Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Week: Summer
Songs to Remember: Night and Day - Wheesung
Wait, what was I gonna say? I always, and I mean I always forget what I was going to write when I'm writing these things.
So these past 2 days I've gotten the best sleep I've ever had in like, a long time. I think it's because my room back home is too big. Or maybe because of the privacy I get in the room I'm in now. My room at home has 2 glass doors, a window to the kitchen, and a sliding glass door to the backyard. Yeah, nothing I could really hide in that room.
Also, today I emailed that one girl who's in charge of the whole math tutoring thing, I emailed her about how I will not be able to be at the tutoring thing on Friday (this Friday) since my dad isn't driving my mom and I home until Sunday (in which I hopefully get a phone by then).
Aaand, this one girl on Facenovel (who went to my middle school and is going to be a freshman this upcoming year, and is into K-Pop mhmm) changed her cover photo into a picture of that one dude from The Purge: Anarchy with the "god" mask. Yeah I commented on it, saying how it's "10 days 'till Anarchy". And she's all like "Yes! xD" and that makes me feel a lot better for not regretting doing that.
You know, sometimes I contemplate (like I just did one paragraph ago) on whether I want to write about something or not, or really, to type it up or not. I think about whether it's too creepy or stalker-ish or just plain overly embarrassing, but then I'm just like "Wait, I'm supposed to talk about what's going through my 15 year old mind"... And the fact that everything I've written so far is already pretty stalker-ish and creepy so it's just whatever, I mean, I've already talked about what people post on their Facenovels and girls in my classes. So, whatever.
So the game I was working on, I've kinda lost motivation and interest in making it, sooo, I've decided to create a whole new one. It's a good challenge for a 15 year-old mind. Oh, and today I played Adventure Time: Battle Party (a moba which looks very similar to League; actually, scratch that- it's League of Legends re-skinned into Adventure Time and Adventure Time characters) with my cousins (over Skype that is). Fun game though, and broken.
And so, I will see you tomorrow. And how I'm going to talk about how this girl is doing "TBH"'s on Facenovel after someone commented on their April 2013 "Like for a TBH" post. As you can see, whatever I talk about is already considered stalker-ish.
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