Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 "Plot-Twists For Better or For Worse."

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Songs to Remember: Sapokanikan - Joanna Newsom

        Geezus, I cannot get a break. I think I've said this before. There's just plot-twists, conflicted emotions, lack of sleep, work, in my opinion, it's a mess.

        So for a recap of yesterday, nothing much happened except for Psychology and the bootleg math project I had to finish last night. For Psychology, we performed our songs. Other groups were pretty good, not bad. When our group went up, I always get that feeling of "Aw shit". I practiced singing my verse multiple times, when I sang, I had this feeling in my chest, like someone put icy-hot on there. It was a weird feeling.

        Good thing nobody knew what our lyrics were, otherwise, they'd know I did lag behind in the beat. Also towards the end, with all the adrenaline and shit, my hand was shaking super hard, it made it really hard to read my lyrics as I was holding the paper, heh. In my part, the crowd was like "Ooooooh" like, "Damn son". There was a big applause at the end. I'm guessing everybody didn't expect it, us, or just, me doing this bootleg rapping.

        The teacher even mentioned me to another one of her classes. This one girl who I know in Biology, she was like "Ms.Blank mentioned you. You're in 1st period right? She was like, you wow'd the class 'cause like this quiet dude's rapping and stuff". I was like "Wow". First time actually, heh, experiencing this. So that was Psychology yesterday. And as for the math project, lots of time spent, about 4 hours in total maybe? 3? Somewhere around there. Designed it all in GIMP, rasterbated it to a poster sheet. I actually forgot to write a short essay at the end, so I did a bootleg one in pencil 2 minutes into class. Staying up 'till 2:00 AM makes you forget shit.

        Alright, now for today. Just gonna say it right now, I don't think I'll be going to Homecoming. I know, what a shame right? Well, it's not for sure. I could be bootleg and mention it again to Lt, be like "So you sure you're not going?". I know, I know, I could just be like "Fuck me fam" and just ask her straight up. But like, I got her right where I want her. Not to Homecoming, but, in the position where I could build up to shit like Homecoming. Say, when's the next dance? JESUS, December 5th for Sadie Hawkins? Well, it's gonna be harder than I thought.

        2 months away, it's Sadie's, it's on my birthday, ehhhhh. Okay, where was I? Psychology. We finished up the rest of the groups for singing, only 3 groups, but, they were pretty bad, gonna be honest, heh. One group did a bootleg rap, one of there members was missing, which I could understand. One did like a song from The Lion King? I think. They were missing a group member so, I could understand. And another was this group of 5 girls, there were silent parts in their song 'cause they thought others would sing or something.

        English. I actually wore pajamas today (it's "I woke up like this" day for spirit week). Well, I wore sweats underneath my pajama pants, and I wore a sweatshirt because today was pretty cold. And it sprinkled, heh. I felt weird though, felt like I was the only one. But I just reassured myself "Hey Drew, no one's gonna call you fucking weird for this, it's a spirit day, a shit ton of other people are doing it too so stop fucking worrying". Okay, okay.

        Lt and I do our walk convo to English, talking 'bout the quiz (test) we're gonna ve having today. I did not study really. I'm over-confident again, just relying on what I know and what I know I know, heh. I also had no time to study last night. It was major, as in, point wise, it was not a quiz, it was a test, even the teacher said himself it's a big test. I was like "Awwwww, fuck". But, the scriptwriters were all like "No, no, this shit's too much. Give him a break". Thank, the, lord. There was another Honors English teacher who told our teacher to give us a full period to do the test, as today was Wednesday and we'd need a full period to do it.

        What's scary is that we need all that time. What's amazing is that I get this extra day to study, now knowing that I can't fuck this up. Geezus, what a fortunate twist. So, there's that. We just did a small play of chapters 7 and 8 for The Scarlet Letter. Lt and I do our walk convo again, this time, I asked her if she was going to the Homecoming carnival afterschool. She had NO IDEA, that there was such a thing. And so, there's that.

        Biology, we looked at cells under a microscope. We had to count cells. Umm, fortunately not really any work for Biology. I still need to study though on my own time, but, thank the lord. If not, I'd probably be dead, drowned in work. Applies to Psychology as well.

        Math. Already explained it, we did a lesson, turned in our bootleg posters, etc. Lunch, was just ehhh. US History, we did notes. Wait no, we talked 'bout political cartoons. Also the teacher passed out these little poster paper sheets. He didn't have time to explain to us what they were for but, fuck man, another one?

        And finally Chinese. Our group shot our skit, basically just filmed it on my phone, I gotta stitch the clips together, due on Saturday. It was fun, a nice bonding time with the group. And just when I was getting comfortable where I am, with the people around me, the teacher's having us switch seats on Friday, test on Tuesday.

        This doesn't stop here. The plot-twists I mean. At the end of 6th period, Yn messaged me, telling me her "new" idea. It was to tattoo her crush's name onto herself so he'll stay with her forever. Now, tattoo's are a personal thing, if people want it, that's fine. But ya gotta think about it first, don't wanna end up tattooing "NO RAGRETS", heh. She then asks me for advice from an honest, manly dude. Me in her terms, heh.

        She has P.E with this dude. He talks to her about P.E stuff, she understands it all, but doesn't really talk, just listens. I'm like "Well, all dudes are different. For me, I wouldn't care, and since you said he goes on and on and doesn't ask you questions or for your opinion, I'm guessing it's all good with him". She thanks me, like, really thanks me, then tells me that she saw me and Lt doing our walk convo from 1st to 2nd period, that we were too into our convo that I didn't see her. And that was true, I'm like focusing everything into making this shit smooth, heh.

        You think it stops there? No, it doesn't. Apparently sending pictures through SMS doesn't work, so she sends me a picture on Facebook. It's a picture of her arm, with her crush's name written on it with pen. Very faintly, the picture wasn't that great. She said she made the name lighter so it's hard for people to see it and if she keeps being obsessed with him, she'd get a real one "for sure", heh.

        Yeaaaaaahhhh. I wouldn't wanna do something permanent like a tattoo just yet. I take a look at the picture, the name's written in cursive and all fancy like. I could only really recognize the first few letters, of what appears to be an S, E, A, and just whatever else. So, I go onto the school website, go to mail feature, look up "Sea-". Looking at grade 12 people, I see a couple names starting with that. I see a name that matches sorta with the written one.

        I look back and forth, confirming the letters. I was like "Oh, so that's a C". Really faint cursive, The name matched. It didn't sound familiar at all. I search on Facebook the name, I see the profile picture in the thumbnail, I was like "Huh". It shows "Yn and 17 others are mutual friends". Yep, that was probably the one. Click on it, and I was just like "HOOOOOOOOOO".

        I couldn't believe, that the dude she's crushing on and thinking of tattooing his name on herself, is that one dude who sat behind me in my Geometry class in 9th grade. Ho-ly, heh. I was like "Wuh- this guy?". I know, I was surprised too. Didn't really talk to him all that much in that year. He's okay, into anime. I then look at his pictures that show up on the side and I was like "Wait, is it just because he looks kinda like a dude from DBSK"/ Long, black and brown dyed hair, That was his old hair.

        This whole time I pictured a different dude, waaaay different dude. And then this happens. It's okay though, he's a cool guy, but, just like Rl and Hl, it's just, really unexpected. Like, really. Really? Really. Alright, enough talking. Gotta go finish math work and study the shit outta people like Jonathan Edwards. See ya.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 "I'm Starting to Feel It."

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Week: 8
Songs to Remember:

        Unfortunately there will not be a real post today, or any post at all, just this disclaimer. It's currently 2:09 AM, I am full-on exhausted, I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm everything in between besides relaxed. I'll tell everything that happened today, tomorrow. See ya.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015 "Name Detective."

Monday, September 28, 2015
Week: 8
Songs to Remember: Cool For the Summer - Demi Lovato

        I think I have a thing for music. I first heard of this song about a couple months ago from my cousin. I didn't know the name of it, but a part (in what I now know is the chorus) sounded a lot like Jessie J's "Domino". I was like "Oh jeez, why are you listening to Jessie J's Domino" and he was like "No it ain't". I heard it again today when the school was playing this song during lunchtime near the senior tables. At home, I looked up exactly "pop song that sounds like domino". First thing that came up, "Cool for the Summer" by Demi Lovato.

        So the beginnings of these seasons so far aren't bad either. Well, at least for this one. Psychology was just, practice with how the song goes. The school blocked access for any "Rap God" videos on YouTube. We could'vr used our phones, but there's no setting on mobile to slow down the videos. So, we just were like "Fuck it, we'll find a slowed down video at home". Little did they know (forget actually) that the song's explicit, and uh, we need a clean version. A clean, slowed down version. Well, looks like I'll be practicing with the full, fast version.

        English, now that's where it got interesting. 5th period as well, but, still. I sat down, the teacher has "I Hate Mondays by The Boomtown Rats playing, I'm on my phone. Then the teacher says we'll be changing seats today, it's a new grading period (every 6 weeks). I was just like "WOOOOO". The teacher has the seating chart at the front of the room on the front podium, I rush on over, take a good look at everything.

        I was like "Let's see, okay, Lt's sitting like right in front, okay, I see Drew! But that's actually DrewN. Damn. Where am I at, oooohhh, I'm over to the left". There's still a person sitting in between me and her, she's in the middle of the classroom to the right, I'm on the right side of the classroom, at the front as well. Not bad though, I'm like, 5 1/2 feet away from her actually. At least, that was what it said on the seating chart.

        I'm guessing a dude got confused the seats or something, I could've sworn I would be sitting behind a dude, but, apparently he just went on over and sat in the seat behind where he was supposed to sit. His buddy was next to him too so, I was like hey, whatever, works for me. And bam, I'm literally 4 feet away from her, right smack dab, right there. Almost had the god-god seat. I'd still consider the new seat the godseat. DrewN though, he has the godseat.

        So, we had our usual walk convo. That was, it. This week's actually spirit week, Homecoming's on Saturday. Today was class color day, in which I forgot and realized as I was walking to 1st period. Mother, fucking, pink. I think I've explained it enough times that pink is an uncommon color when it comes to both genders.

        About 80% of our class (of 2017) had on pink. I forgot today, otherwise I would've asked my mom for one of her pink jackets. Tomorrow's "multi-cultural" day, so you have to wear like, clothes from another culture or some shit. I do not really have any, and ummm, yeah, so instead, I cut out Chinese characters for "Hello" on black construction paper and glued it to a white shirt. Hopefully that'll count, it's the only time I've actually put effort into spirit week, heh.

