Sunday, July 26, 2015

Saturday, July 25, 2015 "Web Hosting."

Saturday, July 25, 2015
Week: 49
Songs to Remember: Devil - Super Junior

        Ah, what a relaxing day. Yeah it was pretty relaxing, I just delayed the inevitable work that I gotta do by just doing nothing today.

        Just kidding, I played some Terraria and received some mail. The mail is actually the letter from the school on how to register online. Well, I went to the website, and, it's f***ing offline. Did they not anticipate the amount of people registering? It says "Please make every effort to complete the online registration process by August 4th". Yeah thanks.

        Pretty sure the website's gonna crash again on the 4th considering how well the hosting is going. Ah, school district web hosting. Anyways, picture taking's gonna be about a week from now, and uhh, pretty s*** that we have to go pick-up our schedule (well just the classes, they don't show us the periods or teachers so that we may prepare) at the school, where there will be huge long-ass lines, which would make the process even longer than it needs to be.

        I mean, whatever, there are obviously flaws in how they handle things, this is the first year they're doing online registering, so, gonna expect some s****y handling. And so uh, yeah, voice-chatted with my best buddy just a while ago on Curse Voice after some League games. And uh, Battlebots season finale tomorrow. That's gonna be fun.

        Also watched Running Man episode 231, that ending was f***ing amazing. And that's pretty much it so far. I'll see you tomorrow.

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