Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday, April 29, 2016 "700 Questions."

Friday, April 29, 2016
Week: 37
Songs to Remember: I Love Rock 'n' Roll - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts

        So I'm gonna be quick about this because I need to start this study session asap. To recap, yesterday wasn't all that exciting, just the SBAC, math which was the usual, history which was just like, making a bootleg booklet assignment, and Chinese was just reading.

        On Wednesday, however, we did an activity in Chinese where we wrote on these little cards and envelopes (like literally, tiny, about an inch big), little "love letters," and we could write it to whomever we wanted, they just needed to have Chinese as a class.

        I received 5 today, to my surprise. I know who sent 3 out of the 5. It was Jk, who wrote "UR HOT" in big letters, this one dude who's in my English class as well who wrote something in Chinese which I can't really read unless I focus on deciphering, and one from Ic, who wrote to me "Hi umm, Ms.Blank is making me writing this and I don't know what to say so uh, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)." And that was it.

        The other 2 featured one having somewhat small handwriting which says "Have a nice day!" except, one the letter they put my name as "Drew Chang" instead of "Drew Tran." It was definitely meant for me though since I'm the only Drew in 6th period and it said 6th period. Umm, it's close though, so that's good, heh.  I can't read the Chinese characters of the person's name, and so, I don't really know who it is. Umm. Also the other one just said like, "Save me, I'm dying here. Ni shi pengyou (which roughly translates to 'You are friend')." Normally I'd be okay with this however, the person wrote their name as "From: Sasuke." Not sure who that is, heh.

        Anyways, the essay for English was whatever, Bio was whatever, just studying, math was meh, lunch was just practice again. Some have commented that Th is being really bossy, but, in my opinion he has the right to since many of us aren't used to very expressive and energetic songs as "Hello Bitches" and that, for this song, there is a very fine line between very badass, and very shitty. So, we gotta perfect it to create that niche effect.

        History was just researching Vietnam war shit and a quick quiz, which was fairly easy for me. And finally, Chinese, where we read, learned how to write a check (because our lesson is on paying rent) and uh, opening up our letters. After school was practice for the K-Pop showcase tomorrow, uhh, not bad, but, we seriously only started doing formations today, the rest is kinda iffy, like, we're doing formations based on our old ones we've done.

        Overall, ehhh. Anyways, The schedule for tomorrow is 7:30 AM go to school, take the AP Bio test, then either if I have time, go home to rest for a bit, if not, head on over to the other High school to work on refining "Hello Bitches" immediately. Anyways, there's 700 practice questions (which are now free) on Learnerator after searching for a code, I'ma attempt to finish all of them to prepare for today, willing to stay up late. Also, one thing I'd like to point out.

        My bio buddies in our CANCER group chat, one of them said that the teacher took the final yesterday (to see how it goes) and she got a 43/49. That's pretty shit, considering she's the one who wrote the test. If a teacher who studied Biology in college, graduated, is teaching fucking elementary AP Biology in High school, wrote her own test, and still can't get it all right? Hoooweee, what a curve will be made tomorrow.

        Anyways, gonna start studying now. See ya.


Thursday, April 28, 2016 "End My Suffering."

Thursday, April 28, 2016
Week: 37
Songs to Remember: Erectile Dysfunction - Pink Guy

        That feel when it's 12:05 AM and you look at the date for the you're writing and it's April 28th, which is like, 1/4th of the year done already.

        I never noticed how study groups can be so effective. This one girl in my English class made a group chat on Facebook for, well, our English class. We have an in-class essay tomorrow and so far we've talked a lot about planning and whatever. Mostly it's just all of of us complaining together that we're gonna do shit on it.

        What's I like most about our group chat is that the group emoji is of a gun and so when you post it, it looks as if you're shooting yourself. It's at this point of the year where you really do feel like killing yourself (first off, I don't advise anybody to kill themselves) due to all the tests teachers are giving out, worrying about the future, planning, etc.

        I for one, joke about suicide and all that dark humor with my friends. I joke about it because I like to think satirically about subjects like this, making it seem less, how do I say it? Less serious, when discussing it for real. Also, since it's being made light-hearted, it's a nice stress reliever. "Oh my god, there's a fucking essay tomorrow. Where the fuck's my shotgun?" Or like, "Just shoot me already! Just fucking, kill me!"

        Again, I'm joking, I'm not being serious about any of this, I don't want people to shoot themselves, I don't want to shoot myself, at least not until the next 60 years or so, and uh, yeah. This post was supposed to be about how and why I make suicide jokes. I'm probably gonna wonder why in my adult life "Huh. Why the fuck did I joke about killing myself so often." And then I come back to this post and be like "Oh yeah. It was actually reasonable to."

        So yeah, stress makes you feel like you wanna kill yourself. The day was just a whole work day really, the SBAC this morning was unfortunately not on science (that was for the sophomores), but on math, where you had to go analytical on ziplines. Fortunately, it was only 5 questions and i was able to finish future work for Chinese and math.

        I got History shit due tomorrow but I ain't worrying about that right now. I got some more outlining to do for the essay for English, the Bio final on Saturday, a KDT performance on Saturday (by the way, nice quality denim jacket came in the mail today. Opened of course, I still don't get why my mom has to open my mail all the time), and an AP Psych AP exam on Monday.

        You could see why shooting oneself is alright with all this going on. Anyways, lots of stuff happening, I'm tired, it' 12:56 AM now, see ya.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 "Treading Through Barbed Wire."

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Week: 37
Songs to Remember:

        Alright so, I kinda feel like shit, not really confident in any of my abilities right. I've been slacking off, not motivated to actually do shit or try my best.

        I got an essay on Friday I gotta prepare for, I got an AP Bio final on Saturday morning at 8:00 AM for 4 hours which will determine whether I pass or fail the class, a KDT performance on Saturday for essentially the entire day, an AP Psych AP exam on Monday, more essays I got to prepare for in English next week, the new SAT that I'll be doing early in the morning on Saturday of next week, and following that week, I also got the AP Bio AP exam on that Monday.

        Not to mention I still have the English final and math final to worry about. Also, KDT performance on May 15th. Also, KDT social events following that, going to the graduation thing, writing letters to all the seniors, saying my good-byes to all the seniors I know, and topping that all off, I'm going to Fanime only because KDT's performing there and I'd thought it be cool to tag along.

        So with all this, there's obvious reasons why I ain't motivated right now, because of all the shit ahead of me, my mom giving me shit because she doesn't know how my schedule's planned out (see above), and, that's it. That's essentially the rest of the year, all planned out. Is it going to go the way I expect it to? Probably not.

        One good thing to come out of this is that I hope to never experience any of this next year since I'll only be taking 2 AP's, the rest are kinda meh. And after that, uh, not sure what I'll be planning but it'll definitely be better than what's going on right now. It's 11:39 PM, I got the SBAC tomorrow for the last time, it's the science section so I'll probably breeze through it in like 20 minutes, umm,
"Hello Bitches" is probably the hardest dance to perfect for me right now, the performance is Saturday, not a lot of time. I'm thinking to just stay up the night before.

        Never attempted it, but I will because my Biology grade depends on it, like, urgent. Luckily, I do have coffee at home. Oh and by the way, worst of all, I can't find any new music. Maybe one track every couple weeks, but that's it. Anyways, see ya.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 "Fortunately."

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Week; 37
Songs to Remember: Crush - I.O.I (아이오아이)

        I wonder if next week's gonna be different. As in, wait, no, nevermind. I was gonna say, if there's gonna be little less work but I forgot that there's gonna be AP testing so, there's that.

        So, 8:00 AM and I gotta flex my math muscles. Not necessarily hard, but the math SBAC was fucking tedious as hell. For example, we had to find quartiles and the median. Not so bad right? Well, it was, considering the question gives us 16 numbers to work with, all with 3's and 2's in the numbers so it made 'em hard to decipher. Oh and did I mention they weren't in order? Spent more time organizing them by hand than actually solving and thinking.

        Lunch was what'd you expect, except this time it was in a different location. Psych was probably one of the worst periods today. Even though I got to sit through 2 presentations, student presentations, I still had to present myself. What's shit is that my partner and I did not get to finish ours, we got about 1/3 of the way and with that, we gotta continue tomorrow. Thought I was gonna be done with it, uh, no.

        English was almost a disaster. We discussed the upcoming in-class essay, of which a student asked "What day are we going to be doing the essay?" "Umm, it'll be on Wednesday." I was like "Wait, isn't that tomorrow." "Which is, tomorrow." Luckily, umm, due to circumstances, he switches it to Friday, so, I got some breathing room at least, heh.

        And finally for today, Bio, I just did the same thing as always now: talk with Ct while doing work. One thing that was interesting was that we had a substitute today, which usually does not make a difference at all, but, he was like, British or something. English, or, whatever his nationality is, not quite sure. But his accent, I initially thought he was just doing it for fun, but he continued with it and so I was like "Oh. Cool." Fun fact, I have never met another person in my life with an English/British/Australian-sih accent before. So, I thought that was pretty new.

        No KDT practice today. I did manage to finish my work for Chinese and such. I also, did not manage to be able to get off my lazy ass and study for the Bio final on Saturday which dictates whether I pass or fail Biology. Umm, I did however, order a denim jacket off of Amazon, I think I said this yesterday. I also ordered red jogger pants as well since I do not own any red clothing whatsoever (blame it on the elementary schools and middle school I went to). I should just order pants of every single color so I'd be set for any type of KDT wardrobe.

        Tomorrow there's "Hello Bitches" practice, aaand, just random shit, I'm not even sure. It's Wednesday though, so, shorter classes. Uh, there is practice so, I'm getting home at 3:00 PM. Anyways, see ya.

Monday, April 25, 2016 "The Train's Still Going."

Monday, April 25, 2016
Week: 37
Songs to Remember: Touch - A.cian

        I'm not be getting a break this week, aren't I? Aside from the free time I get from 2 days of SBAC this week, I'm not safe during or after..

