Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014 "November Saddening Part 2."

Thursday, November 13, 2014
Week: 13
Songs to Remember: Man in the Mirror (Electro Remix 2009) - Michael Jackson

        Aaand I lied about writing this at 3:00 AM and over the whole trip. I was wayyy to sleepy to even consider doing it. I did however enjoy the view of streets at 3:00 AM. Very calming, very dark, all I could see are the streetlights and the glowing signs from Burger King, which is apparently open 24 hours for some reason. Apparently people want burgers that late.

        So I slept for like 4 hours, woke up, slept for another hour, woke up, took my parents a while to find the funeral place because we're not really familiar with these parts all that often. After we found the place, we went inside and signed the list thingy. You know, the ones you sign at funerals to show you attended it. My mom and I went in the place with all the seats and we visited my uncle in his casket. And my mom cries, cries a lot, I'm not really sure what to do so I go sit down next to my cousin and give my mom some privacy.

        We talked for a bit, ate some food, did whatever until the whole thing started which was at like 11:30 AM. Also I thought that there would only be one funeral, 'cause like, there's usually only one funeral. Nope, this was a Buddhist funeral and the Catholic one's going to be held tomorrow. Yeah. And so the preacher or whoever that person is who reads prayers and stuff, we sit, stand, some recite the stuff but not everyone cause like it's pretty hard Viet. Or, something. I don't know okay, I'm no expert in religion, never the less religions in Vietnamese.

        After the prayer reciting or whatever, everyone was given a stick which was lighted at the tip and we were to all put it into this bowl thingy. You could probably look it up on Google, just search up "Buddhist funeral" and you'll know what I'm talking about. It's like a bowl with like sand and you put a stick with the tip lit into it. And so I was sitting behind my aunts and my cousin whose father is of this funeral (my uncle), along with my other cousin and my mom beside me. I could see that my aunts were very saddened by all this, crying really hard, and I don't really know how to react to all this 'cause it doesn't happen often for me.

        After everyone put a stick into the bowl thing, the funeral was over. Well, the one for today that is. My aunts and my mom took another look at my uncle and my mom just started crying really hard again. My aunt told me to go comfort my mom 'cause she was crying so much so I just went over and just let her know that everything's gonna be alright. Like, I don't know what to do in these situations. I rarely see my mom cry like this, or at all, and I don't like to see my mom like this. It's hard 'cause it's very emotional for my mom, she was holding his face and calling his name, and I just felt like, what do I do?

        And so, we left my mom to let her see my uncle in private. After that, my mom and aunts were talking to each other and some more people came and talked, most left, and like, my cousin and I (the one sitting next to me) were just sitting there and just waited for them to finish talking. Then we met a few other people and then we left. We then headed for my grandmother's house and instead of going g in my parents' car, I rode in my cousin's car. We stayed at our grabdmother's house for about an hour, relaxed, then decided to go see a movie. Better than sitting at home.

        So we decided to go see "Big Hero 6" and it turned out to be an alright movie. Bootleg how they combined Japanese stuff and just mashed some Western culture into it. Like, "San Fransokyo"? Is Japan really gonna a rule in the future? Probably. Hey, future Drew, if they do, tell me alright?

        The plot was alright, kinda like, stretched a bit, I mean, it wasn't that big of a deal for them to be superheroes in the first place. And spoilers in the rest of this paragraph by the way, but, I don't think like, destroying half the city just to ruin a dude's business and kill the guy, along with several other teens just because the rich dude killed his daughter? And the daughter wasn't even dead in the first place? The dude's kinda taking it over the top don't cha think?

        And what's with the trains? This is like the future with rocket-propelled robots and they're still using trains? What kind of future is this? Anyways, okay movie, nice characters, bootleg moments, plot was kinda bootleg, but overall, it was alright. I give it a 8/10. And sooo, after the movie, we went back to our grandmother's house, we were both super tired, we slept for like and hour, then ate dinner, then my cousin went home, and now I'm here with my 2 other cousins who came here about 2 hours ago.

        I'm not going to get much sleep for the next couple days. And oh my god, do I have a lot of work to do. And man, do I have a lot of work to catch up on when I get back. Oh, and yesterday night, I played "Town of Salem" with a couple of my buddies. Gosh darn, was that one of the most bootleg experiences I have ever been in on a game. Damn, was it bootleg. Anyways, yeah, there's actually going to be a part 3. Expect more saddening to happen. See you tomorrow.

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