        Oh yeah, and also the teacher explained to us that he always gave out this assignment, optional of course, that he'd give us like participation points if we were to wear a large, identifiable, red letter for a whole day. Like Hester in the Scarlet Letter, except, not forever. It's just for the experience, and it doesn't have to be an A, it could be any letter, first letter of a word that means something or whatever. You can choose whether you want to reveal what it means or not. Not sure when we get this assignment, but it would be pretty bootleg. I was thinking of the letter "L", for lazy.

        Biology was just, notes again, a bit, lecture really, and then we uh, got to experience and familiarize ourselves with the microscopes, looking at a plant cell and animal cell, for funsies, you know, familiarize with the microscopes for tomorrow's project. After the teacher put in that test, the first one we did (and so far only), my grade's a C-. Yep, 72%. Ho, ly, shit. I can understand though.

        Math, was, just, the usual. The project's due on Wednesday, have yet to start, it's gonna be great. fuck me, heh. Lunch, well that was just the usual. I explained what happened already in the beginning. And then there was SSR. I got a notification towards the end of SSR. I check it, it's from Yn, she says "It's Lt right? That's your crush isn't it?"

        And I'm just like "HOOOOO, damn she's a good fucking detective, I gotta give her that". I was thinking how she knew Lt, then I was like "Oh right, I think she saw us doing a walk convo from 1st to 2nd period one time... how the fuck does she know her name though?". Anyways, that shit continued only when I got home. For US History, just watch a video on presidents, take notes. For Chinese, read aloud shit, and uh, do work in class.

        Now onto the Yn thing. Haven't messaged her in a while. She got it, I wasn't gonna deny it, I was like "Alright, I gotta give it to ya". I then told her about how there was this one dude who Lt always hangs out with during break, not sure who he is. She's like "Don't worry, I gotchu". She then talks about her crush. Now I don't know who it is but, ya know, I could care less right now, heh. She's all sad and stuff about how he doesn't notices her and all that shit.

        I reassure her, etc, etc. I asked if she was going to Homecoming. She said she was too lazy, but I told her that she said she would go to every event her senior year, that she told me that last year. She's "Oh, I forgot about that. I'll see if my friends are going". She asks if I am and uh, I'm planning to, I'm planning to.

        It ended somewhere around 5:00 PM or so, I was sleepy and wanted my nap time, she was hungry and went to go eat, heh. So yeah, what a plot twist to start off season 8. Well, not much of a plot twist, but, plot device. Now if she can get Lt's name, she can probably get that dude's name. Still have no idea how she got Lt's name, heh.

        Oh and the crew so far aren't planning to go to Homecoming. Now this is the thing, people are all like "Oh, you don't need to have a date for Homecoming, just go with friends". Now what if your friends aren't going? "Go by yourself, maybe you'll meet someone new". I would, but honestly, going in blind is fucking terrifying, heh, it's scary. Never been to Homecoming, never been to a dance at school. Not even sure what to do there. The cast is planning to go to Ag's house for game-night where we play bootleg boardgames and games.

        So right now, I gotta persuade Lt go with me. Not directly, but just enough that she'll be like "Eh, why the fuck not". I mean, she was kinda iffy on the whole wearing-a-scarlet-letter optional assignment thing. I'm like, what? It's free points. But anyways, we'll see how this crazy season's gonna unfold, watch for the 2-part finale on October 2-3 at 7:00 AM PST. See ya.

Sunday, September 27, 2015 "Eat, Sleep, Sushi."

Sunday, September 27, 2015
Week: 7
Songs to Remember: Oh Yeah - GD&TOP

        It's currently 1:48 AM. I didn't really get much sleep this weekend, nor any sleep any really this whole week.

        To make a long day short, my buddy Et came over to my house, he walked over here, he lives relatively close, my dad drove him and I to pick up Jp, whom we then head on over to this sushi place. We wait about 20 minutes for a table, and for our buddy Mc to arrive. Apparently it was just the 4 of us. We invited Ec but he didn't want to go, too lazy, and uh, in my opinion, yeah, I'd be lazy too, heh.

        We ordered way too much sushi, spent like an hour and a half there, it was the most sushi I have ever had, probably not gonna want to eat sushi for a while, Et ate like a dime-sized amount of wasabi, whole wasabi, Mc accidentally had us put the bill money on a sushi plate instead of the bill plate, and uh, we took a lot of pictures, most of which we sent to Ec to make him feel bad for not coming, heh.

        All in all, not something I'd want to do every week, but, once in a while, it's a blast. Anyways, I got several projects due this week and uh. yeah. Not gonna get much rest for a while, especially since Homecoming is on Saturday, October 3rd. And also the PSAT (which I'm probably not gonna take). Why ya'll gotta make it all due this week huh? Alright, see ya.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015 "Lazy to Be Lazy."

Saturday, September 26, 2015
Week: 7
Songs to Remember: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel

        Whenever I feel lazy and not want to do work but just watch something instead? I look for a new video from Vash's Batman: Arkham Knight playthrough. And when there isn't, I'm like "Shit, there's like nothing fun to watch". Only now did I remember that there was Running Man, heh.

        So today I've pretty much been working on filling in lyrics to Eminem's "Rap God" for the bootleg Psychology project assignment thing. We're only doing the intro, first chorus, first verse, and second chorus, and I thought that the only really fast part was towards the end of the song. Nope, apparently there's a fairly fast rap part in the first verse.

        Practiced singing it with the lyrics in. It took around 2 hours in total for the whole thing. At one point today, I was like, making excuses and just fucking walking around the house, opening and closing the fridge so that I wouldn't have to work. But, fortunately I sat my ass back down and got down to business. It really was just plugging in the lyrics, modifying a bit so the syllables fit, adding a rhyme or two at the end to make it rhyme-y.

        And then at around 4:00 PM, when I was nearing finishing the lyrics for the first verse, one of my group members went on and took a look at things. She did the lyrics for the second chorus and then inserted parts where we'd act out some of the lyrics. I actually forgot about that. So, right now, we pretty much just need to practice singing our parts, I need to practice doing the fast rapping part and not mumble it. All in all, I probably could've done it by myself.

        I just remembered, that I have a math project due in a week or so. Fuck. Alright it's like 11:11 PM right now. I think I'll just watch random videos in bed 'till uh about 12:00, then sleep. Okay, see ya.

Friday, September 25, 2015 "Finales Haven't Disappointed."

Friday, September 25, 2015
Week: 7
Songs to Remember: Oh Yeah - GD&TOP

        These season finales have been really great so far. Mostly because it's been ending with KDT dances but still, overall, not bad.

        So let's start it off with Psychology. No notes today, but uh, you know how I love projects right? Mmm, can't get enough of 'em (sarcasm). Time to add another project to the stack. This is one's different though. Nothing physical to make, it's all online and in our heads. Yep, we gotta change the lyrics of a song and have it be about the brain.

        Best part about it (sarcasm)? It's a group project. Groups of 3 to 5 people. When I saw the assignment at first, first thing that came into my mind: "Allstar" by Smashmouth. I was gonna do that song. But, then I read that it was a group project, and well, most likely no one's gonna wanna do a bootleg song from Shrek.

        The teacher had us do it in groups (well, strongly recommended) because she was like, it would be pretty tough to do it by ourselves. I don't really get what's hard about it, you just count out the syllables for each line of the song, then just plug in sentences about the subject into it, modifying a couple words for it to fit in with syllable count and have the end word rhyme. There's already a template, so, could probably make it up in about a couple hours.

        So my group members were these 2 girls who sit in front of me. We went outside, looked up songs, we decided to do a rap song. First thing that popped into my head: "Rap God" by Eminem. FUCK YEAH I'ma do the bootleg crazy rap verse. We ended up picking it, I was reassuring my group members "Don't worry, I got this, I can do the fast parts, I'll write most of it out, it'll be easy". They were like "But can you rap?" and I was like "I'll find out this weekend".

        It's due Tuesday by the way, we gotta sing it in class. Anyways, English was definitely one of the highlights of the day. Not because of what we did in class (which was just discussing the article from last night), but what happened after it. Lt walks out the classroom, I'm walking behind her, it's happening again. But no, I was thinking like "FUCK MAN SLOW DOWN". Good thing the teacher gave us a lot of work for the weekend 'cause that played a good part for my transition.

        I was thinking of being like "Ugh, why does the teacher have to give us so much work for the weekend. I got like 4 other projects in my other classes, gotta finish homework, homecoming, all that. Are you going?" And that's basically, exactly what I said. She was like "What? Homecoming?" and I was like "Yeah". She was like "Ehhhh". She said she would be definitely going to prom in senior year but not really like, planning to go to shit this year. I was like "Oh, my fucking, god, well of course, who ain't gonna want to go to prom in senior year".

        She was like "Are you going?". I was like "Yeah, I'm planning to. You should go, it'd be fun". Never say "because it'd be fun". I couldn't think of any other reason. Had to give another explanation of "Well, it's nice to take a break from all the work". She mentions "What would be fun would be like, going to South Korea". And I swear, had I asked about K-Pop and she was into it, hawwwwt damn.

        But I didn't. And so uh, I did it, I mentioned homecoming. Will she be going? Maybe, maybe not. It seemed like she was like "Oh, homecoming?". At least I got her thinking 'bout it. Yes, I will be mentioning it again in season 8, that one will hopefully contain the first special of the first series, Homecoming. My buddy Jk was like "We should all go" and I was like "Hell yeah fam". The rest of the cast was like "Ehhhh". Like, really? You know, I really wanted to go to all these bootleg dances and social events, but none of my buddies ever go. So I'm like "Am I really gonna go by myself".

        I've never been to one of these dances. Almost went to one in middle school, but didn't. Almost went to one last year, but didn't. If I really wanted to go, I'd be like "Ay Yn, are you going to Homecoming?". I still see her around, she has P.E 6th period, and so she walks to my route from my 5th to 6th, and I sometimes see her when going from 1st to 2nd, as usual. I don't know man, I don't know man. Even Ec, ya know, my best buddy, he doesn't really feel like going to our buddy's birthday party (even if it had passed, but he's having it now) tomorrow.

        I don't know, everybody's busy, this kinda sucks, just a bit. *sigh*, alright, where was I. Biology. turned in the rough drafts of our lab report which I stayed up 'till 2:00 AM last night on it. We had Chromebooks and used those to watch a video, fill out a worksheet. Math, no projects, no lesson, but we had Chromebooks. To? To practice the SAT, PSAT, all for free on Khan Academy. Took 'em this long to have free practice huh. Well, free legit practice from a well-known source.