        Psych was what'd you expect: well, not really. We did the FRQ portion of the final, and it kind sucked 'cause the one of the questions was long as hell, I almost didn't finish in time. Since the FRQ is only worth 33% of the exam, if I get a 100% on the multiple choice, I could choose not to do the FRQ entirely, which is what I'm hoping for.

        English was just literal discussions on Gatsby. Oh, did I mention we're gonna have to write multiple in-class essays? Starting Wednesday? Right smack-dab in-between my Psych final I just finished today, a stupid Psych presentation that I gotta present tomorrow? My Bio final on Saturday morning? With KDT practice today, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday? And perform in the K-Pop showcase on Saturday?

        Sounds fun. Anyways, Bio was just free time again, aka, time for me to do class work for Chinese and shit. I also discussed prom with Ct. Her experience was different from mine's, considering she had a date. Umm, yeah, I also spent the time studying for the extremely hard math test next period, which yeah, was pretty hard.

        There were 2 word problems, like a paragraph each for the questions, aaand being able to do both, check work, along with the other problems, it's just not worth it to do 'em. Most people don't really get the word problems, me included. I think the teacher's gonna curve this test hard since nobody is gonna be able to get a 100%.

        Lunch was a KDT meeting this time, which was just a round-up on events, dates, etc. US History was notes on notes, and Chinese was, a bore. Do work in class, read the book, do the vocab, etc. After school was practice for "Dope," "One More," "Mirror," and review for "Mansae." Tomorrow is just gonna be a regular SBAC day, I'm hoping I'll have enough time to finish both English work and Chinese work since I won't be do- wait. Chinese work ain't even due tomorrow since I don't have 6th period tomorrow. Huh. Well this changes things

        Alright, disregard that. I still have yet to find a schedule routine for studying Bio, I'll figure something out by Wednesday. But until then, just gotta get work done. Umm, so, I ordered a denim jacket from Amazon, it's coming by Thursday, and that'll be for the "Hello Bitches" dance performance for the K-Pop showcase on Saturday.

        Also forgot to mention, my dad left for a Europe vacation yesterday morning. He's going with his brother and like, his side of the family. He'll also be visiting some family over there in France. I actually have some cousins living in France, they're like, 35 now or something. The only time I met them was like when I was 2 years-old or something, really tiny, and the only reason I can recall that is from one photo where they are both carrying me and my cousin when we were literal babies at my house, and from that photo is proof that it happened.

        Otherwise, I'd have no memory of them whatsoever. Also, never been to France, or, made contact with them. At all. Not sure how I'd be able to considering, France is pretty fucking huge. Anyways, getting a bit too in-depth, my dad will be back in May something. I'd say 2 weeks. Umm,yeah, gonna be another bumpy alright. It's 12:12 AM, see ya.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016 "Whatever: A Movie Based on the Series 'The Days.' "

Sunday, April 24, 2016
Week: 36
Songs to Remember: Cake by the Ocean - DNCE, Toothbrush, DNCE, So Mack - VASCO (바스코), 제라지다, Baby I'm Yours - Breakbot, Lil' Something (썸타) - CHEN (첸), Heize (헤이즈), Suicide Saturday - Hippo Campus, Press Your Number - Taemin, Be Right There (Boombox Cartel Remix) - Diplo, True (Jay Pryor Remix) - Digital Farm Animals, Fahrenheit (Axero Remix) - XY&O, Sorry - Justin Bieber, Hotline Bling - Drake, No Sense - Sam Kim

        My mind has cleared, my aching of my legs, neck, and back have been lessened, and it's 3:58 PM. Time to spend hours on recalling what was "Whatever."

        So, as from the previous post, I woke up at 11:00 AM or something like that. After playing League and preparation, I left the house at 6:55 PM. Ec was already picking up Ek and heading to the stadium (ya know, Levi's stadium), Mc was on his way, Dv was on his way.

        I managed to not forget anything: my wallet, ID, ticket receipt, phone. Except, my glasses, I was practically blind for the whole thing, uh, could only see two feet in front of me, heh. When my dad and I were closing in on the place, I looked on Google Maps and yep, we missed the turn into the parking lot. Mc was already there, Dv was apparently already there, Ec and Ek were already inside waiting for us.

        Mc couldn't go in without me there (since I was a host and he was a guest), so, him and Dv stood out in front of the place, waiting for me. My dad parked at a red sign (which indicated that it was parking for Levi's stadium and not Great America, in which Great America is literally right next to the place). Yep, people were there with their suits and dresses. I walked to the front, had Mc call me to let me know where he was, and yeah, him and Dv were right there in front.

        We kept walking up (like, it was literally a straight bridge thing to get in) and there were 3 lines, just to make shit go faster. We stood in the middle one, commenting on eachother's suits, etc. I'd say it was pretty hype. Wind was blowing though, which messed up my hair quite a bit. I noticed that the people around us were not like, from our High school. They acted different, there were not many familiar faces, and they were generally, how should I say this, uh, "ghetto."

         My assumptions turned out to be right though, revealed later on. Anyways, we were approaching the security check thing, where we were to empty our pockets, remove our tuxedo jackets, walk through a metal detector, get checked one more time, aaand we were free to go. Reminded me of airports. Up ahead was the stadium building itself, and in person, looked pretty cool with all it's windows and stuff.

        Dv went his own route since he didn't have a guest, to the left, and Mc and I went to the right since we were hosts and guests. Walking through the door, I saw a poster in front of the window, a pink poster with the words "Blank High school guest check-in." I was like "Oh no." The name was of this one High school which is notoriously known to the area as being a really bad school. Like, "ghetto" bad. So yeah, I was right when I noticed the "ghetto" atmosphere from standing in line and seeing many unfamiliar people, it's 'cause it was filled with people from the other High school that was attending prom here with us, but I didn't expect it to be, like, that school.

        Continuing on, we walked up to the counter, we see two staff people and 2 students, one of which was that one girl Mc knew. She said to him "Ayy we should take pics later" and so on. Checking in, the staff scanned my ID, but for Mc, he had a photocopy of his ID, not like, his actual ID. It didn't matter though 'cause his name didn't match my host name under the system, for some reason. I'd say it was because there are 2 Mc's at my school, along with 2 DrewT's as well.

        Either ways, guess they didn't wanna go in depth about it, we had receipts to prove that we did buy our tickets, they let us in since we were causing traffic. Also, apparently we were supposed to have wristbands to indicate we were in, but, nobody ever checked, at all, for anything. Going up an escalator to the 3rd floor I think (maybe 2nd) and the last security check was the breathalyzer thing. Blew into a thingy, "Alright you pass as well, welcome to Levi's Stadium." We met up with Ec and Ek, there was all 5 of us together again, people have yet to fill the place up, and so our first priority was to just sit down somewhere.

        We chose a table to the side, the one with the window view to the football field. It was a table with 3 seats on each side, I sat next to Mc who was to my left, in front of me was Ec, closest to the window was Ek and to the other side of Ec was Dv. We all Snapchatted the event from our standpoint, talked for a bit. When more people started coming in, we went outside (the doors to the seats of the football field were on the same side as the windows) to see the actual field, which in person, looked a lot smaller than you'd expect. Very small. I guessed it looked that way due to the amount of seats surrounding it, but. Yeah. We took a picture of us standing together, behind us was the field, and that was the last time all of us were together for the night.

        Walking around for bit, more people had started to show up, particularly this one group of guys. They were standing outside, like, at the football field seats, and Ek noticed that one of them looked like her friend, the one who always walks with her from their History class (I see it essentially everyday as I walk from US History to my route to Chinese. And I even wave). "Is that Blank?" she questioned. I asked "Blank who?" "Blankety Blank... It is!" All I saw was her going through the door and outside, going up to the guy.

        "Dude what happened?" we all asked Ec. "I don't know, she said she was gonna hang out with Blank for the night or something." And there it was, 5 minutes in and my buddy Ec gets cucked. I'm sorry, but, did not expect this at all to happen, it has never even crossed my mind, for a possibility that this would happen or, anything of the like like this, to happen. All of us were in awe with the thought of "Did that just happen?" Very surreal.

        "Dude, he just took your girl, heh! You gonna let that happen?" "You just got fucking cucked, dude." "Get cucked," Yeah, I feel pretty bad for what happened to Ec, 'cause like, getting cucked is pretty demeaning. But uh, I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the absurdity of the situation and what just happened. I'm pretty sure now that Ec was just backup, like, if she didn't find this guy at prom, she'd stick with him. Otherwise, Ec was donezo, which he was.

         So after that fiasco, we again explored the area of which we were allowed to roam. From the escalators going up, it was the middle of the place, the dance area with the nasty-ass strobe lights, and a bootleg DJ (more to that later). To the left of that (from the escalator standpoint) was nothing really, and to the right of that was the "bar," or in this case, the place to get water and lemonade (from dispensers, no cliche open bowls so people can put any tea in 'em). To the right right of that were the dining tables (and to the front of those were the windows, with them some side tables looking out to the football field) and to the right of the dining tables was the food-court section, consisting of some rather, not that great food, but, still edible. Good selection though.

        At this point, I think it was around 8:00 PM. 65% of the people had showed up, and uh, after our exploration, the 4 of us decided to wait in line for the free pictures (by that I mean literally one picture and a maximum of 2 physical copies of it, all done in front of a nasty-ass green-screen), of which took around 30 minutes, give or take 5. In line, we just talked about what we're gonna do, umm, what pose for the picture, etc, just random shit. Our schedule so far generally was: we take our picture, grab something to eat, find some place to sit, discuss the plan, and then find some girls to dance. Spoilers, it does not go the way you'd think.

