Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015 "More or Less Sleep."

Sunday, July 12, 2015
Week: 47
Songs to Remember: Girls - Se7en

        Well, it's July 12th already. I've been getting a lot of sleep, and losing a lot of sleep. I also, finally cleaned out my binder.

        Now since I was really tired yesterday, I had no time to make a post. I watched Jurassic World, ate pizza, and yeah. I also talked a bit with my aunt's boyfriend. I've met him before (several times actually), but never actually had a real convo.

        Jurassic World was an okay movie. I'm only saying that because it kinda made me sleepy. The plot was not what I was expecting. Spoilers in the next couple paragraphs.

        I thought that the movie (I've seen the trailer ONCE, but I don't remember what it was about) was about a bunch of dinosaurs breaking out of captivity, aaand terrorizing people. Instead, the movie focuses one dinosaur. There were some parts where I disagree with/ could've done differently. The little kid was running around like a prisoner escaping from life in prison. Seriously, how did the brother not lose him with all those people. It really could've turned into another scene from the game "Heavy Rain", but instead of shouting "Jason!", Zach would be shouting "Gray!" (and yes, I did have to look up their names AGAIN). Another part I don't get is where Claire didn't explain to Owen what the other species the Indominous Rex was made from. Like, how is "Velociraptor" top secret? It's one of the most known dinosaurs. I thought it would be some sort of rare alien dinosaur or something, but no, just velociraptor.

        And finally, when trying to create a dinosaur that should look "cool", why not give it spikes. I mean, a dinosaur that is combined of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Velociraptor, looks honestly just like a white T-Rex. Nothing that "cool" asthetically, besides the coloring. How about wings, spikes, armor plating, anything. Okay, just now looked at pictures of it (since I don't really remember to the tiniest detail of the thing), it has spikes. But those are the tiniest spikes known to man. I'm talking, Spinosaurus type s***.

        Anyways, the movie was eh. Characters were eh. Storyline, was eh. The deaths though, there were more than I expected, like, way more. I thought it would be for kids and just show the deaths off-screen, but uh, there were some deaths that were shown, and it's nice they kept in a lot of deaths. So, I like that. I give the movie about, hmmmm, a 7/10. I mean, didn't fall asleep, but almost, but I liked the visuals. Visuals and amount of deaths were nice.

        So uh, yeah, that was about it yesterday. Had a dream after I woke up at 8:00 AM, proceeded to stay asleep in that dream 'till 9:00 AM, where I was woken up and packed my bags to go back home. Arrived at around 4:00 PM. And yes, I also slept in the car. Yeah that's it so far, got tidied up after cleaning out my binders. Still got work to do, probably will do 'em at the end of August. I'll see you tomorrow.

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