Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015 "It's My Luck."

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Week: 37
Songs to Remember: Exodus - Exo

        Hey guess what. It's April f***ing 29th. APRIL HAS ALREADY PASSED. Like, damn. Only about 21 more days of school or so. Schooldays I mean.

        World History is ehhhh. But as long as it's relaxing and helps me lose some stress, it's fine with me. Today we got to watch a video on 9/11. 'Cause ya know, middle-east, Osama, all that. I was literally thinking nothing but "Aloha Snackbar" and "Jet Fuel can't melt steel beams" the whole time really.

        English was, oh so relaxing. Praise the sun, praise based teacher. We got to have an in-class reading time. I thought I'd get through 2 chapters within the 49 minutes class time. It was actually more difficult than I thought, not with the reading, but by staying awake. Towards the 2nd chapter that I read, I was so f***ing sleepy. My eyes kept on closing on me. I was like "Come on, only like, let me count how many more... 5 MORE PAGES. GOD". Chemistry was a lot different. Uhhhh, what did we do? Oh right, notes. That, and notes. That was, it.

        P.E was just, f***ing drowning simulator 2015. We practiced doing bootleg swimming, by having us all "flutterkick", breathe to the side, and move our arms. The kicking and arm waving wasn't the hard part, it was the breathing. We had to use these bootleg little swimming boards and swim across the warmup pool while doing all those things. I had no goggles, so I was barely able to see. I have to use all my energy to move my legs and not bend them. I'm not used to swimming at all, or at least this type, and so getting all this water up my nose is a pain. And the breathing. I was more focused on my whole form that I forgot to exhale everytime. So basically what I was doing was having carbon dioxide filling up inside me, and I basically felt like drowning.

        For avid swimmers, this s*** would be as easy as using a f***ing Yugi starter deck. For me, this s***'s exhausting. We still haven't done any fun s*** yet, like water baskrtba or whatever. Just, f***ing, Michael Phelps simulator, but a bootleg version. *sigh*, anyways, math was the usual. We got our tests back today. The teacher calls us up one by one, and when I hears my name, I was expecting not to see a lot of red. I took hold of my paper, I looked at it, there was red, awww f***. I looked at the score and it said "24/30". I was like "Hey, that's not that bad. But wait, it was only out of 30 points?". Then I remembered it was a two-part test. I saw my real score at the top and it said 60/75. I was like "WOAH S***". Hell's yeah baby, now that's what I'm talking about.

        I looked over what I did wrong and most of it was just, stupid stuff. I was surprised that I got this one problem right. I was confused on what to do. I wasn't sure if it was right or not. At the last minute, I switched over to another way and just, did it like that. The answer seemed like a, reasonable answer. I was like "F***, well hopefully I'll get like partial credit or something". Turns out, it was the right answer! Holy hell, this test was the bomb, baby.

        Chinese was the usual. For homework we gotta write research summaries on a topic related to the lesson. Since there's a lot of vocab words on time and libraries and stuff, we could either write about clocks, or a university or library or something. Each member of a group had to do a different one. I was like "Hey, can I do that one Benjamin Franklin clock?". Zi and Ji were both like "BIG BEN" and I was like "Oh right, right, right. See, I knew it had something to do with Ben Franklin". Turns out, it ain't about Ben Franklin, heh. Shows how much I know about history, heh.

        I remembered today, I just had a thought, about this one book I "wrote" back in 4th grade. The teacher had us write a story and draw pictures for it, then he had us all send them to this company to print us our very own book with a hard cover and everything. We all each got a copy to keep, and one to keep in the classroom. My story was about this bootleg space hamster. All the pictures were just, Hamtaro esque hamsters. I think it was called "Space Hamster" or something random like that. Very bootleg, heh. I think my parents gave all my old kid stuff to goodwill or something already. I can't find it. Maybe it's in my archive which my mom always keeps my school stuff in. Ehhhh.

        Anyways, Dn keeps sending me these soft, soft nude pics on Snapchat. By that I mean her after she showers and it's like an inch off-screen for it to turn from PG-13 to R. *sigh*, so, see you tomorrow.

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