        Going a bit faster now, our picture consisted of a somewhat edgy pose where we sling our tuxedo jackets to the back, holding them. The picture generally looked kinda nasty, by that I mean reall nasty in which I hope does not resurfaces ever, heh. Uh, I did end up having the actual physical copies of it, both of them, they're with me right now. Really do not want the public to see it, heh. Anyways, we went over to the food-court, I was walking over there and I hear my name called out. "Drew!" Oh and by the way, there was this girl, whom was in my Chinese class last year, and uh, she's a senior, yeah, aaand is attending prom this year. She calls out my name, I turn and see her and in my mind "Ooooo." Not generally a great thing, She also messaged me quite a bit during the beginning of this all, telling me she was at the dining tables near the food-court, asking where I was.

        she asked for a picture, and fortunately, that was it, heh. I went ahead and walked back to the food-court, got a chocolate chip cookie (which was unfortunately, very fucking big, about as big as my whole hand). and went outside with my buddies. The majority of the seats (like, chairs, nobody was allowed to sit in the actual red seats) were taken by, you guessed it, couples who want a nice, breezy view of the field and the night sky, outside. The couples thing plays out later on. And so, we discussed the plan of, how we're gonna ask girls out to dance.

        Generally, the outline of it was that there'd involve some bootleg-ass pickup lines, Mc's (or Jp's) "survey" method pickup (where you have the contact page open on your phone and you ask somebody to fill out a "survey" aka, gimme your phone number), wingmen, who has initiative, etc. Sounds weird and good on paper. In actuality, no plans, just, whatever. It was around maybe 9:00 PM or something, we all spent a lot of time walking around, standing, standing in line, meetup up with others whom we haven't seen in a while (mostly Mc).

        It fluctuated- err, the most prominent like, longest-lasting, most vivid, the one I recall doing the most of, was just standing. Ec, Mc, Dv, me, all standing in front of this one bar which faces the dining tables, looking for girls to ask to dance. I told Mc that I'd do it, as long as I don't know them. Who does he choose for me? A girl right in the middle of these 2 tables, filled with people from my school, whom I all know. Do I talk to them? No. Do I know who they are and their associates? Yes.

        Under the right circumstances, I would do it, just impulsively go up to them, boom, say "Hey, do you wanna dance?' But I didn't, I couldn't, because of the circumstances. Mc didn't actually do it all for the night, bugged me about doing and not doing it. Ec was just feeling whatever for the whole thing, I was pretty sure the Ek cucking thing was kinda bad. And Dv, he had his own plans set in his mind. We all cycled between going to the dance floor and standing, or, walking around and seeing which girls are good candidates for being asked to dance. It was Mc's idea alright, I generally feel it to be a bit too direct, like, direct towards a goal, I'd keep it more towards a side thing.

        From 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM, it was really just standing, walking, a bit of dancing, meeting up with others, etc. I honestly can't recall exactly in order of everything that happened, but, it's basically what happened. Okay, now, in movies, you see how there are people sitting by themselves, looking all depressed and shit, waiting for people to ask them to dance or whatever, sit next them, etc? That shit ain't true from my experience. It was almost impossible to tell who had a date or not. Everyone was either in couples, or, hanging out with friends. If there was somebody by themselves, it was mostly because they were waiting for their date to come back from the restroom or something.

        Almost forgot to mention, I did meet Ct there in amidst all the action. She apparently had a date, and uh, yeah. She was like "Drew!" and turned around, saw her and she was like "Wow, looking good" or something similar. Did not expect her to have a date. Umm, was definitely not expecting it at all. A couple others I encountered were Tu and Ev (ya know, from KDT) in which I encountered them by Tu slapping my ass from behind. Mhmm. I also met Sm (ya know, also from KDT) with her prom date, Ev. "Wow Drew, looking good" or some shit like that, heh. Also, Mt and Ms (yeah, from KDT). I think. I didn't have my glasses unfortunately, but they called my name, I waved, I think it was them. They both wore red dresses so. I'll get into this later.

        Alright, time for dancing descriptions. Now, you know how people say that our generation is fucked? Have you ever seen the memes comparing dancing in the 1900's compared to now? Ever seen the crazy-ass dancing in movies (not anything like Step Up, but generally teen movies which involved partying, or shows even)? I thought it was only in movies and shows, but unfortunately, it's real. I also blame this mostly on the other High school being here, like, if it weren't for them, there would be a lot less grinding, because that was what filled the dance floor.

        You could see there was people just dancing "normally," as in doing little hops or whatever, to the music. You could see people look into each others eyes, holding each other, the romantic stuff, and then there were those who did the complete opposite of that. By that I mean the girl's facing away from the dude, she's trying to keep an arch, bouncing on his fucking dick and the dude's trying to put it in through her dress. That was what me and everybody saw. And not just a couple, it was a good, hmm, 60%. What a sight, heh. The music didn't help out either.

        The DJ, not sure who hired him, but, in the beginning, he was playing some alright songs, the general pop stuff that's, well, popular with the teen culture nowadays, consisting of stuff like Walk the Moon, Drake, Justin Bieber, Rhianna, Eminem, ya know. But then I guess he ran out of songs because the rest was just complete rap after rap. Aka, even more songs to heighten the grinding mood, heh. I noticed while standing in line for the free picture was that there was random clap track played. Like, just one random one. Then it happened again, then the song transition started, which contained claps. Now I don't know about him, but I'm sure that was unintentional. The dude probably hit the button by mistake, tried to play it off as if it was on purpose, and instead make for a really nasty transition.

        Another thing was that there were no slow songs, just either rap (which encouraged grinding), sometimes a bootleg pop song like Justin Bieber's "Sorry" or Drake's "Hotline Bling," or a hard party song such as DJ Snake's "Turn Down for What"  or Major Lazer's "Lean On." I think there was only one slow song for the entire thing and the song wasn't even like, calm slow. One more thing I want to point out was that people left their shit wherever. On tables, tables, tables, etc. There were shoes, wallets, purses, all kinds of shit. The DJ stops the music once to announce that somebody's wallet was taken (stolen) off a table (I mean it was out in the open, what'd you expect) and that Levi's security was looking at the security cam footage at this moment and that the perpetrator should just return it back where he or she found it. The thing is, uhh, if it was a guy, I'd bet that it was 75% most likely a guy, with low-quality security cam footage, and, considering it was prom where 50% of the people attending are wearing tuxedo's, it's almost impossible to catch 'em. I mean, really.

        So, at this point, things were slowing down, like, I've yawned at least times so far. When all of us were on the search for girls to ask out, at one point I was just sick and tired of just waiting, standing, Mc told me "Hey how ;bout this girl." "Alright" and as she walks by in her red dress "Hey do you wanna dance?" I look at her and find out that it's somebody I know, one who's friends with Ek, Ag, and Jk, and is on badminton team. In my mind "Oh shit it's Blank." "Oh, no, sorry, I'm looking for my friends" "Ah alright, that's cool." "Dude, I wasn't talking about her but I liked the effort."

        Turns out, she was the one Dv was planning to ask to dance with, in which, yeah, I think he did by the end of it all. He used the survey method thing and whadya know, got her fucking number. She's a senior though, and is rumored to be dating the badminton coach. So, ssss, yeah. Nearing 11:00 PM, prom was almost over. Again, us all were switching between doing some dancing (which was very uncomfortable since it was between us guys only, and because of all the goddamn grinding going on, like, jee-fucking-sus, if only you could see the face some of the girls and guys were making as they were grinding, it was, fucking, out of this world, heh), walking around, and standing at one post.

        Yeah it'd look awkward if it was only one of us or two, but since we were in a group it works out. At one point, all of us were departing the dance floor, I was walking behind and see Mt and Ms, again, or something, most likely for the second time. They were like "Ayy, Drew!" and they motioned for me to go along with them, in which yeah, I did. I got kinda sucked in. We went to the dance floor and I danced again, this time with them. Mt took a picture with me. In the midst of it all, we see Cw (you guessed it, from KDT, the KDT vice president) dancing with her friends and she was like "Ayy guys" and for me, she does this one bootleg gesture with her hands, making a heart-looking shape with her fingers (I remember it looking like a big heart, not like the hand-heart thing, but like, motioning with her two index fingers, making out a heart shape). She laughed after it though, I'm guessing she was saying that she didn't recognize me or something similar to that. I couldn't tell what she was saying 'cause one, the music was fucking loud, and two, the music was fucking loud, heh.

        It didn't matter though. Umm, in the dancing, the DJ played the Cupid Shuffle, and so I had to do that for a bit. Felt pretty fucking stupid but it was okay 'cause i was feeling stupid with people I know, heh. We ended up meeting Th in all the dancing, and also Ev,  Tu and Sm as well, and a couple others from KDT. It was a lot of dancing, a lot of dancing, and, during all that, I had a hard time smiling. Like, it was forced, and not an actual smile. An actual smile from me is most likely triggered when there's funny and I genuinely smile off of funny reflexes. Other than that, I'm forcing myself to smile conditionally.

        It wasn't like I wasn't having fun, it was more of a "whatever" type of thing. Also maybe because I was really, really tired. After a series of dances, we all went to the KDT table (which turned out to incidently be like, right next to the tables for where people from our school were at) and there I saw some other members like, the co-president. No KDT president though, no sign of her. Umm, yeah, I hung out with them for a bit, their convo's, it was clear that they were all tired. They left soon after, like, around 11:40 PM. I went back with the rest of the gang, ya know, Mc, Ec, Dv, for the rest of the night. Ec asked where the hell I was and I told "KDT fam." I thought I'd go through the night without meeting up with the KDT fam, fortunately, I'm grateful that didn't happen.

        Mc and Dv went to do their own thing, Ec's dad had already arrived and was ready to pick him up. I decided to leave too since I wasn't planning on staying at anybody's house for the night, and uh, things didn't really go as planned. Also there would be a lot of traffic once it hit 12:00 midnight, so, I wanted to avoid that too. Turns out, there really wasn't any traffic.