        Spots for the PSAT are like, pretty much full right now. I guess I won't be taking it. So that means, I'm relying on Khan Academy binges. And uh, yeah. Where was I- oh right, lunch. Yeah, just generic lunch. US History, we got time to collaborate with our groups on the skit project. In my opinion we're gong to pull something shitty off in the end, just enough for that fucking C. Goddamn Imperialism man, how the fuck we gonna show that. Others get eras.

        Chinese, just because our chapter is on like, "May I borrow your car/airplane", and a couple of our vocabulary words is "airplane, airport", we made paper airplanes today. I actually had a really nice decorated plane. On one wing, written in marker, had the words "Jet fuel", and the other wing has "Steel beams". I would've put "Never forget" but that was a bit too, ehhh.

        We went  to the basketball courts right outside, did a throwing contest to see whose airplane flew farthest. Let's just say, mine did not reach it's destination of a building. And so, bell rang, KDT time. The song was "Redlight" by f(x), it was a pretty fast paced song. The regular people showed up again, the KDT cast, and uh it was just a generally nice, positive time. But sweaty, lots, very sweaty.

        And so this weekend's just gonna be me chipping away at work, projects, etc. And probably some random bootleg shenanigans maybe, possibly. Oh and I also updated the song-list and added a calendar page. Only a matter of time before I start filling it out with dates and stuff. As in, events. Sooo, see ya.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015 "Sleep."

Thursday, September 25, 2015
Week: 7
Songs to Remember: Oh Yeah - GD&TOP

        Ya know, if it weren't for there being weekends, I'd probably be dead right now, or at least, gone crazy. It's Thursday night, got some projects due in the next few weeks, got work due tomorrow and the upcoming week, and it's 12:32 AM. I'm sitting in front of my PC doing a bootleg lab report for Biology, and people are messaging me. I don't know why I keep my Facebook tab open.

        So that right there was what I wrote about 30 minutes ago. It is now 1:01 AM, and my buddy, Bl, who is still awake, is playing League right now. So that got me thinking "Hey, if you're awake, might as well keep yourself thinking that you're going to stay awake" because nobody wants to do work while half-asleep, it's never good. Either stay fully awake, or fully committed to going to sleep.

        And with that, I'll briefly describe what's going on, and then start/finish annotating this fucking article for English. So, psychology. More notes, more mnemonic devices, enough said. English, no quiz today, more in-class reading because chapter 5 is literally detail upon detail, and uh, yeah. Basically it was, discussion about the chapter and study methods, what works for us. Tomorrow's a couple quizzes, with a bootleg discussion (in a sorta bootleg/good way).

        Oh and uh, apparently I forgot to mention, didn't really learn it until this week, but, Lt's in like this "CCOC" thing. Stands for "Central County Occupational Program". I've heard the term before and- oh. Huh. Well, I just searched it up now, and apparently it's this uh, program for schools, where the student can go to a training facility thing where they work to and towards their career, leading them directly to their college or the job market. And yes, I had to paraphrase all that because it's kinda weird to explain.

        I also read that it is half the day. So that means, Lt's basically at school, for half he day. Now I'm just ASSUMING this, and I know it's bad to assume things from the position I am at right now. I guess, maybe, that's why I don't see Lt around during lunch time? Maybe her buddy dude that I mentioned is like, part of CCOC as well? Her CCOC buddy?

        I've decided that I'm just gonna go ham, not gonna prolong this any further unless I'm actually making progress. Yes, that means I'ma bring up homecoming. It's next Saturday too. So anyways, there's that. Kinda sucks now knowing that, like, fucking, just makes this all harder for me, heh. Okay so, Biology. Just clarifying in class on the lab report due tomorrow (mainly one of the reasons I'm still kept awake), and uh, yeah. Math, just another lesson. And we got our test back. I got a 53/73.

        Lunch, I went ahead and went to Biology class to re-take a quiz, the one from Tuesday. And, An was there too. Not to take the quiz, but it helped transition over, and I wouldn't be alone taking a bootleg quiz. My first glance at the questions, only 3, I was like "Shit". But then I took a closer look at them and I was like "Oh". Yeah, pretty easy since I studied a bit.

        US History. Notes. Enough said. Chinese, worked on our skit planning on the Chromebooks. Me and the dude behind me, in our group, were making some bootleg anime references in the group chat. And now, here I am, 1:31 AM, finishing up this and annotating a bootleg article. And uh, now it's 1:54 AM, after 1v1ing Bl in a League match. See ya.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 "Start Doing Things Now."

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Week: 7
Songs to Remember: Oh Yeah - GD&TOP

        I've read somewhere, I don't remember, but it was an article talking about how we feel the most confident at night or something like that. We feel like we could do the things we normally wouldn't/couldn't do, because at night, we feel calm and settled down, we get the chance to relect on shit.

        And that's definitely what I'm feeling right now. I've thought about how I'm going to be handling work and here it is: getting organized. Right now, I'm jus trying to go with the flow on things, not necessarily bad, but it can go bad if you hit a dead end. Like, say, forgetting there was a freaking test or whatever. Fortunately the test wasn't as hard as others. Anyways, I need a calendar. I thought about, since I go on here everyday, I could put it up here, keep the events and look back on EXACTLY, the work and projects I did. And to reflect back on the workload I'm being given and be like "Damn. Thank the lord that's over, goodbye Honors English, goodbye Honors Pre-Cal, goodbye AP Biology, goodbye AP Psychology".

        So. Psychology was literally, just notes again. And, tiny bits of bootleg mnemonic devices. Too many actually, that I'd get confused if I remembered them all. Honors English was just, fucking- this teacher dude's fucking me over. Why does he gotta switch up how we do quizzes all the time? Can't we just stick to one format? First it was him reading the questions, we answer 'em on a bootleg half-sheet of binder paper. Then today he gives us the questions printed out, along with like, fucking, summaries on the 15-minute play video that he posted on the class Blendspace.

        Now yes, it was my fault that I did not watch the video. I was planning to, I hit the play button. I looked at the time, 15 fucking minutes long, and noped the fuck out. "I'll watch this later". Ending up not watching it. In my defense, he didn't say we would be quizzed on it. So, there goes another quiz I basically bombed. Fuck me, man. Anyways, we got into our groups again, read to eachother our paragraphs, chose someone to be the representative, based on their paragraph, we went with DrewN's 'cause his was the most bootleg and relevant to our topic. Bootleg as in, mutilating someone's toes because or adultery. Yeah.

        And no, the answer is no, I have yet to mention to Lt about homecoming. In my defense, lots and lots of projects and studying stacked up for me right now. But don't worry, either tomorrow or Friday, I'll be ready. Also, after a bit of exploring, I found that Let's 4th period is not near the L building at all. It's like on the other side of the campus, like the J building or the P building portables or the K building. Somewhere there.

        Biology was just notes, talking 'bout cancer, I'm glad that we have no work at home. There is still that lab report due on Friday, that's, basically an essay in itself. And, another assignment, but that's due Monday. All I need to do I spend like, 2 hours on the weekend, just going over notes, reading shit online, and I'll be caught up. Math, oh boy, a project. We gotta find pictures of everyday objects, things in nature, or architecture, which look or have circles, parabolas, hyperbolas, and/or ellipses. Oh boy, do I like projects. And yes, that was sarcasm.

        Lunch was bleh, US History, now that was just shit. One of our group members, the girl sitting to the left of me, was absent today. One of our members didn't really do anything, she just played this game on her phone, and the other just looked up articles on Imperialism. What I want, IS A FUCKING SCRIPT. START WRITING THE FUCKING SCRIPT. What do we need these articles for? The textbook basically lists Imperialism events in this time period. And- and, why do we need to reflect and show how it affects today's Imperialism? It's a fucking SKIT where we act as CHARACTERS in an PAST ERA. Oh and uh, we're doing it like a documentary. Great huh. To be honest, I'm actually planning to just shoot my part, my 2 minutes of the skit where I gotta give information to the audience, I'm considering just shooting my part all by myself, outside, in my backyard, doing all the characters, because fuck it, we got about 2 and a half weeks before it's due, and I know, we ain't gonna get shit done.

        If you want something done right, ya gotta do it yourself. *sigh* and then there was Chinese. The quiz, I studied for it today with my flashcards, got a 16/20, not bad. Also we worked on planning our skit a bit, at least the people here actually give a shit and do it normally/practically, than go for something out of the way like a documentary, where we have such brief knowledge on our ooen-ended topic. With, limited meeting days.

        So I got all that off my system. Oh and uh, I found out why I was asking myself why I was even deciding taking the PSAT. Like, is there even a choice? Why the fuck not, right? It's because it's due to 50% laziness, 25% lack of motivation, and 25% other, being things like, work, sleep, events, the like. That basically sums up my problems right now. And without further ado, I'm gonna go look up some fucking internet pages on cell communication, just in case. See ya.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 "Building Up Hype, and Work."

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Week: 7
Songs to Remember: Get Some Air - Gary

        You know, outside of academics, I'm fine for now. But in academics, I'm not having fun *insert sad face*. Work just keeps on coming in, I kinda need a breather to be honest. Even my English teacher said something around the likes of "You're not reading for fun, you're reading for academics".

        So today for Psychology, just the usual notes, mneumonic devices again, bootleg activities occasionally. The bootleg activities don't really help me relax early in the morning. English, now that's a different story. We continued with our bootleg play, this time it was for the beginning of chapter 4 of "Puritans are Boring Even When One is a Slut". Just kidding, I don't dislike the Scarlet Letter that much so far. Maybe later, heh. We also had another quiz. This time, I didn't get completely wrong answers, heh, so that's better.

        Things are really starting to build up in season 7. The bell rang right, and uh, usually I time shit, and I was, and as I was packing up to go to break, Lt actually waited for me. She waited for me for those extra 5 seconds. I was like "Ah, so does that mean I don't have to time shit anymore?". Anyways, we had the usual convo about quizzes and shit. Still, the only other class I know she has is 3rd period AP Calculus. And uh, that guy, he's still there. Lt and I walk pur route, the dude's there on his phone, I'm guessing waiting for Lt, then she abd him walk to, wherever else. I'm really hoping it's just her brother, I'm really hoping.

