Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 "A Breather Between."

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Week: 36
Songs to Remember: Knock - KNK

        Blazing jokes aside, thank goodness it was Wednesday. I really needed that extra hour at home for what else? Napping of course.

        Psych was just working on our presentations, rather than studying for the final, in 2 days. English was a bit better 'cause we talked about theories and lenses for Gatsby, consisting of, but not limited to: Gatsby is black, Nick is gay, Nick is the devil, etc. Also, /r/fantheories. The teacher pulled up one of the Gatsby is black theory and I'm like "Ayy, I know this place."

        Biology was basically another free period. I know, it should be used efficiently and I did. I spent it doing math work, of which I currently do not understand, like, at all. The test is on Monday and uhh, I told myself I needed just one like, really good test to bring my weighted grade up. I basically got 100%'s in all categories besides the test category for math, which is at like a 50%. I told myself I just need one 100% on a test, or close to, but, looks like this one won't be it unfortunately.

        Anyways, math was just practice on the same shit we're doing, still don't get it and I don't think I'll have time to work on figuring it out 'cause, well, this weekend's packed. Not even kidding. Lunch was the usual, US History was just research and worksheets on the Vietnam war, and Chinese was what you'd expect: practicing vocabulary words. As for the atmosphere, it's, calm. Like, there's comments every now and then, what'd you expect? I don't hate, hate it, but it could be better.

        Oh, what's that? Yeah there was no KDT practice after school for once. Not that it's a bad thing, just, I pretty much have to tell my mom "I'll be staying after school 'till 5:00 PM" almost every day now. And so, got math work done, saving up Psych work for after the SBAC tomorrow, most definitely going to finish notes and shit during that time. And umm, gonna study the shit outta Psych terms for the finals Friday, then, after some big hurdles this week, or, so far, I'll get my reward: 5 hours of whatever the fuck goes. Aka, prom.

        Prom weekend is literally surrounded by tests and shit. We got Psych finals (1/2 of it) on Friday, rest of it on Monday, math test on Monday too, and the rest for studying for the Bio final. Umm, it's 1:10 AM right now, I'll be practicing "Hello Bitches" for a tiny bit, err, ya know what? Tomorrow, and not even for the sake of procrastinating. I'll get carried away with practice, I'll end up finishing at 2:00 AM, not something I want, considering I will not get any sleep 'till... Tuesday. Maybe.

        Probably. Alright, so, see ya.

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