        I called my dad, he arrived, took a while but I managed to find where he parked. I got in, headed home, arrived at 12:44 AM. Turns out my dad leaves for Europe at 11:30 AM, not 8:00 AM, so, fortunate for both of us. I turned on the light in my room, took off my tuxedo, got in my regular clothes, and sat down in front of my PC. Just, looked around, see what I missed for the day, which was not really much.

        My neck was sore, my legs were sore, my back was sore. I was fortunate that I didn't have to type all of this last night. It would've been a bit more accurate with all the information still in my head, but, at the cost of feeling even worse in the morning after I wake up. So, what was there to learn after all this? Well, for one, grinding has never been more popular than in this current day and age. Everybody looks like they generally have a date or are going with friends. Throughout the whole thing, there were noticable differences in what people do.

        There were those dancing, there those sitting down at tables and talking with friends, there were those who were just alone with their date and sitting outside enjoying the calmness, and there were those who were like us: in groups and going with how everything goes. If there's one thing that I'd like to remember for next year's, if I'm even going next year, it's that you should really go with a date. People say that going with friends if fun. It's fine for girls, but 4 dudes, not exactly the same story.

        Overall, prom was kinda below my expectations. Lackluster? Yeah. Was it a new experience? Definitely. Let's not to say that prom in general is shit, but from my first experience, seems close to it. But I know now what to expect for next year's. and that is to bring a date. So far, it's been whatever, and that's exactly what happened last night, what our planning was, what the outcome was. Just, whatever. Whatever happens, whatever goes. As of this post, Ek has yet to be seen.

        Critics have reached a general consesus that the movie "represents the epitome of it's title and doesn't over-deliver what you'd expect, but rather teases what the bigger picture lies and will lie underneath." They give it a score of a 6.5/10 stars, or in other words, whatever. See ya.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016 "The Morning."

Saturday, April 23, 2016
Week: 36
Songs to Remember: Smoky Girl - MBLAQ

        There was that feeling when I woke up today and I just wanted it to be a regular Saturday. No, it ain't, I was like "Fuck, it's TONIGHT. Or today, rather."

        It's 12:18 PM, Ec's playing Crusader Kings 2, Mc is somewhere else, there are no signs where Dv is or what he's doing, and Ek's probably just prepping at home. And that's what I'm doing too.

        The rough planning from last night is what I'm most likely going to follow unless I gotta flex changes in which I will.

        Oh shit, almost forgot to publish this post. Well, it's 5:29 PM now, I played League with my buddies for a bit. Umm, yeah, everything is not planned. Are we eating before? After? At all? Who's driving who? Where we meeting? All of those so far, are unanswered. I'll publish this right now so I don't forget, and because I got a lot of things to worry 'bout now. Alright, I'll see ya on the other side.

        The Days movie "Whatever" premiers tonight at 7:30 PM PST. See ya.

Friday, April 22, 2016 "Whatever's Before."

Friday, April 22, 2016
Week: 36
Songs to Remember: Lil' Something (썸타) - CHEN (첸), Heize (헤이즈)

        I'd say it went smoothly today. Any problems? I don't recall any problems. It was a nice transition into what will be the first movie for The Days, as well as the first movie between any of the series so far.

        I managed to get to 1st period by 7:50 AM in which I jumped into test taking straight away. It was recommended that we were to arrive by 7:45 AM to get the max time (70 minutes) possible for taking part 1 of the final, which is just multiple choice so far. My strategy was to count the amount I knew for sure I got right, then focused on the number I got wrong.

        Ended up with about 30 that I knew had the chance to be wrong and so by my calculations, I'd have a passing score, for the multiple choice section that is. 'Course it's never foolproof and usually I'm too confident when it comes to stupid shit like this, but, it does help me be more confident in my answers and strategies. I think it's just a for me to entertain myself during the whole thing.

        Anyways, that was that, it was raining in the morning, hopefully not tomorrow. English, we just discussed the ending of Gatsby aaand watched the 2013 movie ending. It was alright, heh. Umm, ending wasn't what I expected, like, at all, I didn't know what I was expecting really, but uh, spoiler alert, didn't think any of the characters would die. Or, there be any deaths at all for that matter.

        Bio was what'd you expect: free time. I was being efficient and finished about 99% of Chinese work, so that worked out. Math was the usual, the lesson was 10 times more easier than what we previously just learned. Also, test on Monday still. Umm, lunch was the usual again, aaand (I've been saying "aaand" a bit too much) US History was just finishing up some worksheets (which, I had already finished) while watching a documentary about watergate.

        Chinese was just coloring. Yep, a real nice stress reliever to a what I would call a big week. Wasn't filled with like, hate stress, just, there was a lot of things to do. Anyways, I had to present my research summary which most of the facts are bullshit or too generalized. Umm, yeah, the rest was coloring and it went smooth and soundly.

        After school was evaluations for "Hello Bitches" and I was sorta nervous. I did know the moves, they were not that complicated. We did the evaluations like, right after school. Th was the guy teaching so he was the one evaluating us. Cc volunteered to go first (what a trooper) and she didn't do too bad. I got the chance to practice with Cc, we all did, like, we were doing the dance as she was doing it. I volunteered to go 2nd.

        And I have to say, I had it all planned. I didn't do too bad either. The rest of us went one by one, most of us did generally not too bad, including me. Now that is why, Th did not kick anybody out of the dance, heh. He said that a select few needed to show more energy, but they did know the dance, knew the moves, added their own flair to it, it was alright. He posted it like, 15 minutes after. And yeah, that included me, I didn't get cut. WOOOO.

        For the rest of the time, I was just watching people practice, I was on my phone, Reddit, etc. There was a portion of practice for "Hello Bitches," just a small like, suggestions thing, and a run-through. That was it. There was practice for the "Twice" dance and "One More." At this time, Kh was with me. He thought we were having practice for "Mansae." I looked at the calendar post, of which it was changed to another date, and that was changed to another date/ removed entirely.

        So did he come to KDT practice for nothing? Yeah, but not entirely. Me, him, and Vh (yeah, Vh) talked about anime and shit. Apparently Vh knows more anime than I thought, heh. I'm not too big of an anime fan, well. I like it, I know it, but I'm not like, super-super-weaboo type status, ya know. Anyways, KDT might be taking pictures at prom, like, KDT people who are going. Also, there's apparently going to be a KDT social towards the end of the year, along with the KDT awards. Yeah.

        Umm, that's about it. Got home, spent about 30 minutes perfecting and cropping my chosen photograph of me from the photoshoot, and with Mc, Ec, and Dv, we uploaded ours onto Facebook, reaped the karma, I'm not ashamed to say it, heh, and uh, played League 'till about now, which is 12:39 AM. And yeah, URF is out.

        Now as for tomorrow, oh boy. There is like, nothing, and I mean nothing, planned. It's like, all impromptu. We're probably gonna discuss it like, in the afternoon, Mc might be coming to my house, might not, uh, not sure if we're gonna go out and eat before or after, the dance starts at 7:30 PM, ends at 12:00 AM midnight, my dad's going on a vacation trip to Europe on Sunday morning at 8:00 AM, just, a whole bunch of shit, it's all kinda random, whatever happens, happens.

        As for me, I'm both excited, scared, a bit too high of expectations, and just, whatever. Best definition of how I feel about all this: whatever.  And yes, if you were wondering, the Facebook likes are still coming along. Oh yeah, posting plans. Tomorrow I will be posting like, in the morning, preparation shit, what's going down, etc, because if I don't post at all, if I wait until the day after, it'll be a missed post, since, I won't be coming back home at 12:00 AM. My dad's gotta wake up super early tomorrow, my mom can't drive that far since she doesn't know the road to Levi's stadium that well, and uh, hopefully it'll turn out well for my, well-being.

        Anyways, 12:44 AM now. Time to go to sleep. See ya.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016 "All the Work Placed Today."

Thursday, April 21, 2016
Week: 36
Songs to Remember: Lil' Something (썸타) - CHEN (첸), Heize (헤이즈)

        So I wasn't expecting to do a constructed response for the SBAC today. Fortunately, the topic, which was on shit like Spotify, was pretty straightforward.

        I had about an hour left after finishing it. I got some Psych work done, some. Aaand uhh, yeah. Lunch was the usual as well, math was just, practice, again, for the same lesson, which is pretty difficult to get, heh. US History was just a continuation from yesterday, but uh, we also watched a movie on Steve Prefontaine. You know, the runner.

        And finally, Chinese, which was just me doing Psych work and reading. Now, it's 11:16 AM, I just finished all the work for Chinese, US History, math, English, and Psych (for now). I still have yet to study or practice "Hello Bitches" yet, but I will start, now. Alright, gonna go do that now, see ya, wish me luck for that multiple choice in the morning.

        Also forgot to mention, Prince died.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 "A Breather Between."

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Week: 36
Songs to Remember: Knock - KNK

        Blazing jokes aside, thank goodness it was Wednesday. I really needed that extra hour at home for what else? Napping of course.

        Psych was just working on our presentations, rather than studying for the final, in 2 days. English was a bit better 'cause we talked about theories and lenses for Gatsby, consisting of, but not limited to: Gatsby is black, Nick is gay, Nick is the devil, etc. Also, /r/fantheories. The teacher pulled up one of the Gatsby is black theory and I'm like "Ayy, I know this place."

        Biology was basically another free period. I know, it should be used efficiently and I did. I spent it doing math work, of which I currently do not understand, like, at all. The test is on Monday and uhh, I told myself I needed just one like, really good test to bring my weighted grade up. I basically got 100%'s in all categories besides the test category for math, which is at like a 50%. I told myself I just need one 100% on a test, or close to, but, looks like this one won't be it unfortunately.

        Anyways, math was just practice on the same shit we're doing, still don't get it and I don't think I'll have time to work on figuring it out 'cause, well, this weekend's packed. Not even kidding. Lunch was the usual, US History was just research and worksheets on the Vietnam war, and Chinese was what you'd expect: practicing vocabulary words. As for the atmosphere, it's, calm. Like, there's comments every now and then, what'd you expect? I don't hate, hate it, but it could be better.