        3rd period Biology, what a fuck up. For me that is. I chose not to read, study, or even watch a video assigned yesterday night. And so I paid the price for it (well, almost everybody in the class as well, around 50%) because there was a pop quiz today. Fucking stupid, man. And no, they weren't multiple choice either. I bullshitted my way through the 4 questions, using Greek roots to my advantage in deciphering what "Endocrine, Paracrine, etc" meant. After turning in the quiz, a bunch of people went up and turned in a yellow paper as well as their quiz. J was like "Oh right, thats for postponing quizzes/retake/get out if jail free card". Completely forgot about 'em 'cause I thought I'd never use it.

        The teacher explains to us the answers, I was like "Eh, I was close". I still chose to use one of my get-out-of-jail free cards. Might as well. And uh, the teacher showed us a Facebook video of these bootleg tiny puppies towards the end of class. Math, I completely forgot that there was a Unit test today. Huh. I think I'ma be forgetting lots of things this week. Very busy week. Anyways, good thing I basically remembered everything, this lesson was mostly review from last year. I think I did well.

        I also still have no idea where Lt hangs out during lunch time. Maybe one day I'll go exploring and find out for myself or something. This week could possibly be that week, if I feel like it. And no it's not fucking creepy, everybody tucking does it, Jk does it, get the fuck outta here, heh. It's natural. And sooo uh, the busy week gets even busier when in US History, the teacher assigns us a project: group project. What kinda group project? Skit. We gotta do a skit. The instruction sheet said groups of 8, so I was happy with that. And then the teacher was like "Yeah, we don't have enough to cover each topic of we do 8 people each". So, 3-4 people was the amount. Did we get to pick out own groups? Hah, nope. What'd you think this was? He put us into grouo s according to the people around us. And with my luck, I get placed with unexpected people, and not with Ky who sits next to me.

        And by unexpected people, I mean people I wouldn't expect to be working with in a group project. So I'm with this one girl whom my buddies and I trolled before online, turns out she's aight, ya know, heh. Aaand this one girl who was in Biology class in freshman year. She recently went to Japan over the summer. Aaand this other girl, who sits next to me, whom I have never interacted with ever before. We started a group chat on Kik, and then scheduled some days where we are to meet, and uh, take it from there. We chose Imperialism (well, one of us), which just happens to be the only topic we didnt cover in class on our notes.

        And finally, Chinese, where we did bootleg card sharing activities, ehhhh, then did duo textbook reading up at the front of the class, while we worked on the homework. So, here's what's going down. Am I going to be mentioning Homecoming to Lt tomorrow? The answer, to be continued. On another note, gonna have to sign up for the PSAT tomorrow. Like, register for it, not take it, but register. Because fuck it, already kinda hate my life, how could it get worse right? Also even if the least amount of work I could hope for at home, which was today, I'm still staying up, as it's 1:11 AM, to write this. And so, see ya.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015 "No Breaks."

Monday, September 21, 2015
Week: 7
Songs to Remember: Flush - one voices

        That feel when you know you got multiple quizzes, tests, and projects due all in the same week across the same days.

        And what is up with the fucking California weather. Either you be cold all the time, or hot all the time, because there are days where It's below 70 degrees, or days when it's above 90. Jesus. Today was one of the 90's. Let's get to it.

        Psychology is just notes, lectures, bootleg activities. Today we "presented" our bootleg neuron presentation act thing from Friday. Took about 5 seconds to perform. It was just- straight up bootleg. No other words. A bit cringey. Anyways, English was where it was at. Just kidding, it just showed how the writers can be bootleg sometimes. We first took a Scarlet Letter quiz concerning the first 3 chapters. It was just 5 questions, out of 10 points, I think I got about 3/10 in total. 5/10 at most.

        I knew I fucking failed because the teacher asked "What was Hester's hair color" as one of the questions. Really? Really? Really? I'm here focused on the main points, the analogies and shit, how am I supposed to pay attention to her fucking hair color. I said red/auburn by the way, I was like "I know it can't be blonde. Either black, brown, or red. The character in Easy A had reddish hair, red it is". It was black. Watch it have something to do with the plot, like the color of her hair reflects her powers or some shit like that, heh.

        We then split into groups. Did we get to choose? Nahhhh. Never. We had to get into groups, discuss about punishments, etc, for Hester and whatnot. Just, bootleg in general. What was more bootleg, was the grouping. There were 6 discussion topics, so the teacher did like "You're number 1, number 2, number 3" and so on. I was like "Okay, I'm number 3. Based on my calculations, if he's going from this side of the room first, then along the back, I'm sure that It's gonna be in group 3. Well, at least hoping". "You're number 1, 2, 3, 4...". She was in group 4. I was like "FUCK, really? Really? You're gonna do me like that?".

        It wasn't all that bad. My other group members was this one dude whom I don't know, DrewN, and our mutual buddy whom we both have English and Math together. Out discussion lasted about 2 minutes, then class ended. And as usual, I walk out, Lt walks out. And yes, I still time it. We have our usual walk convo, this time she tapped my shoulder for about a second when she said my name and was like "Drew, omg, all these quizzes". Well, I said the quizzes part. By the way, did I mention how the teacher said there was gonna be reading and quizzes this whole week and the next as well? We're expected to finish the book in about 2 weeks or so. Anyways, just observations okay, I ain't fucking documenting every little specific detail. Nothing like "She was walking at a pace of 2mph, which is 1.01mph faster than usual". No, nothing like that, heh.

        As I said bye, she met up with her buddy, again. Well, this dude. I still don't know who this guy is, is he her boyfriend (wow Drew, jumping to conclusions already), buddy, friend, brother? I have no fucking clue. Maybe I can be like "Hey, I think I know you, were you in my P.E class last year? Generic name, right?" or something bootleg like that. I just need a name.

        Moving on, Biology was a nice rest period. I say that because we had a substitue today, and uh, basically we had the period to ourselves to do whatever. Math was the same, right now it's just review on that one lesson. Lunch, Ek sees me playing Pokémon Shuffle, she gets into it too. I decided I needed something to keep my attention besides 4chan and Reddit, so I decided "Ah, might as well". US History was just a study period, we got Chromebooks to work on filling out our charts for eras in the U.S. and finally, Chinese was just bootleg, generic review, as we worked on our homework in class.

        And apparently there are a lot of birthdays in September. Today was my cousin's birthday. Ya know, the one who's like 8 years older than me, well known in our family, Yu-Gi-Oh, introduces me to K-Pop, etc? Him. Ry. I don't think I ever mentioned him much. Anyways, happy birthday Ry. In truth yes, it was Facebook that reminded me of it, heh. And now I got some videos to watch because study. And it's 12:25 AM, it's 68 degrees, feels like 80 right now. See ya.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday, September 20, 2015 "Autumn Festival."

Sunday, September 20, 2015
Week: 6
Songs to Remember: Moonlight Sonata - Bigstar

        I'm not sure if I should be grateful that I went and did the community service by helping out setting up the "mid-autumn festival".

        First of all, I had to wake up at 9:30 AM. It's 2 hours more than when I wake up for school. I'd still prefer the 3 hours than 2. After getting directions from Google Maps, I arrived to what looked like a really bootleg like, "antique" houses place. Like, a place where they keep and restore houses from like the 1900's to today. It looked like that.

        I was like "Am I at the right place?". Only until I walked in a bit further did I find out it was. Very different than what I was expecting. I signed in, etc, etc, Apparently we all had assigned jobs to do, I didn't know that, so I was like "Hey, I don't have a job". So, the coordinator person (what surprised me the most during this whole place was how well the elderly Chinese people spoke English. Did not expect they were American. In fact, there was a shit ton of Chinese American people, who spoke very good English.).

        I basically worked the whole day as the coordinator's assistant, along with this one girl who was president of our school's Chinese Club (the one who gave us the opportunity to do this service in the first place). She's a senior apparently. When the coordinator didn't need me, I sat at the table near the front, next to the museum (actually pretty cool, it's like a Chinese history museum).

        I conversed with that Pt (just calling her that for now because it's sounds kinda weird if I just refer to her as "that girl"), conversed with the coordinator's friend who was also there to help out. Apparently she took Biology, talked a bit about it, I was like "Holy shit, I'm getting the talks about Biology with this elderly Chinese American woman while doing community service at a bootleg Chinese festival). Also the coordinator reminded me of my 7th grade P.E teacher.

        I basically had to make my own friends there, one being Pt and the other being this one dude, he's a boy scout, there was a boy scout group doing community service here too. He's in 8th grade, lives in another city, goes to a different set of schools. He reminded me of Bl, the one in my Biology class, so, we got a along together pretty well towards the end.

        It was hot, even in the shade. And where was the cast at? They were all together, doing bootleg origami at the children's activities tables, while I sat and had to survive for 5 hours, at the front table, being needed by the coordinator every so often. Along with Pt and Bl. There was one instance where she got Pt and I to meet a "politician". I'm guessing he was pretty well-known, I never heard of him, I think he spoke once at one math-tutoring day.

        There was food. Pizza, and, barely any water. It was free, and all volunteers got a free scoop of ice cream, so that was nice. I also got a nice convo (well, more like listening session) to a dude who was like, pretty successful. He was volunteering at the festival and he worked for the government once, did financing, studies in like microbiology, I was like "Damn". Pretty cool.

        The whole festival was pretty, bootleg. There was a bootleg story-telling part, where a dude reads a story to kids or something, children activities which consisted of like, coloring, origami, lantern-making. There were some performances by some dragon dancers, bootleg math people showing abacuses and mental math, etc.

        In the end, I did experience something new, and I did recieve (from a select few) a gift-card, $5 for Starbucks, a melted extra-large Hershey's bar, free pizza (4 count) and a single bottle of water. Was it worth it? Ehhhhh. It's something I'd do once a year, thank you, heh, but that's about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta read chapters 1-3 of The Scarlet Letter, review it, and study some vocabulary words for the holy shit amount of tests and quizzes I'm having this week. Oh and uh, it's 11:15 PM. See ya.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015 "Song Finding."

Saturday, September 19, 2015
Week: 6
Songs to Remember: Ring My Bell - Girl's Day

        My day was relaxing, nothing much else to say about that. So let's talk about something else: music.

        I've talked about it before, but I wanna discuss how I get new music. Well, where I find it. One of my top 2 genres of music is K-Pop, and finding new songs for it is slightly more difficult than well, English songs, heh. Pandora is just a bit too slow for that, in my opinion, for K-Pop, Pandora recycles old K-Pop songs way too much and I've pretty much heard most of what it recommends ms already.

