Friday, May 8, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015 "Woooooo."

Thursday, May 7, 2015
Week: 38
Songs to Remember: K-Lubbing - SHIMMIXES

        Wooooo, it's 12:58 AM. I just spent like, 2 hours on a math project. How do I know that? I watched motherf***ing "Ratatouille" while doing it.

        Since it's already late, I'm tired but somehow not tired at the same time, might as well make this a real post. Alright, so World History was the usual. Just, worksheets. English was, the usual. Either discuss, read in class, or answer questions on a piece of paper. Today was the latter.

        Chemistry was ehhh. Just, reviewing work, aaand reviewing. 'Cause there's a test tomorrow. F***. Also people often ask me for help on problems on Chem. Not sure why, I mean, Chem is ehhhh. I'm not THAT good at Chem. Well, general Chem. An advanced math class helps, okay. P.E. Just, swimming. We're divided into groups, I'm in group 2. Out of 4. 4 being the most advanced. And then, there's math. The usual, lesson, and whatnot. Review work. Etc.

        Chinese class. We, had Chromebooks to start on our "skits", which were just audio recordings of a conversation in Chinese. But we had to have a script and scenario and whatever for it on a document. Also this is in pairs, and so, I'm with Zi. Since our group's lesson is on countries and languages, I suggested the airport, being the scenario. Then, at the end, after both the characters head to their flight, have the audio recording include a news broadcast of that Malaysian flight that went missing. A bit dark maybe, but hey, Zi enjoyed it. Just, some of the random s*** we did today.

        And now as for why I'm up this late (later than usual), I just finishes a math project. You know, that one where we had to write a story and include pictures and a diagram and whatnot? It took a lot longer than I thought. A lot. Even just looking at it, which was just 3 printed pages of paper, it doesn't look like 2 hours. But believe me, it was. I watched "Ratatouille" while doing the project. Just, to get in the mood. The story I decided to go with is me, as a chef, serving the teacher. She wants a slice of cake, but not just any cake. A 30-60-90 triangle shaped cake. I didn't really plan it well on how it was gonna be solved, and so, took a bit of improvising. And well, I finished at least. Ya see, I actually got it done without procrastinating even more 'cause I liked the subject matter of the project. We got free choice (mostly free) of what to write and whatever. If there were more stuff like that where I could sneak on bootleg puns and memes in, I'd waste less time on em'.

        Also the vice principal came into 3rd period today and my chem teacher whipped out a snake from the container. S*** was pretty funny. Also I still can't find my textbook. I suspect it being in 1st period still. Somewhere. Alright, time to go to bed. See you tomorrow.

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