        Oh, what's that? Yeah there was no KDT practice after school for once. Not that it's a bad thing, just, I pretty much have to tell my mom "I'll be staying after school 'till 5:00 PM" almost every day now. And so, got math work done, saving up Psych work for after the SBAC tomorrow, most definitely going to finish notes and shit during that time. And umm, gonna study the shit outta Psych terms for the finals Friday, then, after some big hurdles this week, or, so far, I'll get my reward: 5 hours of whatever the fuck goes. Aka, prom.

        Prom weekend is literally surrounded by tests and shit. We got Psych finals (1/2 of it) on Friday, rest of it on Monday, math test on Monday too, and the rest for studying for the Bio final. Umm, it's 1:10 AM right now, I'll be practicing "Hello Bitches" for a tiny bit, err, ya know what? Tomorrow, and not even for the sake of procrastinating. I'll get carried away with practice, I'll end up finishing at 2:00 AM, not something I want, considering I will not get any sleep 'till... Tuesday. Maybe.

        Probably. Alright, so, see ya.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 "Bio Interaction."

Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Week: 36
Songs to Remember: Baby I'm Yours - Breakbot

        Well today was a rather different experience, one that gets into a sort of "Hey, you're on your own" kinda thing.

        So first off was testing, SBAC testing. I stood outside my assigned testing room, and apparently they do it by last names so, everybody there basically had last names starting with T, and, a majority of them were Tran, heh. I was waiting outside the door and then suddenly it swung open and out comes my English teacher. "Come on in, guys." I was like "SHIIIIT." I can't get away from him.

        We sat down wherever, I sat like, in front of Et, he was there too. I basically knew everybody there, essentially. The test was on the Chromebooks, a P.E teacher I had was also there, basically reading off the instructions, etc, with my English teacher helping her.

        It took around 15 minutes before we were able to get started. The test was from 8:00 AM (supposedly) to 11:30 AM. Yeah, way too much time. We all basically finished around 30 minutes in, 45 minutes at most. It was 42 questions, most of them involved reading a passage or, putting on earphones to listen to a voice read it for you. Like, really? Is that shit necessary?

        I thought I'd have to use up most of the time, like, only have around 30 minutes to spare. Nope, turns out I had 2 hours. I didn't really understand math, aaand without my phone (they didn't let us use electronics at all, even we turned in all the Chromebooks and shit), I couldn't look up help. I didn't have my Psych book with me, 'cause I didn't think I'd need it, so, wasn't able to study for Psych. Didn't have access to the internet, so, no Bio study for me.

        I was falling asleep reading chapter 8 of Gatsby, so that didn't really work out. And, I finished Chinese work pretty easily. It was a lot of time of just, fucking around, doing nothing. There was even a game of hangman going on, along with pictionary. Afterwards, 11:30 AM hit, we all got out for lunch, then headed to 1st period, in which I had to work with a partner on our bootleg presentation, when we should be studying for the final, which is in 3 days.

        Then, it was English, where we just watched the 2013 remake of The Great Gatsby. It had some pretty bootleg moments, by that I mean a lot. After that, I thought it was just straight to 3rd, but in actuality, it was break. So, I sat in my Bio teacher's classroom (I wasn't alone, there was another dude with me) for a whole 10 minutes. I was wondering why people were taking forever to get to class. I looked up at the schedule written on the board. "Yep, it's break." I looked at the time: 2:00 PM. Break ends at 2:02 PM. "Yep, just sat through break."

        3rd was pretty much whatever, I use the excuse of not being able to study in class and only at home, 'cause apparently there's less distractions. Just played MiiTomo (which is pretty much, shit) the whole time, browsed Reddit, interacted with Ct, you know, the one who's been sitting next to me. There was AP signups after school, so, we rushed over there and were able to snag some seats. Line wasn't that long actually, and, there was still excess seats, so, not bad.

        It was basically just the assistant principal going over each step on what to put on the sheet, which was like, "Bubble in your name," "bubble in your ID number," "place the label on the student pack," etc, etc. Took roughly 45 minutes. Also, having Ct help me with it really, helped me, heh, considering she did this last year. And uh, yeah, it was different 'cause, well I never really talk to Ct besides in Bio, and that's usually when we do nothing, like, besides playing games on our phones.

        Friday is evaluations for the "Hello Bitches" dance, along with practice for others of which I'm not part of. Thursday is more SBAC testing, of which I will be prepared. Aaand yeah, it's 12:40 AM, my hands are cramping, see ya,

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016 "Academic Climb."

Monday, April 18, 2016
Week: 36
Songs to Remember: Get Down - B4-4

        What makes things hard for me is that I'm trying to enjoy the new experiences that are just piling themselves on me, while working. And at this point, after seeing that I have a 76% in math and seeing my grade go down 4% live in English, I just gotta clutch it, do the bare minimum.

        Just for the record, I got only 4 hours of sleep last night. Made a bad judgement in choosing to sleep at 3:00 AM (not even exaggerating). Anyways, my teacher for Psych is really pushing it right now. We gotta do a presentation, due Tuesday, the day after part 2 of our final, on a chapter from the book. We all had to choose a chapter to focus on, particularly one that we're struggling with, and work as a group to come up with shit.

        It's meant to be a sort of studying thing, like, group study (I hate the word "group" for the record). I don't like this method, and even treating it as just work, still, you're assigning us shit even after we've done the final (or just about to). And with the AP exam coming up, I think it'd be better for us to be given in-class time to study, ask questions if needed, etc.

        But yeah, seriously, it's only AP Psychology, the teacher's making it a bit too hardcore, even more than AP Biology (which I learned today that for out of all AP exams, AP Biology has the lowest 5 score percentage besides Physics, 6% as of last year. and only 30% gets a 3. Now that's saying something). English, on the other-hand, umm, things are going a bit slower, which I like, but uhh, I recently looked at the scaling for grades for it, and uhh, apparently there's only 2 categories: bulk work, and essays, projects, major works.

        25% of our grade is bulk, 75% is fucking essays and tests. The teacher updated our grades live in class. I watched my grade go from a 73 point something percent, bumped up by like 0.05%, and then boom, drop 4%, down to a C-, aka, 69%. Like, shit, In my honest opinion, he takes pride way too much on just one of his past students becoming a writer for the New York Times and mentioning his name as a reason of why he was able to get that position.

         But what about the other students? Probably another job other than writing. I don't know anymore, I just don't care to put in anymore effort than needed. I've hit a slope and I could see myself sliding all the way down to a D if I don't get off my ass to do a bit more, to clutch a C.

        Anyhow, Bio was just a study day, self-explanatory. Luckily our final ain't 'till April 30th, which is unfortunately on a Saturday at 8:00 AM. Also unfortunate, that on that day there's the K-Pop Showcase (of which I messaged the club president and she put my name down for "Hate". Yay). It's not that much of a problem though because the event obviously won't start at like, 12:00 PM.

        Math was, pretty harsh. The lesson was on word problems, so you pretty much the know the story already. I focused on copying down the steps and examples, rather than trying to decipher what to do, heh. Lunch was lunch, US History was a small quiz, nothing too bad. And finally, Chinese, where luckily, these won't be the final seats. We got to choose our own seats this time, for lesson 20, and I chose to sit in front of the freshman who sat in front of me in our last spots.

        Our group members were people who I rarely talk to, as in, at all, heh. Umm, I could see that Jk is sitting next to El, or should I say, the other way around, aaand Mt sitting behind him as well. I was like "Is this really the final seats for the series?" I counted 3 weeks ahead, including this week, and uh, nope, there's still more weeks, and I don't think we'll be in these seats for like, 5 weeks, that's a bit too long.

        So yeah, don't really like it, the atmosphere now is whatever, that is the perfect word to describe it. Umm, tomorrow is SBAC testing, if you don't know what that is, it's basically the board of education making us all do these tests online. Like, literally online, with having to input equations with clickable buttons, dragging lines on graphs, typing essays, etc.

        Nobody studies for it, and nobody should study for it, because it's ridiculous how much testing is being shoved down our throats, heh. We already got SAT's to worry about for letting colleges know our "intellect," now we gotta put in even more effort to not like, fuck up the SBAC, all the while studying for final exams, and, AP exams. And, college applications. And, community service, for the seniors whoose hours have been denied due to the new community service coordinator, of which we have to abide by her rules and her judgment on what is really considered "community service."

        And yes, all I do is complain, complain, complain, when I could be using this time to do work. What I wanna get out of this complaining is bring light to the absurdity of how people's futures are being decided by a single letter or number. Or numbers, if we're talking about money.

        Also, almost slipped my mind: there was KDT practice today, along with our live audition to some Key Club members, hoping that we're gonna get in for the charity dinner event in May. Practice for Mansae went without much troubles. For most. As for me, and a few others, our allergies got the best of us, particularly me. We practiced near the back of the L building as it was extremely hot today, highest was 88 degrees, and uh, wind was blowing, next to a field, so, you know what happens.

        Sneezes on sneezes on sneezes. I got allergy medicine now so hopefully we'll be good for a bit. Umm, yeah, other than that, it was whatever. Tomorrow afterschool is also a workshop for filling out AP papers for our AP exams. It's in the theater, after school, most people probably forgot about it which is why there's today and Thursday to do it. Says it takes about 30 minutes, I'm thinking 'bout an hour at most, only because there's a lot of Junior and Seniors at this school.

        Anyways, to sum things up, I'm unhappy with how things are turning out academically, I hoping to do the least bit possible to survive with all the scheduling I gotta do, juggling dances, assignments, studying, going to shit like mandatory workshops, doing mandatory testings, aaand, keeping track of due dates, event dates. This is gonna be one hell of shitshow before the first movie debuts. It's 12:22 AM, see ya.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016 "Breaking Break."

