Monday, January 18, 2016
Week: 23
Songs to Remember: Only Look At Me - Taeyang
Don't know if I've mentioned this before but I did get a 60/70 on my latest math quiz and a 77/100 on my latest essay, so with that I'm comfortable with, I'll take it. As for the upcoming weeks, not so comfortable with.
First of all, it was primarily just lightsabers work today. Pieces were fitted, then glued, then spray painted (partially). The blade retention screw was also drilled amd added. My dad did pretty much all the work, I'm guessing he wanted to do it all as so that I don't mess things up. I mean I appreciate it but like, I won't learn from just watching, I gotta learn from experience. Anyways, the saber's almost complete, tomorrow I'll be at school and my dad's gonna spray paint the rest of it. By tonight I'll be able to assemble the whole thing and add some final touches. As for my other project, the board game, it's at a standstill right now, didn't really do any work for that today. But tomorrow, gonna have to set aside some time to finish at most, 50% of the pieces.
Why? Because the deadline's Friday. And my plate's pretty much filled for the next 2 weeks. I got a Psychology test tomorrow so that's great. KDT practice afterschool on Wednesday, finish the board game on Thursday and meet up with my group members on Thursday (possibly) to go over what we have, Friday's when my partner's and I's Bio PowerPoint is due, 3-day weekend is which is nice, but then it's KDT practice everyday, like, hardcore. Not even kidding, I gotta be at school at 6:00 AM on Friday.
And I was debating whether to even write all this because I literally just finished work (for like, 4 classes) about 30 minutes ago. I had the GameGrumps' Sonic '06 play through on autoplay from parts 24 to 38. That's how long I spent on work. Tomorrow I'll have to finish work quick to get shit done on, I think I wrote this already. Yeah, I did. Alright, well uh, yeah, busy, busy, busy. See ya.
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