online and apparently they serve other shit than pancakes. They got like burgers, actual steak, mashed potatoes, actual dinner, appetizers, salads, etc. Like, what the fuck.
It's 1:40 AM, gonna go to sleep and try to wake up at 10:00 AM. See ya.
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