        I have yet to try Spotify, but I'm sure it's about the same. So, I turn to K-Pop charts, the ones uploaded by users on YouTube. I follow two channels, JasmineBlack and DJ Digital, who both upload weekly K-Pop charts for a wide variety of K-Pop songs. I'd say they have provided me about 60% of the songs I've listened to, and still do. As for English songs, I prefer to listen to Alternative, Indie, and EDM songs. For those, Pandora is really good for finding songs like those because it plays popular songs, and because I don't keep up much with American music, most if those popular songs I've never heard about. And most of them are good so, I add those to my collection.

        Umm, I also enjoy like, 80's -ish kinda music. J-Pop is cool sometimes as well. There's this channel, ArtzieMusic, on YouTube, who uploads lots of songs by artists who make like, Japanese Disco Rave music. A big 80's vibe to 'em, really really good undiscovered music. I never even knew fucking that type of music existed. I found "BABYBABY" by Tanuki one day and it led me to that channel. And holy shit was I hooked for a while. I check it every now and then.

        YouTube's definitely a great place for finding Indie type of music. One way is to find a YouTube video which leads to YouTube Narnia, then explore from there. YouTube Narnia's basically where the related videos lead to other less-known music videos of Indie songs. There's a huge variety of songs, and most you won't really find elsewhere.

        So yeah. I made this post 'cause one user on YouTube, SHIMMIXES, has stopped making K-Pop mashups. I enjoyed his songs so much, you can't find mashups like that anywhere else. His were out of this world, and after finding other lackluster/mediocre mashups on YouTube, I was wondering if I could just make my own. If I don't find songs I like, might as well make my own. Probably not paralled to SHIMMIXES' level of mashups, but just enough to the point where I'll enjoy what I make. If it sounds good to me, it sounds good to me. And so, that's it for tonight. See ya.

Friday, September 18, 2015 "Relaxing Day Fulfilled."

Friday, September 18, 2015
Week: 6
Songs to Remember: Roll Deep - 4Minute

        I can't recall the last time I decided to do an essay at the last minute. At least I've never done 'em that close to the deadline, which was 11:59 PM tonight.

        I finished at around 10:30 PM. Even though I knew I still had another hour or so, I kinda panicked. Why? Well, I didn't know the TurnItIn class code and password. The teacher didn't post it in the current assignment listed. Fortunately I did find it, turned it in, and just shed a tear. "It's over. We won." That's how I would feel after all my AP tests and SAT, but that won't come 'till like, 2016.

        Anyways, today was one of the more relaxing days these past 2 weeks. Demonstrated through the amount of free time we got in a couple of my classes. Definitely needed that. And without further ado (I was actually curious as to how this was written. "Adieu" vs. "ado". "Ado" is actually the correct way), here it goes.

        Psychology was one of the free periods. Though, with a slight twist. We did have free time, but we first had to practice a presentation. We had a substitute teacher today and she gave us these assignment sheets, saying we had to work in 2 groups. I was like "Oh for fuck's sake, more partner projects". That wasn't the case this time. I looked at the paper and it said "2 groups of 14 or 15". Holy hell. Basically, we were to recreate a neuron sending a pulse and whatnot.

        Everyone was assigned a role, like an axon, an action potential, etc. I was an axon, and us axons have to wear a trashbag for some reason (I really have no idea why, it says so on the paper). We practiced for a bit outside with the people in our group (of 15 people, we're going to have to "compete" against the other group and see who does the thing the quickets) and then we went back in.

        Then we just, went on our phones for the rest of the time. When I say bootleg activities, I didn't mean it to be bootleg as something like this. But apparently, we do have activities as bootleg as this. Huh. Anyways, English class was actually kinda relaxing as well. We just read a bit of "The Scarlet Letter" and did a small play for the first couple chapters. People enjoyed calling each other "filthy whores" because ya know, puritans.

        When I walked on over from 1st to 2nd period, Lt wasn't like, on the route. I went in, sat in my seat, and still, no sign of Lt. Class starts and I'm like "Ah well, looks like she ain't here today". We get through a bit of the reading, do the play, bell rings, class ends. By the way, this whole time I thought The Scarlet Letter was having to do with an actual, red letter. Like, the ones you send through mail. No uh, apparently it's like a red, letter. Of the alphabet. It's an A, which stands for "adultery". So yeah, whole time I thought it was mail.

        So class ends, but then Lt walks in, and I was like "HOH, looks like she is here today". She was like "Did I miss anything?". I was like "Where were you?". "I was taking a test." Well, fair enough for me. I was like "Nothing much, we just read a bit of the scarlet letter and did a small play". Gave her the book to take home 'cause we gotta read the first 3 chapters, she asks the teacher what she missed, I asked the teacher "Do we double-space our essays". One, because I actually did not know, and two, because I needed an excuse to stay there with Lt.

        We talked about... freaking, teachers. We talked about teachers in our walk convo. Fucking hell man. You know, homecoming's in like, 2 weeks. Hmm, yeah, 2 weeks exactly. I'm pretty sure Lt's not going to go, but, ya never know, and, I just gotta bring it up casually, current events and stuff, then just mention it, make it seem like it ain't a fucking invitation, and, I'm good. Also that same dude was there, again. Ehhhhhhh.

        By the way, since I haven't mentioned Yn in a while, I thought I'd just bring it up now. I still see her every now and then when walking from like, 1st to 2nd and 5th to 6th. She's posted a status on Facebook and posted a picture on Instagram of her phone lock screen with a dude with hair ties on his hair with the caption "I see you every moment bae~" and- oh. Huh. Apparently it's, huh. Well, I just typed a lot of shit for nothing, heh.

        Never mind that. Anyways, uhhhh, the story has moved on, she's still a side character, one of the ones who do a hi and bye every now and then. But yeah, story's moved on, the fans are alright with that, I'm alright with that, if shit happens, shit happens.

        So, moving on, Biology. Relaxing as fuck, heh. It was free time the whole period. I actually got a bit of planning done there for my essay. Thank the lord for mobile Google Docs. And uhhh, yeah. Math, we got into one of the more harder lessons of the year. I guess. Well, the hardest for now.

        Today we were supposed to (we as in the cast and I) go to the ARK club meeting, but apparently we got a bit sidetracked and well, there's that. Moving along, US History. More, well, no notes actually. We watched a History channel dramatization of the Reconstruction era. That was relaxing. And finally Chinese, where we did a bootleg activity in which we walk around and ask people  questions in Chinese. Very cringey. Good news is that I interacted a fair bit with my group, so, yeah. I like that.

        And after school, to end it off, we got a KDT workshop. This time it was "One More" by Fiestar. Let me just tell you this. The KDT veterans demonstrated the dance first, we're all in sitting down, facing the dancers. This one girl, who is wearing the black KDT jacket and short-ass black shorts and so it looks as if she isn't wearing pants at all, dances to the chorus, and I did not expect that much booty-poppin'.

        I haven't heard the song yet 'till today, not even seen the dance, she was facing the mirror, so, backside was to us, but uh, the least I can say was "Damn". Enough said. The dance was fairly easy. A lot easier than EXO's "Call Me Baby", heh. The KDT coordinator main dancer was like "As you can see, the dance was much different because it was a different genre". And whatnot. I noticed there was a lot less people than the 1st time. About, ehhh, 15 less people. Still, there's a lot more than last year's that's for sure.

        And here I am, 12:53 AM in front of my PC. A lot of people from school went to the football game featuring our football team, held at Levi's stadium. Pretty cool right? Apparently even if you're not fans of football, you still go, just because it's $5 for a seat to watch a football game at Levi's stadium. What, a fucking, steal. It's also where this year's prom's gonna be at.

        I got a bit of work this weekend, but I turned in my essay, got a relaxing day ahead of me, and the best part: I don't have to wake up at 7:00 AM. See ya.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015 "The Setup."

Thursday, September 17, 2015
Week: 6
Songs to Remember:

        To do an essay, when we've had a week to construct it, even with an established base to work off of already. You'd think it be well written, and I hope so too, because it's due tomorrow night at 11, and I haven't even got the online doc setuo yet.

        Fortunately I'm not that tired tonight, even though it is 12:37 AM. Psychology was just notes, again. It literally is just the teacher showing us a PowerPoint with text and pictures, we write down the notes, she lectures as we're writing, and sometimes does bootleg hands-on activities to demonstrate what we're learning about. Pretty much it. English on the other hand, is much more uh, well, nerve-wracking. Very high expectations from the teacher, especially after he put the due date of our online revised essay to 11 PM tomorrow night, and that the hard copy's due Monday, as well as pushing the vocabulary quiz to Monday to allow us time to refine the last bit of our essays. In my case, basically write it all, heh.

        Now this whole week, I've been able to do walking convo's with Lt, and it's only 6th week of school. Gotta say, not bad. And with her 1st period relatively close to mine, I've also managed to get the convo's in from the walk to 2nd period as well. Oh and uh, for English we just talked a bit about the quotes for Bradstreet and Edwards and did a practice Socratic seminar. Inner circle fuckint sucks, putter circle gets a freebie basically. If only there were rounds and we switched every round between the inner and outter circle, because it's fucking stupid. About 4 people talked in total, out of like, 12 inner circle people. One dude commented "It seems as if there were the same 4 people talking". Well, duhhh, they were the only ones who spoke at all, with like a statement each.

        Sometimes I wonder, if I can let my mouth run off, without worrying about "Oh fuck, what if what I'm saying is wrong? What will other people think? What will the teacher think?". If only I could remove that worry in my head and just go ham on the topic in a discussion like this, just like if I were to speak all of what I'm writing right now, then I'd be a fucking god, heh. About 50% of my problems would be solved if I could do just that. I'm making progress though.

        Anyways, after English, I did a walk convo with Lt,  as usual so far, and uh, we talked about school, again. English class, our score on our presentations (84% fam), and uh, after getting to the point where Lt's like "I better get going, bye", I was like "See ya, bye". And then there was this dude. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Fucking Drew, the writers are putting this random guy in to mess with ya". And I know that, but it's still messing with me, heh. They walked like the same I way I was 'till I got to my old spot, in which they walked past and like, go to the counseling place or something. I'm just like "Yeah they better be going there... Grumble, grumble".