Sunday, April 17, 2016
Week: 35
Songs to Remember;

        I'm finally done with the required Psych work. "Required" as in, shit that is to be turned in for points. It was a lot more than I expected, I started it all at around 10:00 AM, so. It's 1:08 AM right now, which is not good considering tomorrow is school, right after break.

        So, there's a Psych final this week (half), a bunch of practices for KDT, along with the Key Club charity dinner audition tomorrow, aaand, review, review, review, English quiz and shit for vocabulary, umm, and prom on Saturday.

        Oh and I finished that Naruto video. Pretty cringey, not gonna lie, not sure if I'd be willing to post it, heh. But anyways, still gotta re-shoot my dance video, probably Friday or something. And, yeah, pretty fucking tired, did nothing today but Minecraft and work. See ya.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Saturday, April 16, 2016 "Standing and Sitting For the Experience."

Saturday, April 16, 2016
Week: 35
Songs to Remember:

        First things first: prom photo-shoots, will not really want to do again, but will probably do still next year. I am now sick of Taemin's "Drip Drop," both the song and dance because I've listened to the song over a 100 times already, and have practiced the dance multiple, multiple times. And finally: my neck and back are fucking sore, heh.

        So it was 9:00 AM basically when I woke up. I did wake up at 8:30 AM, but I hit the snooze button 'till 9:00 AM. I was almost late for the shoot, fortunately, I wasn't the last one to arrive, so. I got to the parking lot and felt pretty embarrassed, only 'cause I was the only one there, with a tuxedo. Like, the others weren't there (I soon didn't care about what people thought about me 'cause I reminded myself that I wasn't gonna see these people in my life ever again. The public, I mean). Thankfully, Dv arrived about a few minutes after I did.

        We went inside the garden, walked around for a bit before finally coming across Ec and Mc, along with the photographer and his assistant. We took some singles before Ek finally arrived, around 30 minutes late, but it was whatever. And uh, generally it was a very positive atmosphere, The photographer reminded me a lot of this one guy in my Bio class, both in looks and speak.

        We had some bootleg pics such as ones with our animal hats (or, really, two of us had animal hats, the other two had Santa hats). Uhh, I did one in a jutsu pose for shits and whatever, heh. Umm, the shoot ended at 11:30 AM, and by that time, we were all fucking tired as hell. The photographer left and the rest of us started planning my music video, directed by me.

        And no, unfortunately the music video did not go as well as I had thought it'd be, heh. Stabilizing the camera wasn't an option, so Ec had to film it all while standing in one spot, so, no angles or anything. Umm, dancing in a tight tuxedo (mostly the collar), with dress shoes, yeah, that's a nono. I filmed a separate shot for the jump scene, and uh, the rest was just 2 full run-throughs so that I can pick good scenes out of and cut it all together.

        I'm sorta deciding to just film myself in my backyard instead, only because then I could dance more comfortably, rather than stiffening my moves due to my attire, heh. Umm, but the Naruto opening filming went alright. Oh yeah, uh, apparently a lot of people like to go to the Japanese garden on Saturdays, because there were people who saw me dancing and looked, and guess what? I didn't fucking care, heh. I knew that I wasn't going to be seeing these people ever again, they don't know me, I don't know them, they won't recognize me if they do (which is unlikely). So, I could do the most cringey and embarrassing shit and not be ashamed of it.

        And it just so happens that people did take footage of me. Ec said so, but, like I said, I didn't care, heh. Make me famous, why don't they. Umm, like I was saying, for the Naruto filming, I did some bootleg shit like running across pathways with my arms behind my back and a tie tied around my head as a headband. We all did cringey shit (Mc and Ek left because they had shit to do afterwards) but again, we didn't really care, or at least I didn't.

        At around 12:00 AM, we wrapped up the shootings, walked to where we got picked up, went home. I forgot unfortunately, that I had DrewN's birthday party to go to. I was contemplating not showing up because I was really, really tired. Like, my neck was sore, my back was sore, all from waking up so early and wearing a soul-sucking piece of clothing, heh. But, I couldn't miss it, and like, might as well. So, I got home, changed, ate, then went.

        And I'm glad I did. It was DrewN, Jk, Vb, our mutual friend Jh, were there. Ek and Ag didn't show up 'till much later, like, 8:00 PM or something. Lw didn't arrive 'till around 8:30 PM or something since she didn't have a ride, and so Jh drove to go pick her up. We played Soulcalibur IV, MW3, and watched movies like "Kung Fu Killer," "Shaolin Soccer," and "Scary Movie V." Also we took pictures for DrewN's birthday.

         Also, just a fun thing, Dv took a snapchat of me about to dance, and apparently Tu saw it, posted the picture to the KDT group chat and asked if it was me, heh. Yes, yes it was. Uhhh, anyways, got home at 9:30 PM, my shit is still sore, I had a headache during some of the time at DrewN's house, I was falling asleep during some Soulcalibur IV play, only because it was like, past my usual nap time.

        So, as to what is next: I got a final to prepare for, prom (of which thankfully there will be air-conditioning) the movie, Psych work, studying, aaand, editing. Oh and fortunately the guy uploaded the pictures like, around 8:00 PM today, so that was nice. I looked pretty good to be honest, pretty good, heh. Anyways, tired, gonna try to finish the Naruto opening tonight, then off to bed. See ya.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016 "The KDT Park Experience."

Friday, April 15, 2016
Week: 35
Songs to Remember: Queen - History

        A lot can happen in 6 hours, especially when you do dance practice for 3, take an hour break to walk to Starbucks, and spend 2 hours tie-dying. But, most of the time, it was just waiting, or, relaxing.

        9:00 AM was the start of dance practice for CL's "Hello Bitches" dance on a morning of spring break. Th was teaching it, and man, was it hardcore, heh. A lot of us got tired like, halfway through. It could've been the dance, probably the dance because the beginning involved a lot of like, jumping movements, but uh, yeah, we did run-throughs of the song multiple times, we had, little auditions for different parts of the choreography, umm, lots of twerking, definitely a lot of booty action, because of the song, and uh, yeah.

        We got through it though, but it didn't stop there. I completely forgot about Key Club audition run-throughs, which just so happens that "Mansae" was mentioned. I have not reviewed "Mansae" since the time we learned it, so I was kinda fucked. Luckily though, that we didn't do it, heh. We only did "Twice," "Dope," "One More," and uh, yeah. So, I was relieved. Like, I was stressed out a bit on trying to remember the whole 1-minute and 30 second dance part for "Hello Bitches," (even though I tried to learn it last night, in which I basically forgot, didn't really help), but then I had to hurriedly re-watch the "Mansae" dance video and try to remember as much as I could before relying solely on muscle memory and the people in front of me, heh.

        So, thank goodness. It was 12:00 PM, and so we went on a 1-hour and 30-minute break. I was going to just go home and chill, but, some were going to Starbucks, and by some, I mean the freshmen from that milk-tea journey during the VSA show. I decided why not, and went along. Better than staying home, ya know. I realized that for the past, I don't, this year, I have been the most social I've ever been, aaand, that could be a bad thing because I lose focus on responsibilities, but on the other hand, I've stayed home and have done nothing but watching videos and playing video games. So, it's nice to be doing different shit than what I usually do, and I think that's a good thing.

        Anyways, we spent about 30 minutes walking to Starbucks, spent 30 minutes there, spent 30 minutes walking back, people still weren't at the park, and so we waited still. Finally some showed up, aaand finally we were able to get started on the tie-dye. Now last night I watched a video on how to do a cool swirly design which I liked, so I attempted that. Didn't really turn out as I had liked, looks pretty different to the one I saw in the video, umm, but it's whatever.

        And it was fun though, I interacted with a lot of people, making comments for once, it was generally a new experience that I, well, experience, and will be adding that experience to my list of experiences, for which I will have experience, for. A lot of the same word to describe, a word. Uhhh, stayed 'till 3:00 PM, went home afterwards, played more Minecraft with Ec, discussed shit we're going to doing/ filming tomorrow, and uh, it's going to be pretty bootleg.

        Also, apparently Ek's tournament is at 2:30 PM, not 10:00 AM, so, she's gonna be able to go to the shoot after all. Also, gonna be shooting my music video, dance video, whatever, aaand that Naruto opening. Waking up at 8:00 AM (we all know I'm waking up at 8:30 AM) to have enough time to get ready, aaand, pack shit. Other than that, I'm not sure what, heh. It's 11:36 PM right now, gonna practice 'till 12:00 PM, then it's off to bed. See ya.

Thursday, April 14, 2016 "The Point 'Till No Sleep."

Thursday, April 14, 2016
Week: 35
Songs to Remember: Today - JJCC

        I almost forgot to write. Anyways, I basically did nothing but play Isaac, Minecraft with Ec, aaand attempt to learn the beginning to end of first chorus for CL's "Hello Bitches."

        I'm writing this at 1:42 AM because I spent the past 2 hours on learning the dance, and the past 2 hours from that, on playing Minecraft. Umm, I'm probably not gonna get any good amounts of sleep from this day forward, up until, maybe, after May 20th or something, well actually, yeah probably. 'Cause that's when the AP testing is over for me (I think) and uh, I don't have to worry much about the rest of my finals because they're, whatever right now.

        Tomorrow it's gonna be practice for "Hello Bitches" and then 2 hours of group tie-dyeing. I thought about the dance video I'll be shooting on Saturday, and uh, that made me re-think not wanting to sign-up to be part of the KDT cabinet. I looked at the spots and I saw that there were an unlimited amount of spots for teachers. Like, I don't really think I can handle the stress of managing 30+ people and scheduling events, etc, or anything like that, but I do wanna assume a sort of leadership role, I feel like I can handle it.

        So, luckily the sign-ups for it don't end 'till this Friday, but uh, I'll be signing up to be a teacher. Aaand, after editing the dance video and posting it, hopefully the KDT cabinet will see my "unknown dance skills" (as quoted from Ln) and be like "You know what, he's got some unseen potential."

