Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 "Project: Prep."

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Week: 22
Songs to Remember: Highway - Mr.Mr

        Just when I thought the atmosphere was at a good point, my parents go on over to our tenant to ask them to vacate somewhere else. My dad's been wanting them to move ever since they were late multiple times on the rent. This time, my dad was sorta giving leeway to them and said they could stay 'till they find another place (which by the way, would probably take around less than 10 minutes to find). My mom got mad at my dad, with him being the one that wanted them to move in the first place, for letting them take it easy, and uh, yeah. Complications were met, no mention of splitting so that's good in my book. We're still going with that plan right? Of course.

        You know how yesterday I said I didn't want any more projects (well, ones I'd wanna do anyway)? I got just what I wanted today, a project. And of course, not just by myself, but, wait for it, a group project. Woooo. Yeah, I'm kidding. It's the same one we've done before, we gotta change the lyrics of a song, act parts of it out. This time, it's 3 large groups, about 10 people each. We divided ourselves into 2 sides, the performers and the singers. And yeah, I was selected as one of the singers from my past performance, heh.

        English, even though last night's work was to read a 20-page article (which I rushed through in the morning), we were expected to have a quiz. Nope, even though it said so online, we didn't, we did a bootleg pointless survey on our AP classes. Wooo. For the whole period too. Biology, we had Chromebooks to work on our, you guessed it, slideshow project. With Excel. And graphs. Wooo. Also I have an F currently in Bio, didn't know why 'till today when I checked my grades in detail. "Notes were not your own." Well I mean come on, I'd write about the same anyways if I were to take them, there'd be no point in double of the same notes.

        Math was just practice on graphing double-derivatives. Woooo, heh. Lunch was the same as well, Ek wasn't here today since she's sick. US History, we got started on making our own cross-words, which I did in Geography so, nothing new to me. And finally Chinese where we just read from the book and had people present their research summaries.

        As for work, I got some projects to work on. Lots. First of all, the board game. I forgot to mention this, but the reward for the team with the best board game doesn't have to do next week's weekend assignment. That thing's worth 30 points, so the team that wins gets it for FREE. I'm like "Uh, FREELO." I was super into this board game making, but then it felt like wasted effort since I didn't care about the reward (which has always been like, food). Nope, it's free points, less workload, I'll take it. Plus, now I have a reason to make this board game personal, and that is by basing it off of the map... wait, I already said this idea ,heh. Alright, you get the idea. Also I thought I was gonna draw it all until I remembered I have GIMP. Rasterization, here we come.

        The rest is probably gonna be over the weekend, 3-day weekend though so that's nice. Don't wanna slack off 'cause I'ma get shit on on Monday if I do. Anyways, see ya.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that SHIMMIXES finally uploaded the 2015 K-Pop Mashup. Was excited, very excited, upon listening to it there were only a few sections that I enjoyed/well-blended together. Was it sorta dissapointing? Yeah, but hey, maybe if I listen to it some more, I'll grow to like it. Anyways, see ya.

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