        I just need to change the topic to other shit, maybe insert some random shit into our school talk, and that'll stir things up. I don't know, I'll think of something. Anyways, as for Biology, there was a surprise FRQ today, for points. Everyone else was still writing, I had finished. I then looked back in my binder afterwards in my notes, and I'm like "Fuck, why was my explanation so vague". Fucking FRQ's man. *sigh* Next was math, in which, we just got class time to start on our work. Aaand then there was lunch. The cast and I went to the theater for Chinese club meeting. I actually thought that we had signed up for this volunteer thing on Saturday/Sunday (forgot). It was like, 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM or something. There goes 4 hours, heh.

        US History's got some comedic relief for the day. During SSR, everything was quiet. I, myself, was actually reading, and I got my mind full on focused into the story of this book "Pay It Forward", in which my classmate whom I knew for a while, I'll just call her Ky, who finished the book and was like "You should read it". And so I'm reading. I'm fully into this book, my mind was enveloped in the story, it was silent, people were reading or asleep, and then all of a sudden, "YEAAAHHH, WOOOO, HEEEEY!". Fucking, the teacher was firing this tiny little confetti gun at this one girl who was sleeping, heh. Scared the fuck outta everybody, and me. Anyways we just took notes.

        I finally got what I wanted in Chinese class so far: my group members to fucking interact with me. Now, I can't complain because I don't really start the interaction myself for the most part this whole time. To prove it, even my buddy, Ek, her mother was all like "Drew's pretty quiet isn't he?". That was what Ek messaged the group chat, and I was like "Really?". Second time I met her mother, and even she says I'm quiet. FUUUUUCK. Anyways, going back to Chinese, there was a fair bit of interaction with the girl next to me, and our group members behind us. It even went further when we were on a group chat, working on our group Chinese assignment online where we had to create questions on a document. And how long since we switched seats? 2 weeks? Ehhh, not bad.

        These days have been colder than normal. 60 degrees in the morning. So, what's the plan for tomorrow? Well, that essay's for sure. And KDT. And the ARK club meeting. And uh, the last bit of work before a fairly relaxing weekend. Even my buddies are worked out over the amount of this week. Probably one of the toughest weeks yet. YET. When finals comes around, all hell will break loose. So, see ya.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 "It's Progressing."

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Week: 6
Songs to Remember:

        I can't really describe how things are going right now. Are they different? Uh, yeah. Are things exciting? Uh, yeah. Am I making progress? Slowly.

        Seeing as it's 12:45 AM, I still got 15 minutes to write as much detail as I can before I get some sweet-ass sleep. So let's get to it. Psychology, I think we just did notes. Yeah, notes, and bootleg activities on the nervous system. Like, interactive activities. For example, to demonstrate how our nervese receive pulses and whatnot, we all stood in a circle, had our right arm on the shoulder of the person to our right, and squeeze their shoulder when we felt our shoulder being squeezed. Pretty bootleg, but it works.

        As for English, yes I do believe that it is currently my hardest class right now. A close second being Biology, due to having to think about either details or general stuff, or combined. And yes, I did talk to Lt going from 1st period to 2nd period. Turns out her 1st period's History. Like, US History. Then after class it was just about the grades we received so far for English class. There's like, nothing to base our convo's on besides school.

        Oh and uh, English. We just discussed poems again, especially Jonathan Edwards and Anne Bradstreet's poems on religion. It's like "Oh fuck". 'Cause it's religion. Lots and lots of perspectives and shit on it. And uh, there's actually work everyday. Last year there was no work at all for English class. Besides the occasional read and stuff. Biology was just a quiz today. After getting almost all of the multiple choice section incorrect, I still got a 10/17. Which, I should be worried about. I did read the pages last night, but these questions use like, examples, instead of just general, fill in the blank or definitions.

        Math. We had a substitute today, so we just worked on work in class quietly by ourselves. US History, we finished watching "Far and Away". The ending was pretty bootleg, I'ma just say that right now. The whole movie was nice, I liked the plot, liked the transitions, it was overall, not bad. I'd watch it again, just because it had drama and action. I give it a 7/10.

        And finally Chinese, where the girl next to me is all like "I want a bf". Uh, huh. We just practiced writing the vocabulary words on our whiteboards, the little small ones. And that pretty much it. But the fun doesn't end there though. It only started. After school I headed over to Ek's house to work on our project for Biology. We headed on over to the same place we went before (like, the place where I first had dinner out with buddies) and had lunch there. Then we walked over to Michaels, this arts and crafts store, screwed around a fair bit in there before getting the necessary materials we need to make a fucking "Fluid mosaic model" of a cell membrane. And to think I wanted to make it using Lego.

        Back to Ek's place, we worked on the thing for a bit, mostly just messing around though, and uh, I left after 5:00 PM. Didn't want to stay too long. Ek, Ag, Jv, and Jk were there too by the way. Jv showed up a bit later, after we came back from our shopping. And right now, I got a shit ton of work to do tomorrow, that's due Friday. So, best to get sleep so I don't waste time napping tomorrow. See ya.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tueaday, September 15, 2015 "Keeping It Brief."

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Week: 6
Songs to Remember: Moonlight Sonata - Bigstar

        It's hard to choose between sleep, or these posts.

        I'll keep it brief for now. So, Psychology, test today. Just, same old, same old, test as we've been doing. Nothing much to say. English, it's definitely my least favorite subject right now, but I gotta focus in it 'cause that's where all the excitement is, all the viewers love this part so far. We, basically just talked about this thing that this guy wrote back in the 1600's. Puritans, god, religion, you know.

        It's been going well so far with Lt. This time we got a bit more in-depth, she mentioned clubs and how they're kinda men to her, that she once joined anime club but they just watched anime the whole time. I was thinking like "Anime? Common grounds right there, going good, going good". Haven't missed a day where we didn't have our walking convo's so far. Tomorrow's Wednesday, exactly a week since I crossed the threshold into the excitement that is these walk convo's. And if it weren't for that, I wouldn't be where I am right now, 1:05 AM, in my bed, sleepy, heh. But yeah, it's going well so far. Next step: the hello's, outside of 2nd period.

        Biology, we got a project to do. Design a bootleg cell membrane thing. The teacher let us work in groups of at most 3, or by ourselves, so, I just chose myself. My buddy Bl comes over and was like "Hey, let's work together". Why not right. After class, apparently Ek and Ag want me in their group, which they asked and cross-period groups were allowed. So yeah, I feel kinda bad about leaving Bl by himself, hopefully he can just join the other 2 dude's group.

        Math, was, math. Enough said. US History, we actually had an assembly today where the counselors talk about college. And holy shit, way to cram all that shit down our throats. There, is, not, enough, time. THERE'S NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR ALL THAT PREPARATION. Seriously, gotta do campus tours, apply for scholarships online, college apps, checking off classes, courses, grades, SAT, SAT prep, AP exams, DRIVIBG, it's just not enough time for it all.

        And finally Chinese, where we just rehearsed the vocabulary words and book. Nothing special. And so, that is where I leave it off for today. I'd like to sleep now. See ya.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015 "Sleep, Now."

Monday, September 14, 2015
Week: 6
Songs to Remember: Careless - Alex Winston

        Ahhhh, the sweet release of death. No I'm, not dead, but I do feel dead because it's 1:09 AM and just had to write a shit ton of stuff to turn in for the Psychology test tomorrow.

        Because I like to live, I'll prolong my sanity and keep this one brief. So, Psychology. We learned about "cerebellum", which is what us AP Psychology kids say to each other every now and then. It's this thing at our school, where if we ever hear someone say "cerebellum", we stand on one leg and pretend to play the piccolo. Just for a short second. For our class though, our teacher's having us stand on one leg and do a yoga pose instead, to differentiate us between the other AP Psych teacher's classes. It's a long story as to why for all this.

        So me and Lt are going alright. I'm guessing she gets surprised easily or doesn't expect people to talk to her, order, maybe she's exaggerating. Anyways, I'm getting there. And as for the essay, he didn't mention shit about pencils or pens. Of course we had to write in pen, but he didn't take any points or anything. He just marked stuff in my introduction paragraph, and we get to revise our essay at home, due on Friday. As for the rest of my classes, they're going okay. Pretty much, same as Friday. Pretty much, entirely, the same. So, there you go. Now I'ma sleep. See ya.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015 "Can't Get This Anywhere Else."

Sunday, September 13, 2015
Week: 5
Songs to Remember: Younger (Kygo Remix) - Seinabo Sey

        Whatever time spent today for me to hang out with my buddies, from the old cast to the new cast, it was worth it. I do nothing all day at home anyway, and you can't get this kind of experience anywhere else.

        So I would write a lot more than what I'm about to write, but, I was planning to sleep at 11:30 PM tonight. It's 11:34 PM right now and I still have English work to do. I put my blame on that. Anyways, here's the down low. It got a bit disorganized, but we all came to the mall one by one. First Ec, then Jp, then Ek, me, and then Mc.

        They were at the food courts and having not been to the mall in quite a while, I actually don't know my way around. So I just walked in one direction 'till I found 'em. Oh boy, I was like "Yoooo" when I saw Ec. Even though I've seen him in our occasional Skype calls, I haven't seen in face to face in a while. Approximately 3 months. Jp, finally met him face to face. A lot of us said that he looked a lot older, as in like, 30, heh.

        We just talked about random shit for a while, waiting for Mc to come. When he did, oh boy, he looked different than what I pictured him. I mean I've seen him in our Skype calls, but not in real life. For approximately, 3 and a half years. So that was, real nice seeing him again. He doesn't know Ek, he knows us, and he knows Jp from our Skype group chat, We soon went to shop around in this clothing store, forgot the name. I think it was H&M.

        Lots of fun there. We then went to another clothing store, this was really just Jp being Ec's stylist and picking out clothes for him, heh. We had a lot of though. I even got a new profile picture from this. While waiting for Ec, Jp, and Mc as they're trying on clothes, Ek asked Jk and Ag if they would come on over. And whadya know, they did. First Ag and then Jk. And so there it was, I saw basically the old cast and the new cast coming together.

        And man, was that a sight. After fucking around in some other stores, and finally a Toys 'R' Us, we parted ways between the old cast and the new one. And finally, it was Ec and I walking from the back of the mall to the fucking front of it. If I had enough time to list every single detail, I would. Fortunately, I like sleep, heh. So that's that. Experiences like these don't come along often. I honestly enjoyed every minute of it.

        I'm still waiting for that one day where our Skype group chat all get together, do a bootleg fucking roadtrip or something. That's something I'd like to do in the future. But right now, I'm trying to not let a stupid mistake on the first Honors English essay to get to me. See ya.