        Anyways, still pissed 'bout not being part of the K-Pop showcase (currently) but uh, I've decided to talk to the KDT president about it. Tomorrow, on Facebook, that is, 'cause it doesn't make sense that I ain't in it when I performed in the VSA show with it, and uh, yeah, there's no space limitations. Ummm, yeah. Can't really think of anything else I'd want to say, it's 1:53 AM, I'm pretty tired. Uh, see ya.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 "Put Me in Coach."

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Week: 35
Songs to Remember: Today - JJCC

        It's hard to study whilst there's shit like playing Binding of Isaac or, watching miscellaneous YouTube videos or browsing social media.

        Okay, I didn't study at all today. How about, I save it all for Sunday? Hmm? I mean I basically will either ways, so. Anyways, it's 10:57 PM right now, hear me out. I'll go to sleep early, then, wake up early (well, earlier than what I usually wake up to these past days. And besides, I barely got enough sleep last night. Slept at 2:00 AM, woke up at 11:00 AM. Not good) and be able to, uhh, look at the "Hello Bitches" dance and review "Drip Drop," as well as learn the opening to the end of the first chorus for "Hello Bitches" entirely.

         That reminds me: I checked the official lineup list for the K-Pop showcase and uh, my name wasn't on there. For any of the songs. That includes "Mirror," "Hello Bitches" (which the list for is still TBA), or "Hate," which is surprising because I was in it for the VSA show, so, I'm pretty much guaranteed. And uh, last time I checked, I did send in my sign-up form for the showcase, but, guess not. And it's not because of stage space, one other song has 16 people whilst "Hate" only has 15, so, they could've squeezed me in there.

        And for a song like that, it was like, anybody who had performed for either the A6 show of VSA with that song, would get in, like, probably for sure. Oh, and also I just remembered that the post for the sign-ups specifically said there were not space limitations, so, if you want in, sign-up for it, show up to practice, etc. I don't wanna message the president and be like "Hey, I'm not in the list for 'Hate'" and have her "awkwardly" tell me "Sorry, you're not in it." She even made announcements herself of this personal issue.

        So, yeah. Luckily, though, err, surprisingly, I'm in for "Dope" and "Mansae" (way too surprisingly) for the Key Club charity dinner show. That reminds me: I gotta work on "Mansae." Uhhh, squeeze that in Saturday night? I'll figure something out. Anyways, kinda bummed out about not being the K-Pop showcase performance (by bummed out, I mean kinda pissed which motivates me even to work even harder on learning songs by myself), my only chance of being in it is for the "Hello Bitches" dance. But uhh,hopefully I get a spot, or else this bootleg tie-dye group thing on Friday's gonna be for nothing but the fucking shirt, heh.

        Alright, it's 11:11 PM, see ya.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016 "Overcoming."

Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Week: 35
Songs to Remember: Overcome - Nu'est

        As weird as the title may seem, the only thing I overcame was my laziness to stat learning Nu'est's "Overcome" which I thought wouldn't be so difficult. Now, I consider it even harder than "Drip Drop."

        I basically started from the beginning, going up to the middle of the first chorus. It's hard, the movements are quick, but, I don't know, something about it makes it much more difficult than "Drip Drop." Anyways, played some Isaac, started on "Overcome," aaand, reviewed a bit of "Drip Drop." Other than that, nothing else really productive, heh.

        Also, the Saturday practice got moved to Friday, right before the Tie-dye event (basically, for our attire for the K-Pop showcase, we're going with tie-dyed shirts. We'll be having like a group club tie-dye day at the park on Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, making our own tie-dyed shirts). So, fortunately, I won't have to send in a video for "Hello Bitches" because I'll be able to make it to practice now.

        Umm, yeah, so far so good. Its 1:01 AM right now so, see ya.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016 "The Criticisms of Teaching Dance."

Monday, April 11, 2016
Week: 35
Songs to Remember:

        It's gonna be a work-filled week alright. But no, not today, heh. I wasn't as motivated to do shit today since I had to wake up as early as pretty much school-time, only to be pissed off a bit from practice.

        I'm not hating on the instructors who were teaching the dance, the dance was not difficult at all. But, I still struggled "remembering" the moves. Not because I was doing them incorrectly, not because, etc, etc. But because I simply did not know what move was next. 3 hours (not continuous of course. The practice started like 10-15 minutes late, as well as a break in-between so). I practiced the chorus a bit the night before, so I thought I was ready.

        The shitty part was that they taught the moves/ perceived the moves to be very different from what I learned/saw from the practice video. Also, we had to learn the beginning, along with chorus, not just the chorus. I got a little pissed off at how we were "conditioning" (creating muscle memory) a lot of the simple moves, rather than focusing on shit that needed more work on. That sorta pissed me off, but, I let it slide.

        And of course, those 3 hours were decided to be for the whole bit that we're gonna do for the K-Pop showcase event show. Like, what we learned in those 3 hours is basically what we're gonna perform (plus transitions and whatnot). And so, with that, there were evaluations. Recorded, evaluations. I'd like it if they tell us if there will be evaluations or not for the practice so that I can just learn the dance by myself at home. Then, come to practice and just pretend to go along with it all or whatever.

        Because honestly, I just can't learn a dance in the short time-span intervals for these practices anymore, I need to be able to see it be performed and see the specific part that's performed by done over and over again, so that I can slow it down, analyze, etc. So, yeah. Learning "Drip Drop" took a while, but I was able to manage it, and yeah, I do have all the moves memorized right now.

        But anyways, that was just my opinion, I'm just sick and tired of learning a dance only to forget moves. Like, we practiced the first part of the song for about an hour, then spent an hour on the chorus. Then, the third hour was on both, but it was treated as like not even practice anymore, just like "You better get that retrieval in your memory." We spent an hour focusing on the chorus, having nothing of review on the first part during that time. I'd like it if they add a move, then do the whole dance again, with that move. Then add onto that: add another move, then do the whole dance again with that move. This way, you're always reviewing and not have to focus like, 10 different details onto a 1-second move, only to forget the rest of what you learned.

        That's just me, for now. Umm, was pretty tired from the practice, half of it was from it being earlier than I'm used to, half from the teaching methods. I essentially did nothing but finish a bit of English work (apparently we're still using the vocabulary book, which we haven't used in a while). Also, yesterday I completely forgot I had the e-portfolio that was due for Chinese. Apparently the teacher didn't care too much, 'cause I got a 170/170 for it anyways.

        And yeah. Relaxing (for the most part), day. Also played a bit of Binding of Isaac late at night. It's 12:39 AM right now. So, see ya.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Sunday, April 10 ,2016 "Drip Drop."

Sunday, April 10 ,2016
Week: 34
Songs to Remember: Drip Drop - Taemin

        I can proudly say that today has been one of the most productive days of my spring break so far. Not because it's only the 2nd day in, but, I actually got the parts of "Drip Drop" memorized, along with a head-start on the chorus of Fiestar's "Mirror" (hopefully we'll be learning the chorus), which we'll be learning tomorrow at KDT practice.

        I spent about an hour and a half, about an hour memorizing and getting down the last bit of the 2nd chorus, then about a half hour doing run-throughs of that exact part, along with the full song. It went, not bad to be honest, heh. I'll work a bit on being up to speed on the entire thing, then focus of details and execution, then bam, I'll be ready to shoot my dance video on Saturday.

        Turns out, though, that there's KDT practice on Saturday. I did not plan this, I did not realize this until today when I checked the KDT schedule. I was like "Ah, shit." And uh, unfortunately, the photoshoot is from 10:00 AM to around 11:00 AM or 12. KDT practice is from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, so, I pretty much won't make it. Fortunately, if I work on CL's "Hello Bitches" a few days before the shoot, I can send in a practice video to the KDT president as a makeup for not being able to go to practice, with me, performing at the shoot.

        So yeah, you can send in practice videos if you can't make it to practice. Umm, other than that, yeah, not bad. I went through the first chorus of Fiestar's "Mirror" and it seemed pretty simple. I went through it very slowly though, not trying to memorize it entirely, but get a feel of the moves, have an overview, etc. And of course, try 'em. Hopefully it's the first chorus we'll be learning tomorrow and not like, the other parts of the song, 'cause really, I looked at it all and there's barely any real big movements, it's all like, transitions, some hip movements, etc. You'll get it if you watch the practice video.

        So anyways, Ec and the others have school this week, unlike me, Et, and Dv. And, those who are in my school district. After practice, I'll probably get started on "Overcome" or something, depends if I'm feeling lazy or not. Umm, that's it for now, see ya.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016 "Minecraft."

Saturday, April 9, 2016
Week: 34
Songs to Remember: Silhouette - KANA-BOON

        I forgot to mention this yesterday but, spring fucking break. I gotta practice some dances, do some studying, do some shit for Psych, and prep for that prom shoot on Saturday.

        So what did I do today? Minecraft. And a little bit of League, but predominantly Minecraft. I'm talking 'bout, maybe, 5 hours straight, with some breaks. But, yeah, 5 hours. A bit more too had the continuous play not be counted as the only one, because I played with Ec for a bit around the afternoon, then from 8:00 PM to 12:00 AM, so, yeah.

        We got a lot done though. Not in real life, but, Minecraft, heh. And yes, I did get a little bit bored, probably gonna hold off on it for a while, maybe, I don't know, practice the rest of "Drip Drop" tomorrow, then move onto "Overcome." And so, yeah. Anyways, it's 12:55 AM, I woke up at 11:30 AM today because my alarm was muffled by my pillow. See ya.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016 "To Start the Risk."

Friday, April 8, 2016
Week: 34
Songs to Remember: Smoky Girl - MBLAQ

        Did not know we'd be having "Mansae" evaluations the day we learn the dance. Had I known that, I would've gotten a head-start on practice at home. But uh, too late for that now.

