Week: Summer
Songs to Remember: Dou Kangaete mo Watashi ga Waruku Nai - Kitta Izumi
Oh hey, I almost forgot to write something for today too. It's weird because I'm not really doing much all day. Maybe I become too distracted at doing nothing.
So, apparently it's already Wednesday. Is it really Wednesd- oh my god it's already Wednesday. Good, and bad, but more good than bad. Good, in that I'll be going home in about 4-5 days. Bad, in that I won't be able to have this kind of privacy until, oh, about 5 more months when I come back hereto my grandmother's house for Christmas.
And the water here tastes pretty different. People are like "Oh, water taste like nothing". But then there's like, so many different kinds of water with different kinds of tastes. Is there even names for the tastes of different waters? First world problems.
So what was I gonna talk about? Right. So after I've given up (I tried okay, I'm no quitter. Unless it comes to a quitting competition, then I am one) on making 2 games, one un-finished and one only tested for a game mechanic, I decided to spend my time uhh, looking for new anime to watch. Is the plural form of anime "anime", or "anime's"? I think it's "anime".
I came across this anime called "WataMote" and I was like "Heeey, it's that one girl whom I've seen in so many forum avatars but have no idea where she's from!" Aaand then I decided since creating a game would take a bit too... long I guess, considering I'm doing it by myself, I decided I might want to do a web-comic. No story really, just whatever I think is funny.
Then I remembered about all the stupid- wait. Wasn't I supposed to talk about something from Facenovel today? Aaand I just remembered so a girl posted "TBH"'s to a bunch of people on Facenovel just because some person revived her "Like for TBH" post from 2013 on Facenovel. There. That was it. So as I was saying:
With all the stupid and "WTF" statuses, posts, pictures, comments, and whatnot that I've screenshotted and saved into this folder on my desktop from Facenovel, YouTube, and Tumblr, I decided to base my web-comic on those. I'll make like a short 6-panel comic strip illustrating that post or whatever. If I think it's funny, I'm making it.
Sooo, uhhh, watched re-watched half of "Inglorious Basterds" with my cousin, and uhhh, kinda tried to work on my game, but then was like "Nahhh", then looked up some anime and here I am typing at 10:59 PM.
Tomorrow I'll probably watch some "Mekakucity Actors" (an anime by the way) and Running Man, then I'll work on the first of my web-comic. Hopefully it won't be too hard, considering it's just squares and squiggles. Because that's Geometry for ya, squares and squiggles. See you tomorrow.
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