Saturday, September 12, 2015 "What's Next."

Saturday, September 12, 2015
Week: 5
Songs to Remember: 1-4-3 - Henry

        My oh my, how tired I was today. I'm meeting up with buddy and others at the mall tomorrow. To be honest, I have no plans, I don't know what's going to happen next, but I'm hoping it'll be full of surprises.

        And that is one of the things that's keeping this show alive. And also, I really have nothing to tell in this post besides tonorrow's events, because I am tired as fuck, and wanna go to sleep. It's 12:16 AM. See ya.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015 "C omitted."

Friday, September 11, 2015
Week: 5
Songs to Remember: Bad - Infinite

        This has been one of the most exciting seasons so far and this little itty-bitty stress that's in my head right now that's keeping it all from being too relaxing.

        Since it's September 11th, we all gotta remember the tragedy from that cursed day. And what better way to remember that than by getting it on my Psychology FRQ? The teacher passed back our free-response question papers and my score was 9/11. I was like "Gee, thanks". What better timing right?

        Moving on to English. Boy was I fucking scared. This was the cause of my stress for the whole day. Went in, got the prompt, we got to use the book, our prep on the paper I did yesterday night, and our annotated articles. Oh and by the way, I have 2nd period English. There are announcements over the loudspeaker at the beginning of every 2nd period. Yep. For the bell to ring, the teacher to discuss a bit on what we gotta do, explain the prompt a bit, and the announcements, that took a good 10 minutes out of the time we had to write our essay.

        I was really really hoping we'd do it on the Chromebooks and type it out, unfortunately we didn't. I had a lot of preparation for this essay. I began explaining what I had to explain, and then I looked at the timer. 19 minutes had passed. I was like "Oh, I got this, 40 minutes left, easy". I wrote down some more stuff, I took a look at the time again. 17 minutes. "Oh fuck, it's counting down". I had 17 minutes left and I was only about 1/4 of the way through my essay.

        SPEED UP! I rushed to fucking heck. At the last stretch I was scribbling down all the words I can to finish my essay. Literally, I wrote 'till time was up, I even saw the timer count down from 30 seconds. My hand was actually shaking, I had to calm myself down in order to not make my final sentences look like hieroglyphics. Wrote so fast I left skid marks on my paper, heh. "My masterpiece", was what I felt I had created in those dire minutes.

        Thank goodness that was over. Now I barely have to stress about anything today. Walking out with Lt right behind me, she was like "I failed" (exaggerating of course). We talked, aaand, I try to move towards her locker place, she just, kept going the usual way, ehhhhh. She then mentioned how she had to cross so much stuff out. I was like "Cross stuff out?". She was like "Yeah, we had to write in pen".

        This is part where someone does Morgan Freeman's voice and says "And in that moment, Drew knew, he fucked up". Heart, fucking, skips a beat. Uhhhhhhhhh. That right there just ruined my whole day. Well, created a lot of worry for me for the day. I basically just prayed, the whole day, even right now, that the teacher would let it slide, it's our first essay, you know. I mean, come the fuck on, we've been writing with pencil this entire time and only now pen is required. Like, I was so focused on "Okay, gonna write about this first, then this...etc, etc", that I apparently didn't pay attention to the part where the teacher says "Pen only".

        Please, for the love of god and all that is holy, please let it slide this one time. Anyways, break. And then Biology. We did some bootleg practice free-response questions, got about, 1 of 'em right, and uh, some notes, on, stuff. About half of the class was gone because today was Senior Picnic day, where all the seniors get to spend the entire day (and I mean, entire) school day at a park, doing, whatever they want.

        Math, was actually made pretty special for this season finale. Instead of a usual lesson, we did group posters. As in, in groups, we graphed parabolas, on big pieces of paper. It was just me and Hl. And then the teacher had this one other 2-person group split apart, had one of 'em come over to our group, the other to another 2-person group. And yes, it was the same dude who sat next to me. It went, swimmingly. The teacher gave out lollipops like she always does, heh.

        She also took pictures of us holding up our completed poster. These things were worth 5 points each by the way, which is added to our quiz score. Oh yeah, we did get our quizzes back today. To my surprise, I got  39/42. Was I surprised that I got such a high score, or was I surprised that I didn't get a 100%? Most likely both. Still, one of my life goals is to get a 100% in her class, on any quiz or test. Even with the extra 5 points added, that ain't no natural 100%.

        Lunch time, I tried going to my English teacher's room to ask him if he can let my pencil-written essay slide. Door was locked, he wasn't there. Ah shoot. So I head on over to my usual spot when I see Drew, Drew N. Much easier to describe him that way. He was like "Hey are you going to the ARK meeting?" I was like "Oh yeah, let's go". We head on over, all the way to the back of the L building, only to find out it's next week. Well, sheeeet. And in this heat, sheeeet. Walking back, I go back to my usual spot, convo's, etc.

        US History, we watch this movie called "Far and Away" and we gotta write down like, scenes from the movie which deal with immigration, etc, etc. Stars Tom Cruise so that's, nice, heh. Overall people were actually pretty interested in the movie. Was made in 1992 believe it or not. And to top it off, for Chinese, we just had coloring. It was supposed to be a sort of stress reliever, well, didn't really stop me from thinking about my upcoming F on my essay.

        After class I headed on over to see if he was there. Door was locked, nope. Guess that's the end of the season finale right? WRONG. That was just the beginning. The real part starts here, in front of the dance room, just like last year. A lot of people were waiting there, including, but not limited to: Ln, Cc, Js, that one girl Jp tried to go for online, her friend aka one of people my buddies and I trolled online, and, Yc. Who's Yc? He was the dude, that Ai and I were friends with last year when we went to KDT. I met Yc here I think. Yeah, yeah I did.

        I actually forgot all about him. He was like "Ay Drew" and I was like "Oh hey". He's a sophomore now, but by god, he pulls so fucking hard. He's like the only dude out of a group of like 5 other girls standing there, he was pulling hard. He was like "Hey you going to homecoming?" and I was like "Yeah" and he was like "You got anyone to go with?" and I was like "Uhhh, not sure, I don't know yet" and he was like "Oh how about one of these ladies here, huh" and I was like "Uhhhh, I already got options, heh" and he was like "Ahhh I see, alright, alright" and I was like "Are you going?" and he was like "Nawww".

        So it was basically just me and him, standing there, in a group of like 5 other girls, the rest of the people were standing near the door, Yc was just pulling hard on that girl my buddies and I trolled and Jp's online interest. That was for a good 10 minutes when finally the teacher got her to advise us. We put our bags to the side, the KDT leaders/coordinators/veterans were handing out nametags for everybody. Like, those sticker ones where you write your name.

        I was like "Ohhhhh, I remember all this". Slipped my mind completely. Eventually Ai showed up. I always forget if I refer to him as Ai or Ad. If I use either of those, I'm referring to the same dude who I met at tutoring, okay? Anyways, after that, we got in a big circle and started off the ice-breaker, which was to say "Hi, my name is blank, and my favorite K-Pop group is blank". Or if you don't have one, just say why you joined KDT.

        I don't know if I can emphasize this enough, but, it's like a 50 to 1 girl to guy ratio. Okay, maybe 10 to one, but holy shit. Tons, and tons, and tons, and tons, and tons of people said "EXO" and "BTS". What did I say? I was debating between "Seventeen" and "2PM". I went with 2PM. One of the most bootleg things happened about 5 minutes in the ice-breaker. I heard someone outside (my back was facing the open door), saw in the mirror it was the dude my buddies and trolled hard, and I was like "Awwww fuck".

        And whadya know, my buddy Ai says "Hey blank name, come sit over here". Ho-ly, shit, he sat right next to me. I mean, after knowing what he was really like online, I kinda don't wanna like, associate myself with him... in, any form possible. And holy shit, was there a lot of familiar faces. I probably knew, about, 1/4 of the people here? There were around 50 people. And so, we got started with the dance. Of course, it's always the easy moves first. We didn't do the whole song, just the part where it leads to the beginning of the chorus and half-way through it.

        It was "Call Me Baby" by EXO by the way. My true hommie was Yc during the whole thing. Even though we haven't talked or saw eachother in like, a year, we were still pretty tight. He was still pretty tight. I can see why he pulls hard. Anyways, the dancing went alright, I mixed up steps sometimes, and had a bit trouble keeping my pacing and speed on the leg kicking part, but overall, not bad, considering I did no dancing whatsoever for an entire year, heh.

        Oh and I did I mention the 10 to 1 girl to guy ratio. That was, holy, this whole thing was fucking crazy. We took group pics, they recorded us doing the dance we learned in 2 hours, it was nice. What wasn't nice, was how hot it was. I've been saying "holy shit" a lot, but, ho-ly shit. I was sweating like a motherfucker. And yes, this time, I promise to be committed to these things. As in, 2 hours every Friday, to KDT.

        Anywhooo, that was one nice season finale. And now what's next? Doing my work over the weekend, and going to the mall on Sunday, reuniting with my best buddy Ec after months of summer. Hot damn. Anyways, gonna go to sleep now. See ya.

Thursday, September 10, 2015 "Just How This Goes."

Thursday, September 10, 2015
Week: 5
Songs to Remember: Mansae - Seventeen

        Alright, alright. I don't know how this is all working out, but I have to say, this season is really bringing up the ratings. A lot. They'll go even higher tomorrow during the season finale. Weekends are kinda iffy, I don't consider them finales unless shit happens that I'll reconsider some of 'em as the true season finales.

        On a side note, it's 12:45 AM right now. I'm probably going to go sleep immediately after this. I spent the past 4 hours working non-stop on preparing for the essay tomorrow for English. Not only is it the first one for the year, but essays count for 75% of our grade. And what's worse, is that it's called an "essay". Scary word. I prefer the term "composition" like my freshman year teacher does. Anyways, wrote walls of texts, bullets points, page numbers, and quotes about this mother/daughter relationship from the Joy Luck Club, literally, everything I would need. Thank goodness we get a heads up on what the essay'll probably be about. The Hero's Journey, see if the mother/daughter fit into it. Waverly, Lindo, and Joseph Campbell are gonna be stuck in my head for a while.

        And now, the day. First off, holy fuck. It was like a constant 85-95 degrees the entire day. I thought it would subside once I got home, but nope. I looked at the time, 6:30 PM, I looked at the temperature, it was still 88 degrees Fahrenheit. Dear lord, California 2015 everybody. And so, Psychology, watched and took notes in this video about Clive Wearing, this dude who has really, really bad amnesia. Pretty interesting case. And uh, I got a bit sleepy at sometimes, buy that's with most of my lecture classes.

