Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015 "Weaboo 2015."

Sunday, July 5, 2015
Week: 46
Songs to Remember: Katana Blade Chronicles - No More Heroes OST

        Hey, I never did a post for Anime Expo, huh? That's right, I went to Anime Expo back in the summer of 2013, and I started this whole thing in December of 2013. So, looks like this'll be my first post on Anime Expo.

        I had a bootleg dream last night, slept at around 1:00 AM, woke up at around 9:30 AM. I was kinda iffy on going, mostly due to my laziness again, but, my cousin was going anyway so, might as well. Like I said, I've went to Anime Expo before, and since that was the first time I've been to an Anime convention, I had the experience of marveling over all the cosplayers, models (collectible models duh), posters,etc.

        This time, it wasn't all that. I didn't really see many eye-catching cosplays (except for the select few). The vendors had the same stuff as last time, plus now that I have the ability to get stuff online now for free (with those survey sites), I could just, get all the stuff I want, online. Still, it's not like everyday you see people cosplaying as characters you've seen in shows in real life, so, there's that.

        I think it's just because it's the last day and people are just tired and whatever. I found the place not as crowded as the last time I went there. Anyways, started off with my cousin driving me in his car to the place (which is about 10 minutes away from here at our grandmother's house), had something to eat(for us, spicy tuna sushi rice balls. Actually was pretty good, not gonna lie).

        I was wondering about how we were gonna get our badges to get in, but then I was like "Wait, you don't need a badge to just, walk in, heh". And, you don't. That is, if you just stay in the main lobby. and not go off to the panels or vendor area. I mean, there are probably thousands of people here so it's not like they can catch everyone without a badge.

        My cousin and I met up with his friend (whom I met the last time I went to Anime Expo) and we went to the Exhibit Hall (yeah, that's what it's called). My cousin and I didn't have badges so, we just uhh, let's just say we... walked in with a crowd and while the security guards were busy checking someone else. I mean, if a whole group rushed in there, who could stop 'em? Just like my 9th grade English teacher told me, about how us students could overrun the school or whatever. I mean, there's just so many of us, who could catch us all?

        So uh yeah. Not the most honest thing I've ever done, but hey, at least it's not the first (probably theater hopping with a couple of my buddies, and that's only because R rated movie age limit). We walked around a bit, looked at all the stuff, took a look at some of the game demos, etc. I ended up getting a Soul Eater hat (with like, the Soul band on the front).

        We left the Exhibition hall and went back to the lobby. We played a demo of Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (what a mouthful) and uh yeah, that was it. My cousin dropped me off back at our grandmother's house and he went with his buddy to, I don't know, other places. Of course he wasn't staying, heh.

        So anyways this was just another example of how laziness gets in my way of having fun. Glad I went, and I should say that on everything. So uh, see you tomorrow. Oh and I almost forgot, here are some pictures of the place.

This was too amazing I couldn't resist.

 If only it were Dorito swords and mountain dew devices, this would've been an Attack on Montage Parody cosplay.

Unfortunately, LittleKuriboh wasn't here, he was apparently sick. Ah well.

I first thought it was the shotgun sprite from Terraria and I freaked out a bit. Nope, but it did give some ideas for a TERRARIA COSPLAY. Like damn, how didn't I think of this before?

Way too expensive. Like, one of 'em had a price of $70. That's like, groceries right there.

We all know this is the best part of Anime Expo. :^)

TOO F***ING GOOD. This was amazing, never would I have thought to see this. (Myserty Skulls - Ghost animated)

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