Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 "Quizzes Confirmed."

Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Week: 34
Songs to Remember: New World - MadTown

        Last night I actually had trouble sleeping. No idea why (heh). I had work done, no math quiz or test for the rest of the week (well, until now), and it was only 12:00 AM. But no, I was still awake even after having my eyes closed for about 10 minutes. Also, that feel when you forget to charge your phone overnight. Thank god for battery saver.

        So the World History test wasn't that hard. Well, not that hard if you have the right notes. I was expecting for the test to have questions in which the answers can be found (or related to) the notes we took so far. Yeah, no. Well, some can't. Also the test wasn't multiple choice. Apparently there was no multiple choice part, just a written one. You choose two questions out of the three and answer em'. Even though I scoffed at the first question due to how long it was and how nobody's gonna choose to answer it, I actually ended up doing it 'cause the 2nd question (which had to do with explaining the Truman doctrine and the Marshall plan) I couldn't remember what the doctrine or plan was about. And it wasn't in the notes even though I write everything. F***. So, yeah.

        English, our group is pretty much still at a standstill. People are still suggesting or unsure about our region. So, I guess we decided to switch from China and Philippines to just Asia in general. Well, southeast Asia. I knew that we weren't being productive so I just started on some test posters. Just in case we don't have anything and the due date's a couple days away and need straight away planning. Bam, there's some example posters. Still, going for the minimalistic design.

        Chemistry, was, just notes. That and texting Yn in class. But ONLY before and after class starts. As in, when the teacher says to put away all our electronics. He goes "Alright, if any of you have your Walkman, your transistor radio, your boom box, iPod, iPhone, any electronic device like those, please out em' away". And for the whoosh, no one actually has a Walkman or boom box. Also, stoichiometry. P.E, yeah only a couple note days of this s***. F***ing sick of it. Well, couple more days of this weights unit. Probably about 75% weights, 25% cardio. I, don't even think about cardio anymore, it's really just weights.

        Math, first, well actually, second day of lessons on Trigonometry. Basically reviews of s*** we learned in Geometry, with special triangles (Illuminati confirmed, yes) and sin, cos, and tan. She also explained how the quizzes will be just 4 questions, where we gotta find the sin, cos, etc for the triangles and angles. The catch is, that each quiz will be timed faster and faster. So this Friday, the quiz will be 4 questions in 10 minutes. Then next week, on one of those days, another quiz, but for 8 minutes. Then 4 minutes, 2 minutes, etc. She says if you can do each question in 20 seconds, you're all set. Well, at least I'll know what'll be on the test. I'd much rather speed-run quizzes that I know what to study for rather than quizzes where I can take my time but not know exactly the questions that'll be on it.

        So far in math, I'm alright with it. Just triangles. So far. Good. Now Chinese. We, just finished the readings, and uh- oh yeah. The quiz. I was fairly confident. Got the test, and was like "Aawww yeahhh". A couple I had trouble one. On one, it had a character I recognized, but it also contained one which I forgot what it meant. On the other was a phrase that I sorta remember, I just, couldn't remember. Turned it in, just hoped for the best, and bam. I got a 18/20. 2 points per question, out of 10 vocab words/phrases, I only missed that phrase. Turns out it was "time", but the phrase I studied in the book had "what time" instead of just "time", so that threw me off. Also, the other I actually got right. Turns out the first character was just whatever. Threw a lot of people off though. The phrase was "to want". Some people thought too hard about it and put "to want to desire" (like my buddy) and s*** like that, heh. I'm actually surprised I got it right.

        And I just finished the Chinese work about an hour ago (it's 11:55 PM right now). The project we'll be doing (this was just like a part of it) is to make a real phone call (with our real phone numbers and actually calling the teacher) and leaving a message, with the rough draft of the script we had to write today (as homework). In Chinese of course. A lot of fun s*** I could do with this project. Might as well have SOME fun in my message instead of just doing it blandly. I'm sure the teacher will get tired after hearing over 100 two-minute long messages of students saying "Hi. My name is blah blah. I speak blah blah. My parents blah blah".

        The project will count as our final actually. I'll take it. And now, time for me to watch some videos and go to sleep. And damn, am I hungry for some reason.

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