Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Week: 30
Songs to Remember: Relationship Breakup - Dandi, Snow Kiss - Teen Top, Deja Boo - Jonghyun
Even when I finish all my work (and barely any work for that matter), I still procrastinate. Also (I forgot), happy birthday to my cousin, Dn (I think that's the name for her). She's had a tough time since her father's gone, but I wish her the best of lick and a successful career in doing what she loves (drawing btw). Yeah, her birthday was about, one or two days ago.
Anyways, finally a real post after a tiny hiatus. Starting off with World History. We had a test today, 20 questions multiple choice, 2 free-response, fairly easy. No notes for the multiple choice, but notes for the free-response. I wished she told us that yesterday (or if she did, I wished I remembered that she said it), otherwise I wouldn't have spent 10 minutes last night remembering causes for WW2. Always remember, treaty of Versailles, Germany, appeasement, and the League of Nations. And then there was English. We finishes the movie, "Yentl", today, so if you don't wanna see spoilers, skip the next paragraph.
Alright, so "Yentl". I was surprised to find out that this movie came out in the 1980's. Also, Barbra Streisand, hehe. Can't believe she was the director and producer of it. Like seriously, the credits were just "Directed by Barbra Streisand, Producers, Barbra Streisand, Starring Barbra Streisand". Now for the story: it was alright. It's about a girl who dresses up like a boy to pursue studies in this religious thing after her father dies. A lot of hypocrites in the movie like Avigdor. Umm, the singing was not really necessary, was just awkward at times. Either make it all singing, or just leave it out. But I gotta say, there were some bootleg scenes, like when Yentl was asked "Lemon or milk?" for her tea. She replies "YES". Best answer for every question. Also, bootleg sex scene. Yentl and Hadass (who was supposed to be Avigdor's fiance) get drunk and throw pillows around the room. Hadass's parents walk by, hear a ton of laughter, see stuff flying around from outside the room and was like "You tell me" to his wife. He expects grandsons and granddaughters so, he was all just "Well, looks like they're definitely having at it". Bootleg. Scene.
Alright, back to real stuff. Umm, yeah, that was English. Chemistry was the usual. We had a sub today, it was none other than that dude, Mr.K, who sub's regularly at our school. Cool dude. Uhh, we just did a worksheet on reactions again, you know, like combustion reactions, displacements, synthesis, etc. After the bell rang, I was still packing up my stuff, Mr.K said something about the weather and I just thought "Wait, who? Me? Oh he's talking to me" so I respond with "Uhh yeah, these mornings are fairly colder now" PR something like that. I guess the weather's a good topic too.
Today, there was a scheduled earthquake drill for 4th period. Except our teacher didn't tell us about it, so I brought my clothes bag for nothing today (just a cinch bag actually). We just sat at the football field for the whole period. I was like "Really? Ya'll just had to do it today, which was the day we're supposed to do cardio. Now it's gonna be more weights than cardio". Luckily, it gave me time to study some more for the math test. And, I gotta say, it did make a difference those extra, what? 25 minutes maybe? Not bad.
And then, math. Yes, the biggie test. I asked a couple of my buddies how they did on it and one of them was like "It was pretty long, longer than usual, I skipped most of the problems, then went back to them and I guessed on a couple". So I'm just like "F***". The other was like "It was pretty easy. Just focus on logs and natural logs". So I'm like "Okay". Since today was Tuesday, we had SSR (basically homeroom, except at the beginning of 5th period). That gave me some extra time to study, especially on the logs stuff to make sure I'm doing it right, and that helped ALOT. Th teacher passed out the tests and right after I write my name, I look at the first page. The problems did not look like the ones from our work. I'm like "Aight then. F***".
I did like, one on the front page where I could figure out, then I just skipped the whole front page. Went to the 2nd, was a bit easier, did most of them, skipped the rest, then went to the 3rd page. Saw a graph, some multiple choice, and an inverse function. I'm like "Aight". Did those, skipped some, went back to 2nd, did some of those, went to the front page again, did those, then went back to the 3rd page and did the inverse function problem. I graph it, then look at the problem again. I wrote it wrong. I put the minus sign too close to the one, thinking that it's part of the denominator I'm dealing with instead of the lone 1. So I f***ed up the graph, erased, redid it. Went back to the rest, finished the ones I skipped, started on the word problem, wondering if I did it right, hopefully I did it right, and right now, I'm hoping for the partial credit. At least, 80% please. At least.
So yeah, probably the hardest test so far in math for me. Besides that one test with the bootleg common core s*** or whatever. That was just plain bs. Anyways, Chinese. Nope, not over yet for the tests and quizzes. Vocabulary quiz, and this time, I was prepared. I studied last night, covered the definitions and pronunciation, read over the words, and memorized the characters and definitions. On the quiz though, I remembered a majorii of the words. Wasn't what I expected the words to be on it though. It always a happens. But, I did end up with a 16/20 (the quiz had a total of 10 words, 2 points each). Not bad for these types of quizzes. And then uh, I finished work in class, read some more stuff, doing the lesson recording tomorrow (where you gotta record yourself reading the textbook), and uh, yeah.
Today I actually saw Yue as I was walking a different route going to the back of the school. I was waving high and she didn't notice me until a couple seconds after and she had like an "Oh hey!" expression on her face. And also a smile. Yes it was contagious. And yes, I remember every smile I see. Still wondering when we're gonna do that photoshoot for social media. Anyways, a bit more updates soon, bootleg stories, hobbies, work, etc. I'll talk about it when my hand recovers from aching in this position of holding my phone for about an hour straight. See you tomorrow.
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