        English, of how it has become such a central focus now. I was walking over to English, when along the way, bam, I see Lt going the same way as I am. I was like "Hey" and she was like "HOH SHIT". She didnt really say that, but it looked like she kinda felt that way, heh. I guess I surprised her because she jumped a it. Maybe she wasn't expecting me at the time, and hey, neither did I. I was like "Heh, sorry, heh. Did you write any quotes on the planning sheet?". And uhh, just that really small small talk, because as we were walking the classroom was like, there.

        In class, we finished the rest of the presentations (there were only 2 left), then we talked a bit about the essay tomorrow and whatnot. Then he had a little poster exhibit thing. Posters were layed out across all the desks, we got up and walked around, looking at the artwork and quotes, seeing if there were any that looked useful and we would write down those quotes. And umm, yeah. After that, he had a some old essays on the Joy Luck Club, basically the same topic and book we're doing, and let us read 'em. We only got about 5 minutes to see them, they were A+ essays so to us, they were like the bible to a Christian, heh. They were actually shorter than I thought.

        Soon the bell rang, Lt had all her stuff packed, but she didn't head out just yet. Only did I finish packing up (about like, 10 seconds after the bell) did she exited. I headed left and of course, knowing that was her route, she went left as well. I was walking, she tapped me on the shoulder, appeared to my left, and I was like "Hey". Definitely reminded me of Yn, the whole, convo walking thing. We didn't really have much to relate, to, talk about, besides English class, but we've been over that. She was like "I heard it was going to be like 100 degrees the whole day". I was like "Yeah, it's gonna be pretty hot for the rest of the week. You ready for the essay?" and then, blah, blah, etc. I transitioned to asking her what classes she had, mentioning regular Calculus, I was like "Holy" and she was like "You should take Calc BC" and I was like "Yo, that ain't even numbers anymore, it's all just letters at that point, heh".

        We actually walked past the place where I'm guessing she hangs out. Or, the place where she meets up with her friends. Or something. After turning the corner, she was like "Bye" and I was like "Bye". And that point, I was like "Damn". In a good way. About the whole situation. It's weird, I feel really confident after shit like that. I felt like "Hot damn, gimme that essay planner, I'll do it right now". It's really weird.

        3rd period. We basically got a lecture, took notes, went over the quiz from yesterday, talks about the lab, etc. Not much work assigned thank the lord. The teacher doesn't collect half the stuff we do, it's like, yeah. If it weren't for me being done with Biology work, already done with math work (I thought it'd be due today), US History work, basically every class right now (until the weekend hits. Gotta study up hard there), I probably wouldn't be able to get done with the essay prep stuff for English.

        Let's speed this up. Math, quiz, felt it was kinda easy. I messes up 3 times on the last graphing question, had to re-graph 3 times. Lunch, we went to the Chinese club meeting in the theater with the cast. Ehhh. Seems like a regular club. Ummm, 5th period, US History. Notes on events after Civil War. And finally, Chinese. I'm not satisfied with my group that I'm sitting with. Just, they don't talk, or, they just ignore. I'm just like "What, the, fuck". I actually would've preferred my first seat, believe it or not. But, I wanted to move, so, that's what I get. We just, used the Chromebooks to work on online stuff is all.

        So, upcoming events. Classes tomorrow, there's a senior picnic tomorrow so, the school's gonna be about 1/4 empty. Ec, Ek, Jp, and I are gonna go to the mall on Sunday. Haven't seen Ec in a while, so it's nice.  Also, KDT. 2 hour workshop tomorrow. I actually remember why I even wanted to join KDT in the first place: for the people, and for the exercise, heh. We'll see just how this all goes tomorrow. See ya.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 "September.*

Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Week: 5
Songs to Remember: September - Earth, Wind and Fire, Mabmosa - Hwangtaeji, Mamacita - Super Junior

        Episodes like this are what keeps the series going. Just right in the middle of the season, of what appeared to be a very bumpy beginning, there's now a big curve, and this time it feels promising.

        Let's start from the beginning. Psychology, just plain old, notes in class and bootleg activities to give examples of how we remember, our memory, etc. Nothing special so far, just the usual Psychology class mornings. I head on over to English, I was hoping that we'd just be doing presentations today to get through everybody, and maybe finally getting that girl's name. Why not ask for it? Uh, well, I actually have no explanation for that.

        So, we start off with a little short survey from the teacher on what we thought of Ehhh, mediocre at best. Then we proceeded with the rest of the presentations for our unit on the Joy Luck Club. People were called upon, people went up, people sat back down. After each presentation, it was a random drawing to see who goes next, unless there are volunteers. When the name "Lt" was called, I was like "Wait what, there's an Lt in this class? Never heard that name said in the class, ever".

        And you guessed it, that girl came up to do her presentation, on the first slide of her PowerPoint, says right there, "Lt Period 2". I was like "Oh. Huh. Wait, I think I havr her added on Facebook already, do I not?". I recall that there was someone on my friend list who had a plush mouse profile picture, with the name "Lt". I checked and apparently I do not have an Lt added. In fact, she doesn't even have a Facebook. *sigh* Well, looks like it's making the only kind of contact being verbal, face-to-face, real life, none of this online bullshit. Alrighty.

        As I was saying, there she was, doing her presentation. First thing I noticed: her volume. I'm like, right in front, almost, and I can barely hear her. Well. And uh, she did her presentation. I even raised my hand and commented on how I liked the tone of her presentation. Gotta make your presence known. Some more people went up to present, and towards the end of class, only a couple presentations are left to do. Now, it's Wednesday. Which means, we go straight to 3rd period, no break today. I was like "Fuck, how am I supposed to start a walking conversation with her now if she's going to her next class".

        So, the bell rings, she exits the door, I exit right after, I head to the left this time, because, why not. Lt usually always heads left and to her locker (don't ask me how I know) at the back of the building. She still went left, and I was like "Let's take a different route to 3rd period". Honestly, I thought I was going to math instead of Biology. As I was walking, I noticed, "Oh", Let's going this way too. Huh. I was put in the exact same scenario 2 years ago. I'm walking behind her, fighting in my mind and deciding whether to start talking or not. With all this experience and the circumstances, I couldn't pass it up. So, I went ahead and said "Hey".

        "I really liked your presentation". She gave a surprised look and then a smile, and in my mind, I was like "HOOOO, got through the threshold. Now to just go with the flow, Drew". She was like "Thanks. I liked yours too". Even though I did mine's like a week ago, I appreciated it. She continued with "How was my voice?" or something like that. I was like "I think you need to work a bit on your vocal expression but overall it was good, heh". I then asked "Did you start writing down quotes for the essay on Friday?" She was like "Oh my gosh, I haven't even started", then I was like "I can't believe he tells us that today, two days before the thing". We talked a bit more about it, you know, casual high-schooler "Omg, I can't believe it, so hard, etc, etc, homework, essay, test, grades, exaggeration" convo's. Just an example. Anyways, she got to her next class which was apparently located right below mine's, it's at the same building. She was like "I gotta go now" and so I was like "Byeee" and proceeded to tell my buddies on our Skype group chat that I was in.

        I was like "Ho-ly, shit. HOOOO". That definitely brang my confidence up, my mood up for the day, for that matter. I recognized how I just needed to get past that barrier of talking or to back out. And luckily, I chose to talk, heh. And so, Biology. We did a lab, featuring us putting liquids in small bags, tying 'em up, and putting 'em in water. We, had a bit of trouble. Enough for the teacher to help us out a bit, and say "Choi oi", which is like "Oh my gawd" in Vietnamese. I was like "HOOO, never thought I'd hear my teacher say that in my life". We had a group quiz as well, great, because multiple people is better than just one working on a quiz.

        Not lunchtime yet, it's 4th period math. Literally, it's just a lesson, and uh, yeah. Tomorrow there's a quiz so, apparently Hl's kinda worried 'bout that. And finally it was lunchtime. I didn't hang out with the cast today, because I had a meeting to attend. KDT of course. I walked in, small classroom, but holy hell were there a lot of people. Lots of familiar faces as well. Even more as more people came in. It was insane to the least, heh. I straight up saw Ln, saw that one girl from my English class last year, we'll call her Cc for now, saw that guy who my buddies and I trolled online (I can never see him the same way again), Js, that one girl from my math class last year (and this year) who sat in front of me.

        More people come in, I see that one girl who was in my Chem class last year and in my English class right now, with her friend, you guessed it, El. Uhh, what? That was y reaction too. Did not expect her to be her. Could never imagine her dancing. And uhh, Ai came in, saw him, and just a ton other people, from all classes, freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior. One thing I noticed: there was about a 10:1 girl to guy ratio. Literally, there was only about 5-7 guys there, including me. I remembered why I wanted to join KDT in the first place, heh. Anyways, I stood beside Ln there, the KDT people just discussed what it was about, the rules, etiquette, etc. Our first workshop dance is on Friday, after school from 3 - 5:00 PM. The dance and song? Call Me Maybe by EXO. Classic track from 100% Chance.

        The bell rang, we got to our 5th periods, I forgot Js was in my 5th period. Forgot. We watches a video on the presidents of the U.S, took notes, blah. 6th period, Chinese, boy was I excited for them new seats. Went in, drew straws, got #5. Sat down, it was rather near the back, not entirely. People came in, and uh, hey, El ain't sitting near me this time! Guess people got tired of the joke. Well, it kinda stuck itself in there during the KDT thing, but whatever. I ended up sitting next to this dude who I knew, never actually talked to. Behind me sat these 2 girls, both of which I knew but never talked to. Nor did I know their names.

        The teacher moved us around so that it'd be exactly boy, girl, boy, girl. So, that one girl who sat behind me, is now sitting next to me, to my left. She's apparently is good friends with the girl in front of me. Everyone in our group is a Junior, I think, including the girl in front of me. They, talk a lot. They don't pay attention to anything else, just their convo's. I was examining gossip in it's natural habitat. They even speak in hushed voices when talking 'bout other girls. I was like "*whisper* what the fuck". There's no potential here for me, but, it's different and I cannot complain about that.

        So, that right there was what was a nice re-kindling of the series. I gotta say, shit's just gonna get better. And different. Not necessarily new and better stuff, but, one of those things at a time. Now, I'll go to sleep. See ya.