Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015 "Will 1984 Quotes Be Relevant?"

Monday, May 18, 2015
Week: 40
Songs to Remember: Temperature Difference - Moon Shine

        So I was finishing up writing those 35 f***ing quotes from the book "1984" for English right, and I needed commentary ('cause it's my white-noise), and so I decided to listen to/watch CinemaSins' "Everything Wrong With Batman Forever in 18 Minutes or Less" and whadya know, he mentions the book "1984" in one of the sins. Coincidence? I think so.

        Alright, so the whole day was the same old, same old. In Chemistry, we had this bootleg- aww f***. I just remembered I had Chemistry work to finish. And it's 11:41 PM. I'll just do it tomorrow morning. Okay, as I was saying, in chemistry we had this bootleg lab thing. Not much of a lab, more like a visual representation of this, thing, where you flip over squares, 20% of them each time. And uh, yeah. We were supposed to get in groups of 2 or 3, so I was like "Ayy, wouldn't it be a good time to join Yn's group for this one?" (Yn's partner is that one gril who always asks me on Facebook for help on the Chem work).

        So I was like "Hey, can I work with you guys?" And uh, s***, I forgot her name. Starts with a J, I remember that. Uhhh, ah, okay, I just search "J" on Facebook. Thank you Facebook. Okay, so Jl (if I remember correctly) was like "Aight" and so we worked on the visual representation lab thingy and uh, yeah. That was it. I seriously had to remember her name just so that j could tell what she said, which was something along the lines of "Aight". God, these quotes are really getting to me.

        The reason why I am extremely tired right now is because I just finishes typing and searching up quotes from the book "1984" for this bootleg English journal. Not 10, not 20, but 35 quotes in total. Aaand not just any quotes, quotes that have to do with a certain category, like loniless, corruption, dehumanization, etc. A total of 7 categories, minimum of 5 quotes each. Yeah, I think I'll just stick with the minimum. I did 10 yesterday, and I thought I'd get 25 done easily today, but nope. Took me like 2 and a half hours. I had to either look through the book, search online, look up an online version of the book 'cause I didn't want to type the whole quote by hand (there were some long ones), find the chapter and section and paragraph, and explain each quote.

        Now, this was just a waste of time in my opinion. 2 hours of my life I'll never get back. This will never be relevant in my life whatsoever. But who knows? Years after this whole series thing, I'll come back and read this and I want future me to prove me wrong. I would love it if I somehow need this s*** in the future, these 35 quotes of George Orwell's book "1984", written in the early- to-mid 1900's. God, for all I know, I might be on a show like "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" and my final question would be "Which one of these was a quote about corruption from the book "1984"?" I'd be like "Damn, thank goodness I recorded those 35 quotes back in English 2A class.

        Alright, so I'm tired, I got a test tomorrow, I got unfinished work, I got studying to do tomorrow too, and uh, yeah. See you tomorrow.

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