        Psych was just notes, which was apparently the last lecture and notes we have to take for the year. Umm, yeah, pretty much it. English was just a "quest" which was, fairly, ehhhh. Nothing too shitty, nothing too good either. Biology, it was just a test, which was one of the more harder ones, but yeah. There's also a bit of controversy going on around the teacher and the class.

        So apparently a few students have been called up to the office due to suspicions of harassing the teacher. Like, for her teaching methods (by this point, I'm sure many agree that the way the teacher teaches is, well, different, than others). A bit have been rumors, but, from Bt, there's a student from our class who didn't show up today, Bt apparently promised him he would not disclose any details. So, there's some serious shit.

        In my opinion, the teacher should guide us in a better way in terms of like, getting our grades up. Assignments do not count for anything really, I currently have a 63% in the class, a D, and uh, a majority of my grade is based on quizzes and tests, majority of that being quizzes. I don't agree with the way the quizzes are handled, for example, one being a 2-question multiple choice quiz, so, it's literally either an F or an A, and, that can bring someone's grade down hard.

        Also, the teacher hasn't put in grades for assignments for like, a month. Quizzes, tests, they pretty much go in instantly. But lab reports, or posters, those, the teacher said she'll get it in by the time we do the final. Like, really? I get it's her first time teaching AP Bio (unfortunate for both of us) and she's the mom of 3 children, but, c'mon. Do I blame her for how bad I'm doing in the class right now? Hmm, maybe, 30%, but, I definitely can make a comeback, just need a hard grade for the final.

        Anyways, math was math, nothing special, umm, no "spring break math packet" so, what a godsend, heh. Lunch was the usual again, and, for US History, we watched a documentary called "The N Word" (literally that's what it's called). It basically talks about the word origins, connotations, others opinions, etc.It relates to the class cause we're talking 'bout the 60's and 70's, civil rights, etc. I also have never heard the word "Nigga" and "Nigger" been used the most in a 1-hour sitting ever before in my life, until. Probably heard it been said over like, 150 times. I didn't even count.

        And finally, for Chinese, we did not change seats, fortunately. We just read, and, like, do bootleg shit, it was literally nothing productive to be honest, heh. Umm, unfortunately I did not risk it for the biscuit, I don't even know if I want to anymore. Why? Because, alright get this: there's apparently another High school that is having their prom at Levi's Stadium on the same day as ours.

        So, I could literally go all out on that day, just risk it for all the biscuits, and uh, have amazing fucking rewards with potentially no risks, because I'm never gonna see some of those people ever fucking again, heh. Anyways, "Mansae" practice went alright. The dance was simpler than I expected, I did not expect, however, that they would record us and use that video to evaluate us on if we could be in the dance or not.

        I'd say I'm a 40% of getting in. Umm, there's practice on Monday from 9 AM to 12 PM for CL's "Hello Bitches" dance at the city library. As for "Drip Drop," I have yet to work on that today because it's 12:43 AM and I'm kinda tired. Just basically did nothing today, except, one game of League. And trying on my new tuxedo, which surprisingly fit like, a glove. A tuxedo glove. Minus the neck for the dress shirt. I measured my neck size, it said there was comfort fitting, so, I decided I wanted to be sure that it would fit well, so I ordered my exact neck size.

        Wrong choice apparently. If I button up my collar, it feels like I'm being choked, like there's a hand on my neck that can squeeze the air outta me anytime it wants, heh. Definitely should've went with an inch wider, but, oh well. other than that, it's all good. Plus, my parents went out and got a black tie and a black bowtie. I had asked for red, but my mom said that red ties didn't look great, they were tacky, and, it looks homosexual. Yeah, I don't know either, clearly she hasn't seen the Hitman video-game series.

        Also the tux jacket is heavy as hell. I never wore one, ever, and I expected it to be lighter, but, it has a pretty hefty weight to it. And so, yeah, gonna have to start planning EVERYTHING, for the next couple weeks because it is going to be a fucking clown fiesta around here, with spring break, prom prep, photo-shoot (I'm suggesting to my buddies that we film a shot-for-shot live action remake of the 16th opening of Naruto. We'll likely get kicked out of the garden), studying, finals, etc.

        Anyways, see ya.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016 "Slacking."

Thursday, April 7, 2016
Week: 34
Songs to Remember: Smoky Girl - MBLAQ

        Well, another day, another day of procrastination. And laziness. This week has been a wild ride, mostly because of the amount of tests and quizzes. I've literally had at least one test or quiz from each class this week (besides History of course).

        Psych was just notes, English was just more discussion about Gatsby, Bio was just a work day, and math was math. Same old, same old. Lunch, Am hung out with us this time and said that she might be going to prom, might. Ek might not even attend the photo-shoot on the 16th due to a tournament badminton game.

        US History, we watched a documentary on the conspiracy theories about the dollar bill and the seals on it, about freemasons and all that shit. And finally Chinese, where we took a test where I guessed on half of it, and clutched it with a 72/100.

        As for "Drip Drop," I tried to get a visual of the rest of the moves I needed to learn, it was a lot to take in, but, I'm sure by tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll memorize all the moves. Then, all the matter is now is to just perfect it, until I can perform it and it looks good enough that I can record myself doing it, then, move onto "Overcome." Well, start to.

        The Wl situation, ehhhh. I think we're changing seats when we get back from spring break, not sure how shit's gonna go down, probably gonna switch seats. Oh and uh, we switched seats in English. Yesterday, forgot to mention that. My new seat is just one seat over to the right from where I was. To my left is nobody, and to my right is Pl, or, Pt, I'm not sure if I gave him initials yet. Umm, I personally preferred my old seat, but, this one's okay.

        So, English "quest" tomorrow. and Biology test tomorrow. Really just hoping for a passing score, that's all I want. Oh and uh, Seventeen's "Mansae" dance practice after school. Uh, yeah, we'll see how it goes, especially since it was 90 degrees yesterday and how tomorrow it's going to supposedly rain. Also, allergies, rip, me. See ya.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016 "Already Summer."

Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Week: 34
Songs to Remember: Adore You - Seventeen

        Next week is supposed to be spring break, but, today was 90 degrees Fahrenheit so, basically already summertime.

        Psych was grading and notes, English was just watching some of the Gatsby movie, Biology was a quiz, and a debate, between the teacher and a student. He argued that she's grading us based on how we learn (doing the outlines in a way that we can study). I agreed with him at first, but then the teacher and another student argued that rather than using it study, just treat it as an assignment. Then I was like "Hmm, yeah, they got a point."

        The teacher added that she's doing all this so that she can prepare us for the future, for college, that we don't know what it'll be like if we don't have the proper knowledge and techniques before heading into it ourselves. But. the thing is, in my opinion, us student's won't even have the chance at a future if we don't fucking pass the class. So, why? You're preparing us for the future when we might even get the chance for it.

        Math was the usual. We got our quizzes back and I actually got a nice score of 60/77. I looked at it and I was like "Awww, dude." I got almost all the multiple choice wrong, but for the free-responses, I got 'em all right, even the graphing one. It was pretty bootleg to be honest, like, I could've gotten a 100%, but alas, I can never win, heh.

        US History I tried to make a bit more exciting. We each had to present our topic to the class, for just 1 minute. Mine was Elvis Presley and last minute, I decided to sing one of his songs. I never sang out loud before, or at least, in front of people, ever, and I only knew a few lines of lyrics from an Elvis song only because "Now or Never" is my mom's ringtone. So uh, I tried my best and people thought it was nice, interesting, unique, heh.

        Going the route again with Wl, everybody in class had to present a skit in front of the room. Umm, yeah, 2 presentations in one day, not bad. Umm, as for at home, I got another bit of "Drip Drop" done. Tomorrow I'll finish it for sure, then just gotta work on timing it and I'll be done. Then, I can start on "Overcome," and, study for Bio. Also, Chinese test tomorrow. Anyways, see ya, I'll let ya know what my plans are for Friday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016 "Progressing."

Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Week: 34
Songs to Remember: Smoky Girl - MBLAQ

        That feel when you actually finished a post but you forgot to hit publish. Also, that feel when you were planning on doing a homework assignment the night before it's due, but, you find out you actually already finished it.

        Alright, so, I ordered my tux off of Amazon tonight. It apparently doesn't come with the dress shirt, so I had to order that separately as well, from Amazon. I was looking for shoes, like, really cheap shoes off of Amazon. There were some okay quality ones that were made in China, but the reviews said they had really bad defects and shit about 'em. I asked my dad if he had any dress shoes, and he did. I tried 'em on, and boom, they fit like a shoe. Glove.

        All I need now is a tie (not bowtie, I ain't into that Bill Nye) and I'm good. Total is $132 with 2-day shipping (so I can modify shit in-case they don't fit well, in time for the April 16 photoshoot) without the shoes and tie. That's actually pretty cheap considering you get to keep it, and is still less than a rental. Plus, since I get to keep it, I can wear it next year, saving myself $150 for the double-rental.

        Anyways, the day was just as you'd expect. Early in the morning: dreadful. Test for Psych, English was just writing shit about Gatsby, etc. Biology was a free work-day, which I needed in order to study for math. Math was a quiz, a lengthy one compared to the tests we get. Lunch was nice, whatever, lunch. Am was with us for a bit.

        US History consisted of just research on a topic/ person and writing about 'em, to give a short presentation 'bout 'em tomorrow. On the way to Chinese, I took that same route again, and uh, Wl was actually there, rather than walking pacing super-slow, as usual. I was like "So how was Bio" and all that, and I think she's great at interacting, like, she can, and will, and will be enthusiastic about it, but uh, I don't know, dude.

        Anyways, got through another section of "Drip Drop" tonight, it's 1:03 AM now unfortunately. Tomorrow there's no practice, no test or quiz besides Bio, and uh, next week is spring break so, pretty fucking good. Sooo, yeah, see ya.