Saturday, July 25, 2015

Friday, July 24, 2015 "A New Experience."

Friday, July 24, 2015
Week: 49
Songs to Remember: Don't Flirt - Winner

        I should've figured that I'd be too tired after 4 hours sitting at a table to read.

        After I got to the library, I luckily ran into my buddy at the door (not literally). I noticed he wears a lot of vibrant clothing so, he was easy to spot. Also there weren't as many people as I remembered. Anyways, we sat down at a table and waited for his cousin to come (our tutee). Soon after, we other buddy Ek came, along with my buddy's cousin.

        I didn't really get to tutor him, as my other buddy, the one who I met last year at this tutoring thing, Ai, asked for help tutoring this 5-year old girl. I was like "What the s*** she's like 5" and my buddy was like "Yeah, she's going into kindergarten". We couldn't really teach her much because, there really ain't all that much for going into kindergarten. Like, 2+2, but she already knew that. I noticed she had an accent to her voice, like an English accent, which was pretty cool, I actually never met anybody who spoke like that.

        My buddy left me to tutor some other kids with his other buddy, which was fine 'cause his other buddy was girl,  but uhh, yeah I just stayed at the table, monitoring our 5-year old tutee, who was having fun portraying paper origami airplanes as a family. Like the big paper airplane was the daddy, there was a mommy, a baby, a brother, etc. Never actually experienced how a kindergartener acted, so this was new.

        After the first session was over, the girl left, my buddy was still helping tutoring with that girl, my buddy with his tutee and Ek were nowhere to be found, I had nobody to tutor, and I didn't want to tutor anybody. I saw my other buddies at a table in the corner, so I decide to join 'em since I had no s*** to do. I also saw that pretty much everybody had their own tutee so I was like "Aight whatever". My buddies basically tutored a couple kids, one read a book (the one I'm supposed to read for f***ing Honors English), one was on his phone but still tutoring, and one was playing Minecraft on iOS. F***ing nasty controls, that's all I'm gonna say.

        We got hungry towards the end, my buddy came up with the idea to look at the foodporn subreddit to fill our empty stomachs. Also, I noticed Ln was tutoring on the stage up front. When she came down, I was like "Ay". We talked a bit outside as we were waiting for our parents to pick us up. I'm still not experienced enough to make a convo, I don't know, I end up asking "How was your day" often on Facebook. I guess I just didn't expect this s***.

        And so, I discovered my buddy Ek was playing chess with my other buddy's tutee and some friends, my buddy was hanging out somewhere with his girl buddies, and another one of my buddies was helping tutor with this girl. It didn't matter, I got a new experience this time around. I was like "Yep, that's enough social interaction for the week".

        In game news, I played a s*** ton of ARAM games with buddy, lasted from 10:00 PM to about 1:30 AM (it's 2:02 AM now), Terraria (apparently Nebula armor is much better than Spectre armor against the Moon Lord. It was the tongue-leech, it didn't affect life-regen only life-steal, ha!). And uh, yeah. Gonna have to get s*** done soon, but in the meantime I preparing for it. See you tomorrow.

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